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I get fast very very fast?

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Hello, i downloaded 0.90 Beta and i downloaded Deadly-Reentry,kerbal Engenieer Redux,FAR and KAS.And now when i fly a Command Pod MK1,a RT-10booster and a parachute staight up in the air i can go up to 40000m and get 1000m/s fast?I dont think that is right?:huh:

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I've noted the same but I believe its to do with FAR, as it changes aerodynamics to be more realistic, I just accepted it and moved along.

if i had to be all scientific about it i would say its a relatively small cone with alot of thrust under it and a very stabile flight path and practically 0 drag so it actually should do that.

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Hello, i downloaded 0.90 Beta and i downloaded Deadly-Reentry,kerbal Engenieer Redux,FAR and KAS.And now when i fly a Command Pod MK1,a RT-10booster and a parachute staight up in the air i can go up to 40000m and get 1000m/s fast?I dont think that is right?:huh:

That's what happens when you replace soup with atmosphere. In stock, crazily high atmospheric drag forces low ascent speed (~terminal velocity for 10km), whereas in FAR, it's nigh-impossible to even approach terminal velocity on ascent.

Speaking of, my typical advice for FAR ascents.

Design: Aim for 1.2-1.6 TWR. A low TWR is probably going to waste an unusually large amount of dV on ascent, while it is very frustrating to wrestle high-TWR rockets onto a proper gravity turn. Also, fins: Have them, and have them on the bottom. They confer a lot of stability by pulling center-of-pressure (AKA center-of-lift) behind center-of-mass.

Launch: Go full-throttle up until you hit about 60-100 m/s. At that point, make a 2-5 degree turn eastwards (sharper and earlier for high TWR rockets). Let your prograde marker catch up to your rocket orientation.

Gravity turn: Look Ma, no hands! Assuming you have an aerodynamically stable rocket (with fins, basically), aerodynamic stability will keep you pointed prograde all the way through to upper atmosphere. Be careful here: an overly sharp correction could cause your rocket to spin out and explode: stay within ~2-5 degrees of prograde.

Upper atmosphere: Once you're at 35-60 km (depending on whether you have Real Solar System installed), you can start taking more manual control of your rocket. I suggest controlling pitch to keep tAP (time to apoapsis) in the 10-30 second range: that will describe a gentle ascent which spends most of its thrust circularizing. Too high, and you'll waste dV going up too quickly, and too low, and you will spend too long in Atmosphere Town.

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