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Kron series (Kron 6 end of mission) - temporary halt of program


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The ship has been finally loaded with liquid fuel and is ready for departure. The crew is still on Kerbin.

Here is the data on Kron 6.




Take the delta v reading with a grain of salt. It's gonna change because the ship is modular.

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The vessel is called Kalium. It's an SSTO capable of returning to Kerbin from LKO. It's also capable of reaching the ship, but in extremely tight margins. A bit more fuel and a better ascent profile is needed.



Jebediah took it for a test ride and saw these, too. Actual layers of Kerbin's atmosphere.


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The crew has been delivered, but not using that SSTO because getting up to 170 km isn't easy. Rocket with a pod ship called Rubik was used.




View from the pod window was interesting, with Minmus in the distance.



Docking went fine, although at few FPS, it's not exactly entertaining.



Rubik was later thrown into the atmosphere.



Anyway, the ship has started firing to get away from Kerbin.

This is its booster giving it 88 m/s at TWR of 0.1, extending the apoapsis from 170 to 300 km.



The main engines will fire several times. Right now they've lifted the apoapsis to 900 km. The crew has been transfered into the safe module (cryo-chamber) which is completely shielded.


Kerty is operating the burns.


Four LV-NB engines were probably a good idea because TWR was 0.11, compared to usual 0.04.



As usual, Mun will probably be able to help, too.

Edited by lajoswinkler
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Turns out Mun didn't help anything, but that's ok. There's lots of fuel in the ship.

The ship has achieved second cosmic speed and is now leaving Kerbin's sphere of influence. Only the first set of three tanks has been jettisoned.



Jebediah exited through the airlock (SXT) to check the ship's greenhouse.




The food is growing fine.



By the way, these are the habitable areas of the ship, excluding the airlock which is in the background.



Indeed, the crew will go to cryonic sleep after the burns are finished.

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Status update. The ship left Kerbin's SOI and immediately afterwards corrected its relative inclination by using little over 1100 m/s.


The crew went to their cryopods while being extra creepy.




Kron 6 now lacks entire lower row of tanks.



Nobody is awake now and the ship falls silently around Kerbol, while Kerty is waiting for the execution of the maneuver node that will place the ship on a trajectory to Plock. Estimated time of travel will be somewhat over 2 years. Definitively less than three.


Already one coronal mass ejection occured. Nothing and nobody got fried.

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Here's a little update on a mission that investigated Plockian system before Kerbals went there - Kaos 3.

As you can see here, it will take a while to reach the heliopause.



Luckily, it just happened that, after installing new Kerbalism, the tail of the heliopause wasn't in the way, so the probe has the best trajectory to test this phenomenon.

Kerbals will be home long before it reaches this border. Also, its current condition is manageable. Energy generation is down to 37.5 %.

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Kron 6 mission update

Transplockian injection burn is complete. All but the highest set of tanks has been spent.



Time to periapsis of Plock is two years and 188 days.



The ship will pass less than 25 km above its south pole.





With its folded radiators and centrifugal module, it's now ready to coast like a cannonball to its destination.



At the destination, the four engines will use their collective higher TWR to brake down, and then the radial ones will be disposed of.

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16 hours ago, DMSP said:

Wow, you must be traveling extremely fast. I'm worried about that capture burn!

I'll check the maximum speed at Kerbol periapsis.


16 hours ago, KAL 9000 said:

Could Kerty open non-essential comms for a day or two? I'll need to tell the probes to enter hibernation mode. You're looking good! It's awesome to see your progress!

Of course.

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Ok, um... Probe PPMTL-B01: Initiate hibernation procedure J27-Delta. Probe PPMTL-K01: Initiate hibernation procedure J27-Delta as well. Both probes: send all RTG power except for the power necessary for your computer core, communications with Kron 6, and thermal control to Kron 6. Kerty can have a snack of the extra electricity.

Edited by KAL 9000
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On 8/19/2016 at 11:14 PM, KAL 9000 said:

Ok, um... Probe PPMTL-B01: Initiate hibernation procedure J27-Delta. Probe PPMTL-K01: Initiate hibernation procedure J27-Delta as well. Both probes: send all RTG power except for the power necessary for your computer core, communications with Kron 6, and thermal control to Kron 6. Kerty can have a snack of the extra electricity.


PPMTL-B01.......... hibernating

PPMTL-K01.......... hibernating

Kerty..................... standby mode


Kron 6 has reached its solar periapsis.


Its speed is 14449.7 m/s, having 390.08 tonnes which means 62.5% of the mass has been dumped.

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