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It is confirmed Enceladus(Moon) has water below its surface.


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Well new research has confirmed it.

Do you expect a probe to be on the moon?

I just googled the moon for a report then that showed up.

I don\'t expect intelligent lifeforms, though.

I do expect microscopic life.

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How would the amount of sunlight and strength of gravity have anything to do with water being present?


Capt\'n Skunky

Sunlight would be warmth...

Gravity to keep the water on the moon.

Of course it spews out in particles and stuff.

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When you\'re talking \'bout water underneath the surface, then geothermal stuff matters. Also, the tides of the planet can stretch the entire moon, causing friction and thus heat (which is the reason for Io\'s vulcanism)

So, if Enceladus has sufficient geothermal activity, then liquid water is possible below the surface, no matter how much sunlight it receives.

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They have been known this since 2005 when they got a picture of it. :P

Not exactly they were particles of water...

That could of been sign of past water...

(Like Mars may have if we ever get a person up there with our budget for space travel now.)

We found the water getting squeezed out is actual proof..

So maybe Europa has water...

Of course that is a maybe, that place looks to be a frozen waste land.

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