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Minmus transfer without maneuver nodes

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How does one go about doing trans-Minmus injection from LKO without maneuver nodes? I have a level 1 tracking station. I know for the Mun the idea is "wait until Munrise", but for Minmus, well, things are different. My orbit is 94kmx115km. My inclination is 3 degrees, with my nodes not aligned with

What kind of ship is this? It's just a simple LV-909 ship with almost 2300 m/s of delta-v left. It was launched using a jet-powered first stage and a LV-T30 powered second stage.

I'm probably going to use it for a Munar orbit mission, but I might send a modified version to Minmus, so I'd like to know this. (My calculations show I should have enough fuel to get to Munar orbit and back from LKO, so hopefully my current mission will succeed.)

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Same idea, but you have to eyeball the angle from the orbital map. If you can 'see' how mun lines up, do the same with Minmus. Burn out to just before the orbit for your Apo. When you get there, guess. :) Small Radial/anti-radial burns can help move your apo back and forth some if you want to try to get it better lined up.

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You can line up minmus's orbit on the map so it's a perfectly flat, straight line (rather than a big circle/ellipse), while your own orbit is as well (may take a bit of trial and error to find that point). That'll tell you where your ascending/descending nodes are, which will let you do the plane change burn without maneuver nodes. To actually get to Minmus, you want to aim to have your apoapsis about 90 degrees ahead of where Minmus currently is in its orbit. The rest should be quite straightforward :)

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