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Custom IVA editor

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Right now, the game's IVA is lacking so much from what it could be. It's just meant to give a first person view of the flight. Even in the modules with controls, all you can do is push the throttle up and down. So, how do you make the inside of a craft more interactive to the player? You have them build it themselves!!!:D

Custom editing

When you add a crew module to a ship you're building, the part's GUI has an option to go to the IVA editor. When you open the editor, it brings up a model of the part, and any modules directly attached to it (docking ports, antennae, etc.). In the parts tab, there are props that you can put onto (or build into) the inner walls of the module. Aside from an aesthetic look on the inside, the parts can be interacted with by the player in some way. For instance, you can add Velcro foot stations to hold a player in place like a seat; or wall handles that a kerbal can use to move around. If you don't really care about the inside (or you still like the old look), they take on the original IVA look if you don't edit the inside.

What you can do with it

After you've edited your ship, the parts help you out in-flight. Kerbals aren't bolted to the walls anymore, and you can move from place to place in IVA mode with the arrow keys. When a docking port is added onto the ship, it adds a tunnel/hatch in the wall that you can use to move between parts. Also, different experiments in a science module now have the option to be done by hand (although doing it from external view is still an option). If you guys do decide to put oxygen, food, and water in as resources in the game, it gives the player the opportunity to interact with props that can produce it (a garden, air scrubbers, water purifier, etc.).

Tell me what you guys think. Suggestions can go a long way.:cool:

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I ain't going to sugar coat it but this asking a lot, just for IVA views which are still 50% missing from the game.

Your essentially asking for a way to "build" IVA views just like space crafts, well thats going to need nearly half the game remade just for IVA. You'll need to create a way to edit this, view this, and then maneuver around in the IVA view.

Its just to much. I always liked the idea of moving around in IVA or interacting with your environment more, but doing such is almost impossible to do when the game is "build it yourself" like KSP. What if a docking port is connected by a construction strut? IE a kerbal has no logical way to get through it. Right now they can do it with the transfer button, but all the logic is thrown out just for gameplay sake.

Its a cool idea, but just as its been suggested many times before its just nearly impossible to implement.

I'd rather look forward to implementations of all IVA views, and stock Multi-functional-displays for those looking for a more impressive experiences.(real hard mode means no 3rd person view ;P) But outside of that, Kerbals already have a tough time walking around in EVA without summoning the kraken. Telling them to go bounce around in a player made internal space craft space is really asking for it1

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I ain't going to sugar coat it but this asking a lot, just for IVA views which are still 50% missing from the game.

Your essentially asking for a way to "build" IVA views just like space crafts, well thats going to need nearly half the game remade just for IVA. You'll need to create a way to edit this, view this, and then maneuver around in the IVA view.

Its just to much. I always liked the idea of moving around in IVA or interacting with your environment more, but doing such is almost impossible to do when the game is "build it yourself" like KSP. What if a docking port is connected by a construction strut? IE a kerbal has no logical way to get through it. Right now they can do it with the transfer button, but all the logic is thrown out just for gameplay sake.

Its a cool idea, but just as its been suggested many times before its just nearly impossible to implement.

I'd rather look forward to implementations of all IVA views, and stock Multi-functional-displays for those looking for a more impressive experiences.(real hard mode means no 3rd person view ;P) But outside of that, Kerbals already have a tough time walking around in EVA without summoning the kraken. Telling them to go bounce around in a player made internal space craft space is really asking for it1

EVA for transferring Kerbals via impassible docking ports is sort of implied. KSP is still in its infancy, I have a feeling complete IVA space journeys will be possible later. It's just that the game program architecture isn't complete enough yet to support all parts with IVAs, and interconnectedness. Making a reasonably sized space station would be awesome, if you can explore space from a vessel in space in a universe in a game in a computer in a room on a planet in space.

Let squad finish the major stuff, like career mode, and game memory management; before adding something as cool, and as moderately useful, as IVA interconnectedness.

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