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Fails to switch screens properly on space center view

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Today there seems to have been some hiccup when I was hiring a new kerbonaut. I clicked into the kerbs complex and when I went out of it it took me back to the main view of the space center. But it was still playing the music like I was in the kerb complex. I wasn't able to click on any of the buildings, I was stuck. So I closed out KSP and tried re-entering it.

Since then it's been just weird and unusable. I can mouse over most buildings, but can't click on them. I did manage to click on the tech center and got in there, but when I clicked to exit the tech center it didn't leave, and now when I click on exit the tech center I'm getting the exit to the main menu option. Something is totally out of wack here.

This screen shot should not be possible if things were in working order.


Here's the save file for it if that's useful:



- KerbalEngineer (already installed before the issue)

- Kerbal Alarm Clock (already installed before the issue)

- Time control (installed exactly when this happened, removed it, same result)

- No other mods

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Could be a corrupted save, can you reproduce this on a new save? If there's repro steps it'd make it easier to figure out what is going on (and how to avoid it)

There's no sure way to reproduce it that I know of. I just restored from backups to get a working version again.

Something similar just happen again as I was returning from the Mun.

I crashed a mun landing next to another kerbonaut that I was trying to land next to (hard mode, no save points), it switched control to the guy on EVA on the mun, when I went back to the space center I get the music like I'm in the space center, and some of the controls (like exit), but all I see in the viewport is stars (the view the moment before it switched). It seems like some updates aren't getting completed in the transition between scenes.

The best I can offer for reproducing it is an upload of the whole environment. In the second case (the one shown here), exiting the game and re-entering it fixed it. The first case was not fixed by exiting/reentering. So I imagine these two issues are not related.


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I'm just seeing a lot of small hiccups switching screens in the space center. Today I was killing debris in the tracking center. After doing so it simply won't leave the tracking center, the 'Back' button (upper right) does nothing, clicking it simply doesn't work. In fact all buttons don't work, I can't fly any existing vessels. I can still interact with the screen, zoom, pan, targeting vessels, filtering buttons all work, but 'Fly', 'Back' those don't do anything.

I can't reliably reproduce any of these issues. Is there anything I can do to get more actionable information when these things occur? I'm trying F12 for the debug menu right now, but it's not coming up (not sure if it even should on this screen, I don't use it often).


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Another quick example. I just closed out of the last KSP session and opened it again. Went straight to the contracts building, accepted a contract, clicked 'Back (top right)' and you can see the icons for the main screen enabled (notice in the top right, they're half hidden under the other UI components from the contracts screen). At that point I wasn't able to navigate any more and had to restart again.


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I figured out this problem at least. My backups weren't recent enough, so I started deleting stuff out of the persist file until it worked. I discovered that there were 2 references to Newton Kerman who doesn't exist in the roster list. Not sure how he dissapeared from the roster list, but it seemes like it probably occurred while I was deleting stranded vessels and debris in the tracking station.

I removed the following two references (just the name in the ReturnFromOrbit, and the entire CONTRACT_FINISHED section) and things kicked back into gear.



completed = 33497.5947933089



name = Untitled Space Craft

flag = Squad/Flags/default




crews = Algel Kerman, Newton Kerman





guid = f27f7821-1558-4f04-b556-ff4d8dd3e4b6

type = RescueKerbal

prestige = 1

seed = -858271285

state = Completed

agent = Kerbal Motion LLC

deadlineType = Floating

expiryType = Floating

values = 43200,46008000,7500,30000,7500,0,15,50,48381.361987322,5188.28198732214,46013188.2819873,33532.9547933032

body = 1

kerbalName = Newton Kerman



name = BoardAnyVessel

id = Board

enabled = False

state = Complete

values = 0,0,0,0,0

title = Get Newton Kerman aboard a vessel

failOn = Any

winOn = All




name = RecoverKerbal

id = Recover

enabled = False

state = Complete

values = 0,0,0,0,0

title = Return Home and Recover Newton Kerman

failOn = All

winOn = All



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Good to see you found it. For anyone else with a similar issue, I've also had the first screenshot happen when removing a mod that had an offered or active contract. Switching back to the space centre view would get as far as rendering the buttons, then fail to draw the main scene. The fix was the same as you've done; delete the relevant contract from the save file :)

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FYI - just lost all active and completed contracts today. There definitely seem to be issues with safely writing the persistence file. Restoring that section from backups.

Also still seeing a lot of cases when I switch back to KSC view and buttons and music come up but the view is stars, or garbled blueishness. Probably two separate issues, but they're both quite prevalent in 0.90 (restarts fix these).

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