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Big Kerbie's Space Program

Big Kerbie

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Hello all! This will be my blog about the adventures through the Kerbal System. I am a relative new comer to KSP, but I am loving the game! I got started with 23.5 and am now up to date with 0.90. I really never got all that far before the 0.90 Beta got released. Just to land and return Kerbals from Mun and Minmus. I was working on an Eve flyby ship with a remote lander and rover, but now I'm back to the basics working back to that. One of the things I just love about the game is how much realism you can add. I like the mods, even though I think they make the game much harder. I am running quite a few. Active Texture Management, Advanced Jet Engine, Aviation Lights, B9 (even though it hasn't been updated to .90 yet), Chatterer, Community Resource Pack, Dangit!, Deadly Reentry, DMagic Orbital Science, EVE, Ferram Aerospace Research, JSI, KAS, KAX, Kerbal Engineer, KW Rocketry, Mission Controller, Modular Rocket Systems, NavyFish's Docking Port Alignment Tool, NovaPunch2, Regolith, Remote Tech, ScanSat, Hot Rockets, Station Science, TAC Lifesupport, Texture Replacer, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Tweak Scale, and finally UBI's MKS/OKS and Exploration Pack.

I will on occasion revert a mission if I am not successful in accomplishing my goals. I am no rocket scientist. Mistakes will happen. Kerbals will die. I won't save them all, but I will keep at it. Going to try to keep it to two launches per game day.

My goals are to 1) land a Kerbal on every planet in the game save for Jool and bring him or her back safely to Kerbin, 2) build a space station devoted to science in Kerbin Orbit, 3) Build a mobile Space Station/Planetary Explorer to go to every planet in the game, and 4) Build a colony on every planet save for Jool.

Lofty goals, but not without reach. Time will be my limiting factor. Please feel free to add any comments to this blog. Thanks for reading!

Year 1, Day 1

Starting Kredits 200,000

Starting Science 0

Starting Reputation 0

Hired two Kerbonauts: Pilot Lanzor Kerman, Engineer Dansel Kerman.

First Mission:

Contracts: Launch a New Vessel (Freedom I), Reach 5000 meters

Vessel Freedom I: MkI Command Pod (monoprop removed), Communotron 16, Mk16 parachute, RT-10 SRB (49% thrust, 88.2 fuel), Crew: Pilot Jebediah Kerman

Success! Both Contracts fulfilled. Max height 9400 meters. Science gained: 31.4. Jebediah gained 1 XP

Science Gains: Unlocked Basic Rocketry and Survivability for a cost of 20 science

Activated Outsourced R&D at the Admin Building at 10% commitment level.

Second Mission:

Contracts: Test the M-38 Unmanned Guidance Unit Landed, Test the TR-18A decoupler landed

Vessel HAL 1000: M-38 UGU, Communotron 16, TR-18A Decoupler, Mystery Goo Container, Crew: None

Success! Both Contracts fulfilled. Max height 67 meters (the height of the launch pad). Science gained: 3

Year 1, Day 2

Starting Kredits: 177699

Starting Science: 20.3

Starting Reputation: its too small for me to read...more than 0

Third Mission:

Contracts: Reach 11000 Meters, Test the Advanced Solid Booster - mini Landed

Vessel Freedom II: Mk I Command Pod, Stack Mounted Parachute, two radial drogue chutes, nanocone rcs mk I, communotron 16, UP13 decoupler, Advanced Solid Booster - Mini (49% thrust, 111.3 fuel), Mystery Goo Container, Crew: Pilot Lanzor Kerman

Partial Success! One Contract fulfilled (test the ASB-Mini). Max Height 7400 meters. Science gained: 11.7. Lanzor Kerman gained 1 XP

Notes: Not enough fuel to reach the altitude mark.

Science Gains: Unlocked Stability (18 Science) and General Rocketry (20 Science)

Fourth Mission:

Contracts: Reach 11000 Meters, Test the KMX Industries MiniBooster Landed

Vessel Freedom II-B: Mk I Command Pod, Stack Mounted Parachute, Two radial drogue chutes, nanocone RCS Mk I, Communotron 16, UP13 decoupler, KMX MiniBooster (100% thrust, Full Fuel), Mystery Goo Container, Crew: Engineer Bill Kerman

Partial Success! One Contract fulfilled (test the KMX MiniBooster). Max Height 7900 meters. Science gained: 4.1 (12.1 total). Bill Kerman gained 1 XP

Notes: Bill is no pilot. But given there were no fins on this rocket control was minimal. This launch probably could have made the 11000 meter mark had we gone up instead of sideways.

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Year 1, Day 3

Starting Kredits: 177039

Starting Science: 12.1

Starting Reputation: more than 0

Fifth Mission:

Contracts: Reach 11000 meters, Test the SL-55 Aero Decoupler landed

Vessel Freedom II-C: Mk I Command Pod (monoprop removed), MRS S1-RC Rounded Nose Cone, Stack Parachute, Two radial drogue chutes, Communotron 16, Mystery Goo Container, UP13 decoupler, RT-10 SRB (49% thrust, 161.2 fuel), two SL-55 Aero Decouplers, four AV-T1 Winglets, Crew: Scientist Bob Kerman

Success! Both Contracts fulfilled. Max Height 13000 meters. Science Gained: 6 (47 total), Reputation Gained: 0 (65 total), Bob Kerman gained 1 XP

Notes: flies much better with fins!

Science Gains: Unlocked Science Tech for 45 Science

Sixth Mission:

Contracts: Reach 22000 meters, Test the Advanced Solid Rocket Booster - Lite Landed

Vessel Freedom II-D: Mk I Command Pod (monoprop removed), MRS S1-RC Rounded Nose Cone, Stack Parachute, Two radial drogue chutes, DTS-M1, two Mystery Goo Container, SC9001 Science Jr, Heat Shield, UP13 Depoupler, Advanced SRB-Lite (49.5% thrust, 395 fuel), four AV-T1 Winglets, Crew: Engineer Dansel Kerman

Success! Both Contracts fulfilled Max Height 22000 meters. Science Gained: 11.1 (63 total), Reputation Gained: 0 (134 total), Dansel Kerman gained 1 XP

Notes: Lost the materials bay on landing at the grasslands. This SRB can probably carry us to an orbit altitude, but control will be an issue if we don't have a SAS unit for more torque.

Science Gains: Unlocked Flight Control for 45 Science

Year 1, Day 4

Starting Kredits: 186716

Starting Science: 18.9

Starting Reputation: 134

Seventh Mission:

Contracts: Test TT18-A Launch Stability Enhancer Landed, Reach 33000 meters

Vessel Freedom II-E: Mk I Mk I Command Pod (monoprop removed), MRS S1-RC Rounded Nose Cone, Stack Parachute, Two radial drogue chutes, DTS-M1, two Mystery Goo Container, SC9001 Science Jr, Heat Shield, UP13 Depoupler, Advanced SRB-Lite (49.5% thrust, 501 fuel), four AV-T1 Winglets, Two TT18-A Launch Stability Enhancers, Crew: Pilot Jebediah Kerman

Success! Both Contracts fulfilled. Max Height 35000 meters. Science Gained: 38.1 (131 total), Reputation Gained: 0 (total 234). No XP for Jeb

Notes: Water landing saved the materials bay and both goo containers. The drogue chutes are working great. No need for the extra heat shield yet.

Science Gains: Unlocked General Construction and Advanced Rocketry for 90 science

Eighth Mission:

Contracts: Test Strap-on liquid booster Landed, Reach 56000 meters

Vessel Freedom II-F: Mk I Mk I Command Pod (monoprop removed), MRS S1-RC Rounded Nose Cone, Stack Parachute, Two radial drogue chutes, DTS-M1, two Mystery Goo Container, SC9001 Science Jr, Heat Shield, UP13 Depoupler, Advanced SRB-Lite (49.5% thrust, 599 fuel), four Strap-on Liquid Boosters (100% thrust, 18 L, 22 O), four AV-T1 Winglets, Two TT18-A Launch Stability Enhancers, Crew: Pilot Lanzor Kerman

Success! Both Contracts fulfilled. Max Height 67000 meters. Science Gained: 5.4 (178 total), Reputation Gained: 0 (total 440). No XP for Lanzor

Science Gains: Unlocked Electrics for 90 science

Upgraded Admin Building to Level 2, Upgraded Mission Control to Level 2

Activated Fund Raising Campaign at the Admin Building at 10%

Year 1, Day 5

9th Mission:

Contracts: Test LM-01 Thor Ascent Package Landed, Test Rockomax 48-7S Landed

Vessel: UGU Engine Tester: M-38 UGU, Reflectron DP-10, LM-01 Thor Ascent Package, 48-7S, TT18-A Launch Stability Enhancer

Success! Both Contracts fulfilled. Max Height 67 meters (tested at the runway). Science Gained: 0 (232.6 total). Reputation Gained: some.

Notes: First use of the hangar to build anything. Easy test run here. Just for the cash and science.

Science Gains: Unlocked Space Exploration and Landing for 180 science

10th Mission:

Contracts: Launch of Vostok I, Escape the Atmosphere, Orbit Kerbin

Vessel: Freedom III: Mk I Command Pod, 4 OX-Stat solar panels, DTS-1M, 2Hot thermometer, 2 radial drogue chutes, stack mounted chute, Z-200 rechargeable battery, nanocone RCS Mk I, UP13 decoupler, Two KW Rocketry SA-4 LFT fuel tanks (full), 4 strap on liquid boosters, 4 SW Stabilators 2.3x1.6m, 1 SLS-125 Bearcat engine, two TT18-A LSE, Crew: Pilot Jeb Kerman

Success! All Three Contracts fulfilled. Orbit achieved. Science Gained: 25.5 (596 total). Reputation Gained: 0 (541 total). Pilot Jeb Kerman gained 1 XP and was promoted to Pilot 1.

Notes: Woo Hoo! We have made it to space for the first time! The strap on boosters didn't add anything to this flight except weight in the end. Glad I had the RCS nosecone because we wouldn't have made it back otherwise.

Science Gains: Heavy Rocketry, Fuel Systems, Advanced Construction, Aerodynamics, Advanced Flight Control. This is it until I upgrade the labs.

Upgraded Launch Pad to Level 2 and the Astronaut Complex to Level 2.

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Yea for me and the Kerbal Space Program! With the first manned orbital launch, we have moved the program forward very far. But, we now need Kredits to level up the rest of the Space Center to Level 2. That means Contracts that pay well but don't take an arm and a leg to get off the ground. We will concentrate for now on Kerbin based contracts until we can get the Center leveled up. Once that happens, we will deploy a constellation of communication satellites as well as science satellites that can map the surface of Kerbin. From there, we will make our way to our closest neighbor, the Mun. Unmanned first. Mapping, a flyby with return, then a lander, then a return lander, then a manned excursion to the surface.

In the meantime...time to grind!

Year 1, Day 6

Starting Kredits: 185094

Starting Science: 101.0

Starting Reputation: 500 something

Hired more Kerbonauts: Pilot Lodzor Kerman, Engineer Aluki Kerman, Scientist Gusgard Kerman, and Scientist Luke Kerman

11th Mission:

Contracts: Test Advanced Solid Booster - Lite Landed, Test LV-1R landed

Vessel: UGU Test Stand: M-38 UGU, DP-10 antenna, KW BX-S Battery Bank, 2Hot Thermometer, FL-T100 Fuel Tank (full), Magnetometer Boom, LV-1R engine, Advanced Solid Booster-Lite (100%thrust, 102 fuel), TT18-A LSE. Cost:4442

Success! Both Contracts Fulfilled! Science Gained: 2.4 (161.2), Kredits Gained: 4351 (185878), Reputation Gained: 0

Upgraded the Runway to Level 2

12th Mission:

Contracts: Perform Visual Survey of Kerbin (19300m at Ormy's Spine)

Vessel: still working on it....ran out of time today...maybe tomorrow.

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Where was I? Oh yeah...

Year 1, Day 6

12th Mission:

Contracts: Perform Visual Survey of Kerbin (19300 at Ormy's Spine)

Vessel: Fireball Mk I: Mk I inline cockpit, Circular intake, small gear bay, 2 T2 Solid Rocket Seperators (4.97 fuel), Stack Parachute, 1.25 m Stack Seperator, Communotron 16, 2Hot Thermometer, Goo Can, Mk I 5m fuselage (liquid fuel - full), Mk I 5 m fueslage (empty), SW 4 x 7 m wingtip (x2), Mk I Elevon (x2), FS1LG2 Fighter Landing Gear (x2), 2 SW Stabilator 2.3 x 1.6 m, Delta Deluxe Winglet, GE F404-GE-102 Turbofan Engine. Cost: 26029. Crew: Pilot Lodzor Kerman

Failure! Fireball Mk I failed to have enough lift to get airborne. Cockpit ejected at the end of the runway and saved Lodzor with a water landing. Science Gained: 0 (174). Kredits Gained: 5581 from parts (78742). Reputation Gained: O (544). Lodzor gained 1 XP.

Notes: Need more lift to get off the runway to complete this contract. More wing perhaps.

Year 1, Day 7

Starting Kredits: 78742

Starting Science: 174.9

Starting Reputation: 544

13th Mission:

Contracts: Perform Visual Survey of Kerbin (19300 at Ormy's Spine)

Vessel: Fireball Mk II: Same as the Mk I with the wings moved forward, no added parts but I did resize the main gear smaller. Cost: 21299. Crew: Scientist Gusgard Kerman

Massive Failure!: Fireball Mk II crashed on take off. There were no survivors. Science Gained: 0 (118). Kredits Gained: 0, but some of the debris was recovered (42644), Reputation Gained: 0. Gusgard Kerman was killed.

Notes: A sad day here at the Kerbal Space Center. Our first fatality occured during an experimental aircraft launch. Our ranks are diminished, but our spirit of exploration has not. We must go on.

14th Mission:

Contracts: Perform Visual Survey of Kerbin (19300 at Ormy's Spine), Transmit or Recover Science Data from Space around Kerbin

Vessel: Freedom III-B: Mk I Command Pod, 4 OX-Stat solar panels, DTS-1M, 2Hot thermometer, 2 radial drogue chutes, stack mounted chute, Z-200 rechargeable battery, nanocone RCS Mk I, SC9000 Science Jr, 1.25 m heatshield, UP13 decoupler, Two KW Rocketry SA-4 LFT fuel tanks (full), 4 strap on liquid boosters, 4 SW Stabilators 2.3x1.6m, 1 SLS-125 Bearcat engine, two TT18-A LSE, Crew: Scientist Bob Kerman. Cost: 13790

Notes: Kerbal Engineer failure! Only a sub-orbital flight, rocket was a bit heavier than the Freedom III.

Success! One contract fulfilled even though the Science Jr was destroyed on recovery! Science Gained: 12 (240). Kredits Gained: 2832 from parts (66681). Reputation Gained: 0 (593). Bob gained 0 XP.

Year 1, Day 8

Well, looks like the Kerbal Engineer failure might have been on me. You see, it needed an update to and I might not have gotten everything in there the first time. So I removed and re downloaded it and then re-installed it. Should be ok now. Restarting the game. Firespitter and crossfeedenabler still uncompatible but seem to work ok. The IVA MFD's don't seem to be working, but I'm not sure what that issue is. I put a new version of Raster Prop Monitor in there. The Kerbals don't really need them, its just nice to have when you go IVA. Most of the contracts now would really like me to put a few satellites in orbit. Big cash, but I'm not sure I can get them there with the 30 part limit on the VAB. The failure payout might be more than we can handle. Might have to give it a try though.

Starting Kredits: 66681

Starting Science: 240.1

Starting Reputation: 593

15th Mission:

Contracts: Perform Visual Survey of Kerbin (19300m at Ormy's Spine), Launch a new Satellite into an eccentric orbit around Kerbin (1- an orbital period between 23 hr 12 min and 23 hr 22 min, 2- Stay there for 10 days 5 hrs 15 min and 35 sec, 3- have a communotron 16, 4- no crew, 5- must survive

Vessel: Contract Sat I: Probobodyne OKTO, Communotron 16, Reflectron KR-7, DP-10 Antenna, Kerbal Engineer System, ER-7500 Flight Computer, Modular Girder Segment, 2 ST-0 solar panels, 2 Z-100 rechargeable Batteries, Attach-o-tron prototype docking port, FL-200 fuel tank (full), LV-909 engine, 1.25 expanded fairing base, 2 1.25 expanded fairing nosecone, 2 1.25 expanded fairing wall, HH series interstage adapter 125-25 (full fuel), HH-250-D insulated fuel tank (full), HH-250-B insulated fuel tank (full), 2 Globe VI SRB (full thrust and full fuel), 4 SW Stabilators 3 x 2.2 m. Cost: 50426. Crew: None

Notes: Mission took 10 days to complete. The Space Center was on vacation while they watched the Telemetry from the satellite. Also, figured out why there was no Kerbal Engineer on Mission 14. You have to install it on the spacecraft. Duh.

Success! Contract fulfilled! Science Gained: no recovery of the satellite (1046). Kredits Gained: no recovery (271092). Reputation Gained: no recovery (about 650 or so)

Year 1, Day 18

Starting Kredits: 271092

Starting Science: 1046

Starting Reputation: about 650 or so

The Satellite Contract was a big success! We now have quite a few funds to work with to try to get the Center upgraded. Perhaps we can do another one of these missions and finish with the upgrading. Also, there will probably be a Munar Eclipse tomorrow or the next day. Its close at dawn!

Upgraded the Tracking Station to Level 2. Only the Labs and the Hangar left to upgrade.

Hired a new Kerbonaut, Scientist Malmdon Kerman.

16th Mission:

Contracts: Perform Visual Survey of Kerbin (19300m at Ormy's Spine), Position a satellite in a specific orbit around Kerbin (1-Launch a new probe that has power and an antenna, 2-Reach the designated orbit around Kerbin within reasonable deviation, 3- Maintain stability for 10 seconds)

Vessel: Contract Satellite II: Same exact specs as Contract Satellite I. Cost: 50366. Crew: none

Failure! Got it up to the right altitude, but then lost contact and was unable to get it into a stable orbit. It burned up in the atmosphere of Kerbin. Kredits Earned: 0 (94126). Science Earned: 0 (1088.4). Reputation Earned: 0 (still about 650).

Notes: Wish I had a VAB that could handle more than 30 parts. Then I could put Com Sats into geosynchronous orbit and have full time communication. Also, the mission took us to 20 days.

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Thanks for the comments Grockstar! Is there a way to get the game to play in full screen?

Went to the wiki page and it told me how to get the screenshots! Will work on that for the next posting!

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Happy New Year everyone! Hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday. I have upgraded to the new version of B9 Aerospace, and with it fixed all the MFD's in the pods as well as firespitter and crossfeedenabler. All systems are nominal and we are a Go! We now return to our main mission!

Year 1, Day 20

Starting Kredits: 94136

Starting Science: 1088.4

Starting Reputation: Just above 600

Deactivated Outsourced R&D at the Admin Building and Activated Patents Licsensing at 10%.

17th Mission:

Contracts: Launch of Vostok 2 (1- achieve altitude of atleast 70000m, 2- Enter orbit around Kerbin, 3- Reach Orbit and stay there for 2 days, 4- Land on Kerbin, 5- crew of 1), Visual Survey of Kerbin (19300m @ Ormy's Spine), Launch a Satellite in a Specific Orbit of Kerbin (1- new, powered and an antenna, 2- designated orbit within tolerances, 3- Maintain stability for 10 seconds)

Vessel: Intrepid I: See Screenshot! Mk I Command Pod, Kerbal Engineer System, Life Support Container, Small, Z-200 Rechargeable Battery, Stack Parachute, Nanocone RCS Mk I, 4 Radial Mount Drogue Chutes, 4 OX-Stat solar panels, DTS-M1, SC-9000 SciJr, Heatshield, UP13 decoupler, SA-1 LFT (full), RMA-3 Orbital Achievement Device, 1.25 Decoupler, HH 125-25 adapter (full), HH-250-D (full), M-50 Main Rocket Engine, 4 SW Stabilators 3x2.2m. Parts: 29. Cost: 41593 (almost half the budget!). Crew: Pilot Lanzor Kerman

Success! Contract Fulfilled (Vostok 2). Managed to save the Science Jr in a grass landing, but Lanzor EVAed during the mission and collected the data just in case. Science Earned: 31.2(-3.5)[750 total], Kredits Earned: 1211(+28.4)[127309 total]. Reputation Earned: 0 [616 total]. Pilot Lanzor Kerman earned 1 XP and was promoted to Pilot 1.

Notes: The main engine and fuel load was too much DeltaV. Could have done it cheaper. RMA-3 was also overkill on the fuel load. We made an orbit of about 273000m with no problem. Mission took 2 days to complete.



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Yes there is, go to options (main menu, paused won't work), it should be under video. If the game window is too large, (the apply changes button is hidden or under the taskbar), you may need to move it temporarily, although make sure put it back later! Also, could you give me a list of the mods?

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Sure Grockstar.

I sure didn't start out with any mods, but am pretty happy I brought them on board. I wish I had gotten a mod to fix the tech tree order. Not having the wheels and unmanned tech first is really tough. I started out by looking at the Mod Library and going to each mods page and seeing what each would bring to the table. I am probably going too hard. But it is quite fun to see if I can make something with these constraints. Hope this helps.

Active Texture Management, Advanced Jet Engine, Aviation Lights, B9 Aerospace, Chatterer, Community Resource Pack, Dangit!, Deadly Reentry, DMagic Orbital Science, EVE, Ferram Aerospace Research, JSI, KAS, KAX, Kerbal Engineer, KW Rocketry, Mission Controller, Modular Rocket Systems, NavyFish's Docking Port Alignment Tool, NovaPunch2, Regolith, Remote Tech, ScanSat, Hot Rockets, Station Science, Orbital Materials Science, TAC Lifesupport, Texture Replacer, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Tweak Scale, and finally UBI's MKS/OKS and Exploration Pack.

B9 won't work without FAR now, so those two are intertwined. B9 has Raster Prop Monitor (JSI), Firespitter and Crossfeedenabler built in. Active Texture Management is highly recommended by most of the modders.

Texture replacer is just a tool. You have to go out and find textures within the library. I got one for faces and suits and thats it.

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Sorry for the delay in getting to the next post. I got CrowdSourcedScience mod for some added sciencey messages and got an unexpected version of Module Manager which I didn't see. Took me most of last week to figure out why my game was crashing. Got that fixed and now we're back at it.

Year 1, Day 22

Starting Kredits: 127309

Starting Science: 750.1

Starting Reputation: 616

18th Mission:

Contracts: Visual Survey of Kerbin (19300m @ Ormy's Spine), Launch a Satellite in a Specific Orbit of Kerbin (1- new, powered and an antenna, 2- designated orbit within tolerances, 3- Maintain stability for 10 seconds)

Vessel: Ormy Surveyor: See Screenshot! Parts: 30. Cost:27409 . Crew: Pilot 1 Jeb Kerman


The Ormy Surveryor in the VAB


Here, Jeb is taking the OS I out on its first run.


Having completed the task, Jeb is bringing the OS I back to the KSC. Didn't remember to get a screenshot of it landed. It didn't really "land" per say, but bounced on its undercarriage and tipped over.

Success: Completed the Ormy Spine Survey! Science Earned: 0 (998 Total). Kredits Earned: 22661 (140119 total). Reputation Earned: 0 (622 total). Jeb earned no XP.

Notes: It took me quite a few tries to get the flight characteristics figured out. While it has enough thrust to get where it needs to go, control is a bit of a handful. To really climb, I needed to shut down the Dorsal Engine. It took me nearly 12000 meters to do a loop. I tried several times to land vertically with the engine, but only managed to crash. Finally, I just went vertical, slowed to a stall and hit the parachute. We drifted down and although we didn't land great (12 m/s, bounced, tipped over), we did land with all our parts!

19th Mission:

Contracts: Launch a Satellite in a Specific Orbit of Kerbin (1- new, powered and an antenna, 2- designated orbit within tolerances, 3- Maintain stability for 10 seconds), Return or Transmit Science Data from around Kerbin, Rescue Robur Kerman from around Kerbin (1- get him aboard a vessel, 2- return him home)

Vessel: Orbital Rescue I: See Screenshot! Parts: 30. Cost: 43343. Crew: Scientist Bob Kerman


Rescue Orbiter I in the VAB


A clean shot of the lift off!


Here is a clean shot of the RO I just after I began my first attempt at re-entry.


Here is Bob and Robur on terminal descent. They didn't survive this attempt, because mission control told them to aim for a periaspis of 28Km. The ship was much too heavy for that steep of a re-entry profile.


Ah, drogue chutes deployed and we didn't burn up! Robur and Bob were headed for an ocean landing.

Success! 2 Contracts completed (Science from space, Rescue Robur Kerman). Science Earned: 7.5 (-0.8) [1006 total]. Kredits Earned: 1176 (+6.8) [204320 total]. Reputation Earned: 0.0 [666 total]. Bob Kerman earned 1 XP and was promoted to Scientist 1. Robur Kerman earned 2 XP and was promoted to Pilot 1.

Notes: Not too bad in my first try to rescue a stranded Kerbal. Got within 250m of him before I switched over to him and used his EMU to get him on board the Yawmaster. I will say though, in my defense, I had to reload and try the de-orbit and recover twice before I got it right. First try was too steep. Periapsis of 28Km. Second try was a Periaspis of 50Km and we brought the engine and tank down until I hit that 50Km mark and used it to slow down. I also deployed the drogue chutes very high and very fast. Thought I might loose them, but they held and we decelerated at almost 7 Gs. We made a great water landing and everyone was brought home safe. Mission took us to 23 days.

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Things have been progressing well. We need to get our funding up above 410000 so we can upgrade the VAB to level 2. We'll see if there aren't some more survey missions we can carry out with the Ormy Surveyor.

Year 1, Day 23

Starting Kredits: 204230

Starting Science: 1006.9

Starting Reputation: 666

20th Mission:

Contracts: Launch a Satellite in a Specific Orbit of Kerbin (1- new, powered and an antenna, 2- designated orbit within tolerances, 3- Maintain stability for 10 seconds), Test the Rockomax Brand Decoupler Landed, Launch of Voskhod 2 (2 Kerbals) {1- Altitude of atleast 82000m, 2- Orbit Kerbin, 3- Conduct an EVA, 4- Land on Kerbin, 5- Must have 2 Kerbals}

Vessel: UGU Test Stand: See Screenshot! Parts: 5. Cost: 1835. Crew: none


In the VAB with the UGU Test Stand.


Test Complete.

Success! One contract completed (test Rockomax Decoupler). Science Earned: 0 (1031.2 total). Kredits Earned: 1835 (218188 total). Reputation Earned: 0 (666 total)

21st Mission:

Contracts: Launch a Satellite in a Specific Orbit of Kerbin (1- new, powered and an antenna, 2- designated orbit within tolerances, 3- Maintain stability for 10 seconds), Launch of Voskhod 2 (2 Kerbals) {1- Altitude of atleast 82000m, 2- Orbit Kerbin, 3- Conduct an EVA, 4- Land on Kerbin, 5- Must have 2 Kerbals}

Vessel: Orbital Rescue II: See Screenshot! Only thing I changed was removal of the 2Hot thermometer and adding the fuel duct from the Yawmaster to the second stage tank. I noticed on the original OR I that we never used the fuel in the Yawmaster during our descent. Probably because the heatshield doesn't allow for fuel transfer. Now we can use that up!. Parts: 30. Cost: 42593. Crew: Pilot Lodzor Kerman and Engineer Bill Kerman.


In the VAB


On the pad with Rescue Orbital II, Pre-launch


A nice shot of Engineer Bill out on EVA as they pass over the KSC


Another shot of Eng. Bill out on EVA. Notice the fuel line running along the side of the craft taking fuel out of the Yawmaster and into the main tank.


Sunrise, final orbit.


Drogues out as we missed the KSC on our return. Another water landing ahead.


Home safe once more!

Success! One Contract fulfilled (Voskhod 2). Science Earned: 42.3 (-4.7) {1093.3 total}. Kredits Earned: 7666 (285749 total). Reputation Earned: 0.0 (677 total). Pilot Lodzor Kerman gained 1 XP and was promoted to Pilot 1, Engineer Bill Kerman gained 1 XP and was promoted to Engineer 1.

Year 1, Day 24

Starting Kredits: 285749

Starting Science: 1093.3

Starting Reputation: 677

22nd Mission:

Contracts: Launch a Satellite in a Specific Orbit of Kerbin (1- new, powered and an antenna, 2- designated orbit within tolerances, 3- Maintain stability for 10 seconds), Test Radial Spin Booster (landed)

Vessel: UGU Test Stand: Parts: 6. Cost: 1331. Crew: none


Here at the VAB


Ah,Crap! Well, the test is successful, but I doubt the landing will be.


KABOOM! That was expensive!

Notes: While I had reduced the amount of fuel in the boosters, I hadn't reduced the thrust output. When activated during staging (forgot to separate the boosters from the LSE) it took off and spun up into the sky. When the fuel was exhausted, the UGU impacted the ground resulting in a fine explosion. A gentle reminder to the VAB folks: fix your staging before testing a 1300 kredit package.

Partial Success. One Contract fulfilled (test the radial spin booster). Science Earned: 0 (1136.5 total). Kredits Earned: 0 [285111 total] (for a loss of about 600 kredits). Reputation Earned: 0 (677 total)

23rd Mission

Contracts: Launch a Satellite in a Specific Orbit of Kerbin (1- new, powered and an antenna, 2- designated orbit within tolerances, 3- Maintain stability for 10 seconds), Test KX-2 Liquid fuel engine (3.75m) landed, Launch New Satellite to specified orbital period for amount of time indicated (1- reach orbital period of 30 hrs, 31 min, 33 sec and 30 hrs, 41 min, 33 sec 2- reach orbit and stay there for 22 days, 3 hrs, 24 min, 13 sec 3- have part N-BBL kibble storage jr 4- have part Repair Panel 5- vessel is automated 6- must survive while contract is active)

Vessel: UGU Test Stand: Parts: 6. Cost: 7835. Crew: none


Once more a shot from the VAB


Ah the smell of burnt concrete! Test Success!

Success! One contract fulfilled (test KX-2). Science Earned: 0 (1179.7 total). Kredits Earned: 7789 (300363 total). Reputation Earned: 0 (677 total)

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