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Slightly higher weight limit on Launchpad

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I'm finding that the rocket Launchpad weight limits are slightly too constraining. Very slightly. I wouldn't mind seeing level 1 have a 22t limit, and the 2nd level closer to 200t.

I just feel like my tech is far outpacing my launchpad capabilities.

Thank you! (just a suggestion :P )

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I agree the second upgrade should probably be bumped up a bit, but I found I had upgraded the launchpad and was constrained by part count rather than mass before the 18 tonne limit was a problem for me. Of course not everyone's going to be able to build efficient rockets reliably - especially not new players - so if a decent number of people find 18 tonnes as the first limit a little bit too low, sure why not :)

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My personal thing is not the weight but the bounding box. I think that the weight is spot on, but the bounding box is too square it should be a tall skinny rectangle (think of the SV, it was tall and skinny not really cubish)

Well, true but remember rocket designs in KSP rarely match with real life - they tend to be shorter and fatter, plus it is only the tier 1 launchpad.

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I think whatever limits are set there'll be some people (or their style of design) that is always just a bit over whatever limit has been set. If the first limit was bumped to, say, 22t, I'm sure you'd then find a new group of players who can keep coming up with 23t designs and call for the limit to be raised again.

Edited by Damien_The_Unbeliever
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There must be a limit. However, 18t is a bit abitrary (any other limit would be). I'm optimizing my design for 18t/30part count, and I love otimization, but when I can't stand, BAM, I upgrade and I don't care limit, until some deisgns reach the new limit and I must think again.

I feel the upgrade are not enough progressive, but instead of adding new levels of building (even if I'd be glad there were four), we could have a slider similar to commitment while upgrading a building, so that by investing more fund, we could build up to 200t instead of 140t with a level 2 launchpad. Or up to 1100t if we want to spare some money. And each player would have to choose the limit under which he wants to fine tune his crafts.

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