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[1.1.2] K2 Command Pod: Two Kerbal stock-alike pod (v1.4)


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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been out of town, and I'm heading out again in a couple days. I haven't had a chance to see if the capsule was really "affected" by the latest patch. I would think the tweaks to reentry heating might warrant some CFG adjustments on my part. If anyone has any feedback on how the K2 is performing in 1.0.4 (or 1.0.3 really) it would definitely help me focus my attention where its needed and update as quickly as possible.

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I was performing a reentry with the LV-909, a FL-T400 fuel tank, then the K2 pod (with some chutes, etc.). I believe you need to add the ModuleConductionMultiplier section from the other command pods, because it overheated and was the only part that destroyed itself on reentry. Even the chutes continued flying after the pod vaporized. Without that section, I think the new skin heating isn't working out properly for the K2.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have noticed that the K@ pod although installed does not load in 1.0.4 at all. Although I'm unsure if this is a CKAN thing or if I need to manually install it. I had to re install my save file into 1.0.4. It is definatly listed as compatible in the CKAN list

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Works fine for me in 1.0.4, although the pod + heatshield is not as stable on re-entry as the stock capsules. Its more prone to tumble and requires active control to stay pointed retrograde during the descent.

Edited by micha
fix phone "autocorrect".
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Could we possibly have a config for usi life support for this? Pretty please.

- - - Updated - - -

+ community tech tree as well. Double pretty please, love the capsule iva btw.

USI Life Support does not have special configs for command pods.

You could copy paste and adjust the techtree config from SETIctt.

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I had a parachute blow up when I deployed it due to overspeed/heat, even though I was subsonic and fairly well cooled off. Digging into the K2Pod.cfg, I noticed that the maxTemp is defined as:

maxTemp = 2400 // 3400

On the stock parts, the variable is defined as:

maxTemp = 2400 // = 3400

Any ideas if this would cause a chute to overtemp? I may have just been going a bit too fast, but I'm curious about the variable formatting.


After further testing, I think I deployed it at too high a speed. Still curious about the maxTemp.

Edited by CompB
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I had a parachute blow up when I deployed it due to overspeed/heat, even though I was subsonic and fairly well cooled off. Digging into the K2Pod.cfg, I noticed that the maxTemp is defined as:

maxTemp = 2400 // 3400

On the stock parts, the variable is defined as:

maxTemp = 2400 // = 3400

Any ideas if this would cause a chute to overtemp? I may have just been going a bit too fast, but I'm curious about the variable formatting.


After further testing, I think I deployed it at too high a speed. Still curious about the maxTemp.

No, anything behind the // is a comment. It's ignored by the game. In both cases it's just documenting that the previous value was 3400, but the current config is set for 2400. Regardless, the K2 config doesn't affect parachutes, as you discovered in your further testing.

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I think the problem with parachutes is in the pod's form. (it's not a problem at all) It is rather high and it's too easy to expose the chute to the heat. I play with deadly reentry with 120% heating, the Mk-16 chute survives reentry well, if you hold the capsule right on the retrograde during the descent. I also found out that the pod is a bit unstable during reentry. Also would be nice to have a built-in heat shield with 100-120 units of ablator. Still love this pod! It fits the game perfectly, I'am tired of building "christmas-tree-like" Mk-1+Mk-1 for my missions. Good work!

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I think the problem with parachutes is in the pod's form. (it's not a problem at all) It is rather high and it's too easy to expose the chute to the heat. I play with deadly reentry with 120% heating, the Mk-16 chute survives reentry well, if you hold the capsule right on the retrograde during the descent. I also found out that the pod is a bit unstable during reentry. Also would be nice to have a built-in heat shield with 100-120 units of ablator. Still love this pod! It fits the game perfectly, I'am tired of building "christmas-tree-like" Mk-1+Mk-1 for my missions. Good work!

It is a problem if it makes the pod pretty much useless. I had my pod right on the retrograde and it still burned the parachute.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 07/12/2015, 20:05:37, Apollo13 said:

It works already in 1.0.5.  No update needed.  That said, it may not show the images of your Kerbals when on the launchpad.  However, they are there and the mod works.

When you look at the stock pods, there is a new buoyancy section in the .cfg

// --- node definitions ---
// definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z
node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.4050379, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.6423756, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
bulkheadProfiles = size1, size0
CoPOffset = 0.0, 0.5, 0.0
CoLOffset = 0.0, -0.35, 0.0
CenterOfBuoyancy = 0.0, 0.5, 0.0
CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, -0.3, 0.0
buoyancy = 1.5
buoyancyUseSine = False

That's the section for the Mk1 Pod. It's the last four lines that are new. With the longer pod you'd need to move the Centers, and maybe the CoPOffset and CoLOffset ought to be tweaked. But a lot of stock parts seem to rely on the default settings. There's a CoMOffset too, I expect the default is in the middle of a cylinder. The Mk1 Pod has a mass of 0.8, so the buoyancy looks about right for what I recall from splashdowns, but it may be a multiplier rather than an absolute value.


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I did a try-out, and the number for Buoyancy does look to be an absolute value. The pre-1.0.5 version of the K2 Pod sinks. What can mislead you is that the Altitude gauge shows an increasing number as you go down. But the way that KSP describes things in the Wiki, it apparently calculates the volume from the collision mesh.

As a practical detail, the mass of the K2 is close to the limits for the Mk16 parachute, It's landing a bit fast unless you can fully deploy the 'chute at a higher altitude, and even then it's a rough landing on solid ground.

So it's usable in KSP 1.0.5, but needs the adjustment.

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