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Make clicking through the HUD in VAB/SPH impossible

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If you are in either the VAB or the SPH when you are trying to stage your rocket ship using the column on the right, if your ship is behind the staging column, you will move the piece you click through the staging display. Also, if you click the box to enter the description for your ship, it is possible to click a piece on your ship and then you have to put it where it was. This, as far as I can see, shouldn't be possible and is just plain annoying. :sticktongue: Hopefully this can get fixed for 1.0.0

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the "+"mark in the staging is in front of other hud elements when it should be behind

The +/- buttons are only visible when you mouse over the stage list (at least in flight - can't check VAB atm due to atmospheric flight), and they're buttons - that means they should be among the top-most UI elements.

I do agree that the click-through thing should be fixed though :)

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The +/- buttons are only visible when you mouse over the stage list (at least in flight - can't check VAB atm due to atmospheric flight), and they're buttons - that means they should be among the top-most UI elements.

I do agree that the click-through thing should be fixed though :)

"is in front" + "when it should be behind"

thanks for reading :)

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"is in front" + "when it should be behind"

thanks for reading :)

Did you just not read what I said at all? You say it is in front, when it should be behind, I was explaining why that's wrong. -_-

Consider, if the +/- buttons were behind other UI elements, you would have difficulty clicking on them when you want to. I've certainly never found a single instance where they were in the way of something else, but I am open to the possibility.

EDIT: As an obvious example, I tried adding about 20 stack decouplers with default staging, which makes the stage list appear over the "Exit" button in the VAB. You can scroll that list with the mousewheel though, which means it's not an issue. If you were being pedantic I suppose you could say the VAB's top bar and its buttons should be above the staging list, but since you can scroll it it doesn't matter.

EDIT2: This also does not appear to be a problem for mod GUIs:


The windows do suffer from click-through, but that's a separate problem.

Edited by armagheddonsgw
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You guys ever tried playing the game where you just try launch your ship by the automatic staging arrangement. It has humorous results.

What does this have to do with anything in this thread? Also, yeah I have, you know, having your ship decouple before even your boosters have launched :sticktongue:

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What does this have to do with anything in this thread? Also, yeah I have, you know, having your ship decouple before even your boosters have launched :sticktongue:

It is to do with this thread because if you don't rearrange the staging then you wont accidentally click through the UI. =)

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It is to do with this thread because if you don't rearrange the staging then you wont accidentally click through the UI. =)

This applies to the part selection bit too to some extent. There's been a few times where mis-clicking there has led to some unintended side-effects :P

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This applies to the part selection bit too to some extent. There's been a few times where mis-clicking there has led to some unintended side-effects :P

Nothing like ripping your ship apart by accidentally clicking through the UI and have to spend the next 5 minx (exaggerated) to get it back ;)

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Having programmed a bit in Unity, I can totally vouch for this being an annoying Unity Gui thing. It's probably unfixable at this point because I think the solution involves handling all your GUI components specially from the beginning, but man it is annoying :/

Edit: then again, the workaround solution of just giving the right edge of the screen a background and disabling ship-part clicking when mouse is too far to the right of the screen can't take too much work :/

Edited by Greep
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It's peculiar how so many games nowadays have this click-through-gui problem, even though it is a problem that has been solved long ago. Imagine operating your desktop with that sort of gui behavior - it would be useless. Windows, OSx, Linux desktops etc all have this problem solved.

I once ran KSP 64 bit windowed, and managed to click through the game window, opening the context menu of the desktop behind the KSP window. I suspect it is a Unity thing.

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The thing is unity does the OnGui function several times per frame in an unpredictable(?) manner, while the general input logic by you is handled on a per frame basis. So it's basically impossible to fix if you've already designed your game without knowing this. At least that has been my experience with it. But like I said, the easy way of handling it is just to not have clickable GUI on things lol.

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The click through problem is not only a VAB/SPH issue, it happens during flight as well. It is just that usually items don't overlap and the danger zone isn't as big. But it is still there and shows up when using mods. Really it is a interface wide bug that needs to meet a good can of Raid!

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  • 1 year later...

So, 1.0.5 still has this. Does anyone know if the devs are going to look into the problem? The thread makes it seem like Unity is crap for clickable GUI and there is nothing they could ever do to fix it. Which is darn annoying. It feels so wonky.

Edit: Yeah, so reading dev publications helps. Upcoming 1.1 says:


We've done a complete overhaul of the user interface from a conglomerate of interface systems to Unity 5's native system.

Which seems like a burst of hope. Until then, workaround time.

Edited by Darbin Giesorg
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