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Kerbal Edu gets more perks than "normal" KSP?


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So I noticed thinks in KerbalEdu, that I think would be really awesome in normal KSP - like arrows for thrust, drag, and lift, as well as flight recorders and data analysis. Is this going to be put in the actual game? I think it would be really cool to have this, because right now 90% of KSP design is blind luck, unless you handwrite equations and crunch a lot of numbers :P

KSP EDU sight here: http://kerbaledu.com/features



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I was thinking this when I saw the recent edu release thread, it would be a shame to not get it in stock, but doing so would defeat the purpose of having edu seperatly I guess, and when I looked, there was no option to get a personal copy, at the very least, I think they should be able to offer personal copies as a kind of discounted "dlc" because those features are really great, and in some cases, welcomed, or even needed additions, such as the flight recorder and analysis.

And of course, the mission editor, make the contracts and science more contracty and sciencey for yourself ha

Edited by JonoRig
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Getting some of those features in stock would be very nice. Not sure all would be appropriate though. Perhaps a few, like the design helper, could be normal stock.

Maybe there is a case for a new 'training' game type as a tutorial mode along side career, sandbox etc. That has reduced 'demo' type features and functionality, but with some Edu features that are not in the other modes.

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I've oft' remarked to the KerbalEDU team and SQUAD themselves that there is no good reason why the mod for KerbalEDU can't be released for everyone. The only thing the KerbalEDU program has going for it is the free/discounted copies of KSP for schools, which we don't need if we already have the game. :/

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