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Real life hobbies?


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  r4pt0r said:
I build RC planes, its been a while though. Here is an old one, but my most sucessful design.

scratch built it out of pink board insulation

Nice! I once wanted to do RC/FPV but then the media started distorting the definition of a drone to the point that it's essentially calling all RC aircraft drones. Not to mention that I live close to a large airport.

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1. Local activism (construction regulations, cities for people, etc), which includes writing, public speaking, translating materials from all around the world.

2. My favorite toy is 1KWt hammer drill. :) When I need to hang new things on a wall, it's a holiday! Working with wood and concrete (both drilling and filling walls) is a great joy for any man.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm the concertmaster of two symphony orchestras, director of a chamber group, and play second violin in another one. Not sure if all of that could be considered a hobby, really.

I'm also the lead vocal of a rock/metal band. I play violin (guess it's obvious at this point), viola, guitar, piano, and I've dabbled in drums before.

Uhm, I like building things all the time. For example, I've made a briquette press out of a couple of old cups, and I'm always looking for stuff to make. I also love cooking, although I only do it on special occasions. But I'm the master of smoothies and milkshakes! :sticktongue:

Oh, and I'm building a guitar. Well, technically it doesn't count as a guitar, but I don't know what else to call it. :P It'll be like a mix between a cigar box guitar and a normal acoustic.

Custom body, three strings (GDG), 12 frets, 60cm scale length. It's supposed to be like a travel guitar. I can play pretty much every song on it since it has a complete octave.

Talk about one hell of a learning experience. :D

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  astropapi1 said:
I'm the concertmaster of two symphony orchestras, director of a chamber group, and play second violin in another one. Not sure if all of that could be considered a hobby, really.

I'm also the lead vocal of a rock/metal band. I play violin (guess it's obvious at this point), viola, guitar, piano


all i do is play the tuba

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For hobbies, I'd have to say either reading, online roleplaying, or acting. I also am trying to get to where I can produce more YouTube videos and possibly make some money off of them.

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I've been trying to acquire hobbies away from the computer. First up has been collecting vinyl. I deeply apologize to Scott Manley, who warned me it would quickly consume my life, and he was right.


That dust mote wasn't visible until the flash illuminated it, and it's going to taunt me forever now.

Also once the temperatures stop being arctic, I also am going to try and get back into model rocketry, and in particular build a rocket glider of some sort.

  astropapi1 said:
I'm the concertmaster of two symphony orchestras, director of a chamber group, and play second violin in another one. Not sure if all of that could be considered a hobby, really.

I'm also the lead vocal of a rock/metal band. I play violin (guess it's obvious at this point), viola, guitar, piano, and I've dabbled in drums before.

I'm overcome with a strong desire to attempt collaborating with you at some point...

Edited by NovaSilisko
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  Maximus97 said:
For hobbies, I'd have to say either reading, online roleplaying, or acting. I also am trying to get to where I can produce more YouTube videos and possibly make some money off of them.

Google killed the rewards program. Only the most famous idiots now make money, and it's many, many times less than before.

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  astropapi1 said:
I'm the concertmaster of two symphony orchestras, director of a chamber group, and play second violin in another one. Not sure if all of that could be considered a hobby, really.

I'm also the lead vocal of a rock/metal band. I play violin (guess it's obvious at this point), viola, guitar, piano, and I've dabbled in drums before.

Uhh.... Ummm... Ehhh... Eeee... Uhhm... Mister, is Mayonnaise an instrument? Please tell me it is, I, I, I feel inferior.

*runs off to cower in corner and cry from feeling inadequate*

(I'm scared.) (And sad.)

But seriously, where do you find the time and money to do such a thing? I have absolutely no interest in playing music, nor will I ever (I'd rather spend the money and time on wood/working and tools) , but I've always wondered about where people like you get the money and the time.

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Is that rifle in the top right a Gamo? I have a Gamo Big Cat 1250, if I use PBA ammo the pellet breaks the sound barrier when it exits the barrel.

RC planes are fun, even breaking them by crashing is fun because then you get to fix them.

I also test stuff in the wind tunnel I built.

Four-wheeling is fun.

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