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Can't Get the Orbit Node

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Hi, this is my first post, as I installed the game yesterday and I am truly happy about it so far.

My issue atm is simple, I cannot get into orbit, as I don't get the "orbit node" or whatever you call it.

I did see several youtube tutorials and finished the ingame tutorial, and honestly I don't think I am doing something wrong.

Is it related to the fact I am playing on hard mode?

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Welcome to the community Bersagliere81 :)

The nodes are unlocked by upgrading the buildings in career mode, but you don't need them to get to orbit, think about what you did in the tutorials and what you saw others do on youtube.

You should already know to pitch over gently, otherwis known as the gravity turn, then increase your speed so your apoapsis is above the atmosphere.

When at apoapsis just burn prograde to increase your sped even more, until your periapsis is also above the atmosphere, which ends at just under 70km.

Good luck and have fun :)

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Well, the node just lets you set up a point to remind you to burn, and a timer for how long to burn, neither of which is really necessary just to reach orbit, it's also possible to screw up your ascent to orbit by messing around in the map view setting up a node, as you don't get a lot of time.

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