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TinnedEpic's KSP Broadcast


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Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen

This post was originally to check out how the community would react to me posting videos here and basically to ensure I wasn\'t going to upset anyone in doing so (always uphold morality and respect :P). Due to a Splendid interest from a few players I\'ve decided to convert this post and have it as my main youtube thread. Thank you Gojira, Samstarman and Drakomis for giving me the initial feedback and suggestion to turn this thread into my youtube thread :).

Who am I?

That\'s a very good question Italicized text, I\'m a very new broadcaster to youtube in short. I come from Australia (the \'sunburn\' country) and study design. I wanted to start broadcasting mainly as a side project or something to give purpose to my gaming habits. However in starting up and getting use to the camera, talking, rambling I began to really enjoy doing it. Not because of the attention (which is nearly zilch :P) but simple because I\'ve become really comfortable, It\'s become a place for me to express and feel at ease like I can act myself or the person I want to be. but enough bout that, you want to know what i cover on my channel.

What do you do?

My introductory video explains this better:


In short I\'m promoting Indie/Community developed games by creating lets plays or broadcasts of their content. I\'m promoting myself as a professional (thus the suit, black and white theme and the symbols/figures). Indie games go unappreciated by the majority of gamers and many of them like KSP have fantastic content, ideas and concepts and they really involve you in their development on a personal level. I love Indie developed games over mainstream gaming simply because of the creatively, personal touch and how unique some of them can be. So my goal is 2 things; 1 explore the many fantastic games of the indie/young company/community developed world and 2 provide some level of promotion for them to encourage people to play them.

Enough said, show us some KSP

Episode 1: First launch

I stuffed up the video\'s sound. Unfortunately it cant really be fixed unless I rerecord.


Episode 2: Shoddy orbit

Again sound issues I could go back and fix this however if you wanted me to.


Episode 3: Satellites!

Sound is fixed :3. But spelling....... well lets just say like Mun Kerbals call their \'satalites\' something different.


Episode 4: Optimizing

Just me optimizing my Interpid designs


Episode 5: Fly my beauty

Creating a Space station :D


Episode 6: Space Station fail

Crashing my space station D:


Episode 7

The end of my initial broadcasting series. Don\'t worry ill be back.


Episode 8

Told you i\'d be back :P, boring episode though


Episode 9

Finally success! awesome episode.


Episode 10

Been a long time o.O, sorry for the wait, lot going on atm.


So leave me feedback on what you think, anything you liked/disliked, anything I should add etc.

Oh and I wish to give credit to ChronoNomad (he\'s not here on this forum), but he\'s the artist who\'s given me permission to use his original music on my youtube videos. He\'s brilliant, I have linked his newgrounds page on my videos so if your interested go check that out.

Original Post if your interested :P

Hey everyone, epic here.

I just had a few questions about KSP/youtube etc. I couldn\'t really justify placing them in the support section as their not directly related to the running of KSP itself. I just wanted to know how everyone reacts to KSP Youtube videos? or since I\'m a new youtuber myself where I might place videos on the forum.

Coz you know, I know there are a few people like \'Rawr! not another bloody youtuber looking for more subscribers!\'. Well maybe not like that exactly, but you get what i mean, some people find it annoying to see newbies like myself posting videos all over the forum. So I just wanted to ask if anyone would be interesting in seeing some of what I have posted and furthermore which section of the forum i would post it in assuming it is acceptable on the forum?

If I\'ve posted this in the wrong section also I apologize in advance.

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I have a couple KSP videos on my channel (blogojira).

HarvesteR is all for the videos, I think, as it gives much needed publicity.

I don\'t remember exactly where I read that, but I know Harv said it.

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Just as long as you are announcing your channel, telling us what its about and all, and not merely spamming for subscribers, then I am cool with it. You should just use this thread to give us the address and a synopsis of your goals for the video series.

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Can\'t help to think that the lack of video quality sort of ruins you effort, the picture in picture is a nice idea but doesn\'t really work in 15x15 pixels don\'t you think?

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Hey, we need more KSP LPers around here! The more, the merrier. :D

Some random thoughts as I check out your first KSP vid.

The channel could use a background and/or theme of some kind. KSP needs its own playlist.

You have a pleasant voice, clear diction, and sound charismatic. Very good.

The picture in picture feature is very interesting. There\'s some real potential for cooking up your own personal style of content using that. Make it into a signature feature.

The commentary audio has a lot of unpleasant hiss. Both background static hiss and your microphone picks up way too much 'sss'. Most audio editing programs have options to remove noise, and that would help reduce the hiss. My experience with different headsets and microphones eventually made me realize you have to pay for quality, so a $60 mike and popper stopper fixed all those problems.

You already know about the audio level problems... This is exactly why I record game audio and commentary on two separate tracks, with two separate programs. So individual audio levels can be tweaked later.

Don\'t worry about appearing nervous at first. Everybody does it. You obviously are enjoying yourself, so will relax and make this hobby your own very soon.

Personally, I\'m not a fan of listening to Youtubers ask for subscribers and likes. But maybe that\'s just me.

To sum up: I see a very solid start here. A few problems, yeah, but everybody has a few problems. You have real potential. Nice job.

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My latest Installment of KSP.


@White Owl

I was thinking Likewise, Do you think i should use the Silhouette I had for the MC pvp arena and Introduction video? It would add consistence however It could look like repetition and pass me off as cheap and nasty. also there is the problem of alignment/cropting. The background is still in the air atm but I\'m working on it.

Thanx, Ive been a little apprehensions about that. I\'m also taking on board that advice and I\'m going to record my voice on a second layer. Do you think the games audio track would need altering in any way? I\'m going to start using Audacity (namely cost reasons atm).

I have seen a few LP\'ers use the recording in the corner idea for a few videos but they don\'t carry it through. I really like it, it\'s personal and I feel a little more involved when I do that like I have someone I am actually talking to. Atm I\'m recording at a low quality 1 coz when it\'s shrunk to that level the resolution will be lost anyways 2 the program i\'m using only records AVI and after 10 minutes of game play their around 10~gb anyways so transferring them to my main computer is a little easier as well as putting it all together for upload.

I\'m thinking however I\'m going to start trying to upload HD (means higher quality portrait recordings). It\'s difficult because that increased the file size by 4x. It already takes me anywhere between 40mins to an hour to upload what I currently have. I create best quality MP4s but as we all know that\'s pretty poor quality in itself. I\'m hoping to upgrade my internet soon but for the time begin I\'ve got to stick with the 480x240? resolution I currently am doing (I have the capacity to record at 1080p, produce at 720p and upload at 360p). As you can tell I\'m taking every practical step to optimize my file size for upload without loosing too much quality.

Which leads me to my next question can Mobile users still view my videos if they are uploaded as HD? can they switch back to low quality?

What should I look for in terms of Microphone statistics? In terms of speakers I do not care much, As long as the quality of my recordings are not lost.

lol yeahhhhh I got no excuse. But I figure it\'s better than spamming a forum thread with \'sub here\' or something. :3

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Yes, if you can upload at a higher resolution then the viewers can still choose the lower res if necessary. I think 480p should be good enough for most games... but then again I\'m living in the land of unlimited bandwidth.

I still don\'t know a whole lot about different microphones. But I realized most LPers are in exactly the same boat, so instead of getting their opinions I did some searching on forums for singers, podcasters, those kinds of people, and found a mike with decent reviews that was available at a store here.

For KSP I\'ve frequently found it necessary to edit the game\'s audio levels, because it suddenly goes from perfectly quiet to very loud and back again in a few seconds.

It\'s a fun hobby. Very cool that you\'re not afraid to get silly.

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@Whiteowl Thanx for all your input :). I\'m gonna implement as much as i can soon. Also your videos are really swell, they look really good.

Hey guys, last installment for now of my KSP series.


As you know it\'s had it\'s high points and low points. Episodes 1-7 really I could say have been learning stages for me. I really appreciated all the input you guys have given me. So I\'m actually going to stop uploading for the moment to take everything on board and try and improve the quality of my videos. I\'m looking into an upgrade for my internet so I can upload better quality rather than this 320p. It might be a while before I get back to my regular once a day posting schedule so for those watching I apologize now and ask for a little patience. Better internet means the possibility of HD videos (720p), higher quality sound and longer videos.

Also I wont be starting afresh (unless you want me to) so we can pick up where we left off trying to launch that space station. A little bit of a teaser I\'m going to implement a new \'concept\' or \'idea\' which we can use to get our space station into space :P. No spoilers though, I\'ll show you what i plan to do once I\'ve upgraded :P. So we\'re scrapping the Intrepid Rocket Design and going with the new Project Stella.

Also once I\'ve updated I\'ll be doing a lot more series this includes Games, readings, Vlogs and possibly Responses (more info once I return). So until then Ladies and Gentlemen I ask for your understanding, I\'m upgrading for you guys so I can bring you better stuff. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry it\'s been so long, I\'ve been so busy trying to get this internet up I lost track of time. In short it\'s not coming anytime soon, so I still got low quality videos. But I have however sorted my sound out. Hopefully it\'s louder, crisper, etc. This episode is terrible though, boring and i was like so tired recording it. soz bout that.


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Nice vid!

You should try to start rotating your rocket progressively, instead of pivoting it 90° in one time.

Begin the turn when you\'ve got rid of the boosters, and progressively pivot the rocket (not too fast!!).

When you reach 60-70000m cut the engines and wait for apoapsis. A bit before reaching it, position your ship so that it points to the velocity vector, and restart the motors! Adjust the rocket trajectory so that you never pass apoapsis (start falling). This is what happened to you in the last vid and it makes you loose a lot of altitude and fuel.

Hope i\'ve been of some help!


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  • 3 weeks later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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