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Adding onto an existing surface outpost, does that count as new?

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So I have a Minmus surface outpost that will accommodate 5 Kerbals. A new contract popped up for a new outpost on Minmus that will accommodate 9 Kerbal. My existing design will dock with itself so I could simply launch another of the original surface outpost land it near the first one and drive it over and dock them together forming an outpost that will accommodate 10 Kerbals meeting the requirements of the new contract. Will that work? Since half the outpost was originally built for another contract. Anyone try adding on to existing outpost to meet new contracts?

Edited by TerminalV
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So I landed a second copy of the original single unit outpost near the first one. I saved it and then docked the two units together both ways. Driving either the original or the new unit and the combine unit met the requirements for the new larger outpost contract.


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