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Breaking News: Kraken Captured!


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The Kraken has been captured in high orbit around Kerbin. A unnamed spy satellite took these pictures shortly after the capture. It is rumored that the Kraken is currently being transported to a secret holding facility on the Mun. Stay tuned for more on this developing story.



Disclaimer: I used the kraken model from The Official KSP 14.2 Celebration Pack! by OtherDalfite. The textures on it was broken so i had to re-make it.

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En route to the Mun the Kraken escapes! ??? Drowsy and confused it makes a run for it along the Mun surface. Luckily Romfarer Corp is prepared for everything and shows up with a custom made Kraken Cage. After a few intense maneuvers and a hail of stun rockets the Kraken is finally captured and installed in its new home on the Mun.



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