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Craft stats won't load. "Craft size unknown!"

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I'm making a ship that is at 507 parts and it was using all of the4gb it had available. I backed up the entire save folder then ran a link to a third folder to get it off my main install leaving a second backup. I then clicked the 64 bit ksp thing and the game started up and I loaded my user. I load my ship and the data won't come up from the craft stats and teh stuff in teh sidebar is all messed up. when I try to launch it says " Craft size unknown!" no size information is Vessel name. Please open in space plane hanger to have it revised by the engineer staff.

i've been working really hard on this ship design. How can I get it back again. Nothing is working.

I keep trying to post the contents of the ship file from gedit wrapped in code, but it crashes firefox...

dum dum dum... I figured something out. I also have the problem where it won't bring up the load window. I removed all ships and added back one at a time. The big ships has a subassembly of a smaller ship in the cargo. When I put the subasembly back in the subasembly folder it won't allow the load window to pop up. But without the sub it I can load the big ship but it has the above problem. Anyone have any idea how to fix this?

If I load it on the runway it loads but I'm zoomed out and it falls through the world. I forgot I had launched it earlier and the game crashed while it was on the runway zoomed out in the same manner. But it didn't fall through the world that I know of.

I also went into the other hanger and could load other ships and do stuff with them. When I did load the big ship that is currently corrupted it will not let me move any parts either. But other ships I can modify normally.

Tehre is also a potatoe like rock in my items on the sidebar that was not there before...

And if I load the ship in the rocket bay I can right click things in some cases and even modify fuel and turn lights on, but not left click and move them or select them. I also can't move the ship as a whole.

The vessel is also nameless... And I forgot to say the subassembly part is a seperate ship(a rover) it has the same problems as the bigger ship.

I've also deleted and reinstalled the game. Put back the save folder and no changes.

If I go into the rocket hanger and load the big ship I can still click some of the headers in the sidebar like mass, size, name. One of the glitches is a flag and a kerbel show up and if you hover over them they increase in size up to a point outside of their boxes. clicking the rocket pad and launching the big ship also gets a similar problem to the runway.

What is stupid is I think the autosave ship is the one I'm using at near it's latest save but I don't think I could get it to work either.

p><p><img src=

http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/226609-aurora-orbital-explorer-drone-spaceplane-project/files/2223345 <- Here is a link to the ship file on curse. I think it's still being moderated initially for the project..(no idea how curse works. Just registered) I think this file is corrupted. DL at own risk.(couldn't get this to work ignore!)

Curse keeps rejecting the file as invalid archive... I have no idea how to get it to upload.


Edited by Arugela
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Okay no need to panic Arugela, as long as you have not saved your craft while running the 64bit version of KSP on Linux.

First off, the only really supported mode is 32bit, 64bit is still classed as experimental for both Linux and Windows, if it works for you then great.

There is a problem with the Unity game engine on Linux when the users language is set to anything other then English, the period and comma get swapped around and this breaks the settings.cfg, the saves, craft files, you name it.

The fix for this is to force KSP to start with a specific language, we use Posix © as all Linux distros have it, and the LC_ALL command in the terminal to set it like this.

LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86_64

That will start the 64bit version with the correct language.

The fix was added to the 32bit version so we don't need it for that, that is why it has worked for you up to this point, but it was not applied to x64 because it is experimental.

You will need to delete your settings.cfg before using the fix as it's already damaged, and if you make a script to start KSP in the KSP folder you don't need to type that line in every time, like this:


LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86_64

Just put that in a text file and make it executable, and put it in the KSP folder, to make a file executable see Google :)

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I'm not sure I didn't save in the 64 bit. I put the file up on mediafire after you posted at the bottom of the post. It's the plane text files for it and the sub item I used in it.

I'm not worried about getting 64 bit as much as I am recovering the file and getting it working in 32 bit. Those issues are all happening in 32 bit mode.

I put the "LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86_64" in the "set launch options" on steam and it starts up but the same problems persist. I also deleted the settings.cfg file. Same behaviors as far as I can tell. It didn't do anything. It seems to be the ship files related to the ship in question. The "Aurora Orbiter Explorer Drone Jumbo". The "AOED rover" is the file that was in subassembly. and it was put in the cargo bay of the jumbo and saved a while before these problems started. I forget what triggered it.

Here is the media fire link again:

https://www./folder/ut5gq8b820fl5ma,hemt60ss2n9dbgs/shared <- Does this link work properly. I've never used mediafire before. Should be two files. "Aurora Orbiter Explorer Drone Jumbo.craft" and "AOED rover.craft"

I jumped to try it on the 64 bit because It was stalling out the 32 bit because of lack of memory just in the space hanger doing editing. I can't remember what I did in the 64 bit. I may have saved but I'm not sure. Can it be manually recovered and put back to 32 bit after that?

And I think the same behavior is created in both 64 bit and 32 from the files.

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Well I recovered what I could, couldn't save the nose though, the new root is the Mk1 pod but you can use the re-root tool to change that.

Back up big craft as you go, just have several prototypes if you need to ;)


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lol I was going to ask how you thought it flew but... 8p Thanks I'll get back to work on recreating it. I think I know most of what I did. I'll post a finished version when I'm done. I'm just glad I took some picks before I lost it too.

Note: Actually when I load it it still has the messed up side bar. I wonder if that is a known problem. It has the add assembly part at the bottom and the items to select are all screwy.

I'll just say from the pics that Jebediah came in and started messing with my ship design. I think He's afraid of competition. Or way to curious.

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http://www./download/hzapqk8p81wmcw8/Aurora_Orbital_Explorer_Drone_Jumbo_x64_v2.craft here is the working version since I remade it. fly it with the kerbals in teh pilot seats. It doesn't fly right with SAS without them. Not sure if it's a torque issue from the Drone core or not. Trying to get this into orbit with just jet mode.

I'm also not completely sure I'm really playing in 64 bit. It still locks up my game and it's basically at only half ram. I'm either in 32bit or my vid card is being maxed.

Either way it now has alot more fuel and batteries. I want to eventually install an electric based wheel system so I can drive it around on planets if I land them without using fuel. I'll change the name to the "Aurora Orbital Explorer Drone Jumbo Lander" then and start trying to figure out what it needs to land and leave any planets I can and make it able to get to them and back. Or at least back in orbit. BTW, the 40ton version I had could get to both moons easily. And I don't think I'm that efficient with fuel yet.

Oddly, no matter how much I've pushed so far I can't get past just under 2100m/s surface speed... Is that an artificial limit? Starting to get curious if ram jets are better in upper orbit and might help push that speed barrier and get in orbit without using the rocket mode on the Rapiers. I think with the older slightly smaller version of this(40tons instead of 60) I could sloppily get in orbit with around 100 total liquid fuel use after hitting rocket mode. Haven't tested it again yet.

My only problem is it is hard to fly from lag to test fly sufficiently.

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  sal_vager said:
Okay no need to panic Arugela, as long as you have not saved your craft while running the 64bit version of KSP on Linux.

First off, the only really supported mode is 32bit, 64bit is still classed as experimental for both Linux and Windows, if it works for you then great.

There is a problem with the Unity game engine on Linux when the users language is set to anything other then English, the period and comma get swapped around and this breaks the settings.cfg, the saves, craft files, you name it.

The fix for this is to force KSP to start with a specific language, we use Posix © as all Linux distros have it, and the LC_ALL command in the terminal to set it like this.

LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86_64

That will start the 64bit version with the correct language.

The fix was added to the 32bit version so we don't need it for that, that is why it has worked for you up to this point, but it was not applied to x64 because it is experimental.

You will need to delete your settings.cfg before using the fix as it's already damaged, and if you make a script to start KSP in the KSP folder you don't need to type that line in every time, like this:


LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86_64

Just put that in a text file and make it executable, and put it in the KSP folder, to make a file executable see Google k_smiley.gif

Do I need to name the file anything specific?

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Do I need to double click the file with that line for it to work or does it automatically work whenever I start the 64 bit client? When I double click it it just opens gedit and shows the files contents.

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I set it as executable by right clicking. I've tried setting it to open as run and with steam and other things but it just opend gedit or does nothing.

I'm on Fedora 21. does it have some weird difference?

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Yep, that definitely started 64 bit. Now if only the game didn't crash after trying to stick on 144 parts at once after I already put on 350 parts! 8p I'm assuming that is a multithreading issue or something. I think I'm CPU bound for some reason. If only I could get it to like 2-10k parts. It would be the perfect Ion engine for a mothership.

Edit: The Batch file didn't work because there was a setting in the "Files" program that comes with Fedora that asks what to do with such files. It was set to show contents of files instead of execute. Once I found that and changed it it worked from then on! 8)

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