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What are your New Years Resolutions?

One-Way Films

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The right New Year's resolutions can work. The key thing is to make them well-defined and immediate.

So not "spend less time on the internet" but No internet at home on Wednesdays. I stuck with this one for several months a few years ago, until I missed a few two many late-night emails cancelling the following morning's sports practice because of it, but that's not an issue nowadays.

Not "do the decorating" nor even "finish the decorating by X date", but Do decorating on the first Saturday of each month, at least until the room is finished.

And not "do more exercise", but - well, I still need to work out the specifics on this one.

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Learn Java, Python, unity and path finding.

Then I shall make a game called "Infilitraitor" (That's no spelling mistake!) where you run around a underground base patrolled by spooky flying drones with guns.

Edited by Kinglet
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Apparently, i completed my resolution one day before new year - i bought myself a new ps3! ^^ It's very big win for me as im too young to earn money on my own, i had to sell my phone and some other stuff to get it.


I had to quickly think a new resolution which is - play less, work more, live more, risk more.

Yeah, big resolution for me, but like my dad says, it's good to be young, take advantages of it while you can.

And speaking on resolution, that tv is 1080p ^^

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I'll have to chose one, but :

1. Learn JavaScript basics.

2. Actually learn Photoshop CS6 (maybe going for this one)

3. Be able to understand how to modify a cylinder in 3DS Max.

4. To be able to accomplish at least one of these.

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My advice would be to not do fitness. Exercise for the sake of it can get boring quickly. Go do a sport, a sporty sport. You will be having fun and exercise all in one go! I picked up climbing because of this and have not regretted it. I feel good, look good* and am more healthy to boot. What more do you want?

*Well, better :D

Edit: heh, apparently se.xy is a dirty word in KSP land.

Well. They wouldn't know said word in an universe lacking genitals...

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