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Problems with missions

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So I have these two missions,

Test LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine landed at Kerbin


Test LV-T45 Liquid fuel Engine

So my ships are Command Pod + Fuel Tank + one of those fuel engine above. I launch stage the engine and it doesnt complete

I've looked around and it says I need to succesfully land it first, so I add another stage and engine to launch me up to ~2000 meters release that stage, activate parachutes to land safely, and then I activate the mission engine's stage. Still not getting complete.

So what am I doing wrong?

PS: sorry mods for sending multiple new post requests didnt see the "needs mod approval before being posted" until the 2nd time

Edited by idiezalot
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It always sucks if something doesn't work the way you want it too, but I don't know what it is. If you activate the lv909 on the Launchpad it should complete the contract. You do not need to get to a specific altitude first. You are activating by pressing space bar?

The lv-t45, I don't know. There is a specific altitude and speed that belongs to it but you probably know this already.

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To test the LV-909 landed at Kerban, use just the engine and a pod, nothing else. Start the test on the launchpad by pressing the spacebar. You will hear a woosh and nothing else. The test indicator will show complete. Recover the test rocket.

For testing while flying, you will have to get the engine up to the test speed range and altitude range before activating it either by staging or by the Run Test depending what the contract calls for. Again, fuel is not required. A liquid fueled rocket or jet engine can be used to boost the test assembly to the required speed and altitude. You will have to build rockets that can get the test parts to the required conditions. Designed properly, you can land everything close by in the water for recovery.

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I've tried this it doesnt complete. I've tried different throttle levels(0-full) with fuel, no fuel, and a whole bunch of other stuff including what was described in the topic armaghedon posted

Can you post a screenshot of the contract as it appears in mission control? It might help.

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I started over, but same problem with this one


notice the quick setup i have I have two of the sepratrons on so it would balance, same conditions and note as the previous problems.

- - - Updated - - -

now im trying another one the Rockomax BACC same conditions, same issues. Are these bugged on a certain version or something? These should be working by just launching the ship with only the engine and its not completing its really annoying and broken.

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Amahula: the part test contracts are randomly generated. You can very easily get contracts to test the same part in a wide variety of situations, ranging from splashed down at Kerbin to on an escape trajectory out of Minmus and a few others.

I can't tell if you're trolling or not... but thanks I guess

- - - Updated - - -

I started over, but same problem with this one


notice the quick setup i have I have two of the sepratrons on so it would balance, same conditions and note as the previous problems.

- - - Updated - - -

now im trying another one the Rockomax BACC same conditions, same issues. Are these bugged on a certain version or something? These should be working by just launching the ship with only the engine and its not completing its really annoying and broken.

From what I can see, the staging is done correctly (activating a parachute and engine isn't perfect tho) and this should complete the sepratron contract. I certainly don't have this problem, so I don't think it's the version that is bugged.

I'm pretty sure we are missing something here.

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I can't tell if you're trolling or not... but thanks I guess

I'm pretty sure we are missing something here.

Not trolling, most contracts are randomly generated. This time it was "Test LV-909 Landed on Kerbin", but it could just as well of been "Test (other part) in Orbit around the Mun", assuming you get to the Mun at least once first, I believe. (source: personal experience, and this)

Only contracts like "Reach altitude of X" or "Get in orbit around Kerbin" or "Explore the Mun" are fixed.

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I can't tell if you're trolling or not... but thanks I guess

Trolling is actually against the forum rules, so no :P. Just to add to Norpo's explanation: if you decline a contract to test, say, an LV-909 landed on Kerbin, quite often you'll get another one to test the same engine in a different situation (such as in orbit over Kerbin). Usually the best paying ones are on a suborbital trajectory over Kerbin and in orbit over Kerbin. The suborbital ones are obviously easier to do though.

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I think its all of these engine testing missions, i remember trying an in flight over kerbin one and it wouldnt complete with the conditions met, those are a bit more difficult though and I may not have been doing it right at the time

im thinking maybe engine contracts are just bugged for me somehow

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