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KSC Buildings Lock Up / Can't Click on Anything / Firing Kerbal Crashes Game

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I have never fired a kerbal and have never lost one yet I still get this lock up occasionally.

There is a similar bug that affects the game with contracts. Where if a part that you previously tested is no longer available to the game, it can lock up. Or maybe you've found a new permutation entirely. Or it could be completely different.

As TriggerAu suggests, it would be a good idea to start a new thread and provide the information from the support sticky here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92230-%21%21%21-PLEASE-READ-BEFORE-POSTING-%21%21%21-Stock-Support-Bug-Reporting-Guide



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For me it started with not being able to launch a ship at all, VAB buttons didn't work, and from there went on to total freeze up if I tried to hire a new kerbal. I didn't have any currently available and hiring caused issues, so I went all out and terminated all my active kerbals. Magically they showed up as available again.....but still can't do much without a freeze up at KSC now. I've tried editing the persistent file, but didn't have much success. :( Anyone feel like taking a look?


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I'm unable to search through your save file at the moment, but will when I get a chance (unless Vexx beats me to it).

But first thing I would say is that you shouldn't need to fire all your kerbals (in fact, that might make it worse). You need to search for any kerbal names that appear outside of the roster and ensure that those same names also have a roster entry. You can find the settings for the kerbals you create in the first post. You can decide if you want them back alive, dead, or permanently fired.



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For me it started with not being able to launch a ship at all, VAB buttons didn't work, and from there went on to total freeze up if I tried to hire a new kerbal. I didn't have any currently available and hiring caused issues, so I went all out and terminated all my active kerbals. Magically they showed up as available again.....but still can't do much without a freeze up at KSC now. I've tried editing the persistent file, but didn't have much success. :( Anyone feel like taking a look?


Looks like you are missing "Lurie Kerman" from the crew roster, who was the first space walk and rescued via a contract

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Can anyone save my poor Kerbals?

I looks like you had to add Podoly, and maybe this is your problem.

name = Kiruki Kerman
type = Crew
brave = 0.4074531
dumb = 0.2129673
badS = False
state = Available
ToD = 357594.206279837
idx = -1
flight = 0
flight = 0
name = Podoly Kerman
type = Crew
brave = 0.4074531
dumb = 0.2129673
badS = True
state = Available
ToD = Infinity
idx = -1
flight = 0
flight = 0

You have a missing closing bracket, "}"... Try to make it look like this:

name = Kiruki Kerman
type = Crew
brave = 0.4074531
dumb = 0.2129673
badS = False
state = Available
ToD = 357594.206279837
idx = -1
flight = 0
flight = 0
[COLOR="#FF0000"] }
name = Podoly Kerman
type = Crew
brave = 0.4074531
dumb = 0.2129673
badS = True
state = Available
ToD = Infinity
idx = -1
flight = 0
flight = 0



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Assuming your Steam games are installed in the default directory (read: if you haven't messed with where Steam stores them), they should be in:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\Saves


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It looks okay. Have you tried loading it? Is it still acting up?

Just make sure you put it in the save directory as "persistent.sfs". It cannot be a quicksave or it will still be broken before you can load the quicksave.

Welcome to the forums! :D



Edited by vexx32
persistent.sfs is the persistence file
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Hey, I'm having the same issue and was wondering if somebody would be kind enough to take a look at my save file?


After a quick look through your save file, it looks like all of your kerbals are set up correctly. However, this but manifests itself the same way if you have mod parts that have been contracted for test (which you do) and you subsequently remove those parts/mod. If you have removed any parts mods recently, you may need to search through all of the "parttest" contracts for any of those parts. If you find reference to a part you no longer have, delete that entire Contract entry.



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Same problem with the locked-up build mode. No mods installed, can't find any missing name (there's only 2 names in the contract and progress tracking section) and my file is bigger than 512kb so I can't paste it on pastebin :s.

here's the complete file


Please let me know if you can help :)

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Same problem with the locked-up build mode. No mods installed, can't find any missing name (there's only 2 names in the contract and progress tracking section) and my file is bigger than 512kb so I can't paste it on pastebin :s.

here's the complete file


Please let me know if you can help :)

I can't see anything obvious in there from here - but I'm not sure about the part test thing that Claw mentions. Sorry

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I will probably have to ask you guys to include a log file. Not that I disbelieve what you are seeing, but there may be other things causing your games to lock up. Or even more than one way to trigger this bug.

Same problem with the locked-up build mode.

What do you mean by "locked-up build mode?" This particular bug basically won't let you enter and leave any of the KSC buildings. Not sure if that's what you're running into. A cursory look through your save file doesn't show any mod part contracts and (as you said) both kerbals are listed in the crew roster. Although all of your kerbal's idx values are not what I would expect from them being in the "Available" status (usually shows idx = -1). I'm not sure if that's causing you a problem.



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I may not have understand the problem explained. I can get out of building but will building my shuttle, nothing can be selected or deleted and stage disapear. Sorry if i posted in the wrong section, I was think it was the same problem :(

Ok here's an update. I've did some test on my game and here's How my problem occur. First of all, I'll be able to clic on anything until I recreat the problem. If I start a new shuttle, no problem, every thing work fine. If I load one of my older shuttle, still no problem but if I chose my newest one, then every single used ship will be locked like describe the paragraph before.

Hope I can help you like this.

Edited by Steve_Mcn
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If I load one of my older shuttle, still no problem but if I chose my newest one, then every single used ship will be locked like describe the paragraph before..

Okay Steve, like you have a different problem (probably a corrupt ship). I ask that you make a new thread in the support forum with your explanation. Also, we will need to see your log file (called output_log.txt if you are using windows). Information on how to find the log is in this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92230-%21%21%21-PLEASE-READ-BEFORE-POSTING-%21%21%21-Stock-Support-Bug-Reporting-Guide

If it does not make sense, please let us know and we will do our best to help. Uploading the log file and the .craft of your newest shuttle will help us better understand your problem.



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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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