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Ship storage hangar and spacecraft building time

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I was playing my career and realised, that vehicle launch mechanics are a bit dull. You can design your ship and launch it in minutes, I don't think, that Kerbal workers are fast enought to build a 50m high rocket in matter of minutes, here's the list of new features, that could be added (some have been suggested before):

- construction time, what would depend on how many parts are there in your rocket/plane and how heavy

- in case of emergency, when you need to launch your craft right away, like a kerbal crashed somewhere in the desert, without food and water (assuming, that life support will be added someday. You could pre-build few vehicles and store them in hangars.

- There could be some kind of construction queue for both VAB and SPH, that would show remaining time fro each craft

- There could also be an option, when you finally design you craft and want to construct, there would be an option "Do you want to skip construction process and launch you vessel right away?" it would calculate all orbits of crafts, that were launched before, just like time warp, but with an instant effect.

- You could always edit pre build aircrafts without building new units, time would depend, on how many parts were moved and by how far. It would allow you to repair damaged aircaft.

- In space center view you can buy and place new hangars

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The extra hangar buildings, storage, pre building along with more advanced recovery factors would be a great idea

But before someone else starts picking you apart for it, any time based mechanics are a no-no due to time-warp, they add nearly nothing other than a day less time to do the contract.

Damage and refurbishment costs would also need tweeking to make storage an option worth using.

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Meh. I'm just saying, if they want it to be like the tycoon games like Squad says on the site, they need it. And it would also allow for different launch pads... In the stock game of course. Although, I can live without it for a while.

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