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[SAVE FILE] Prometheus Heavy Launcher Systems

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This is a modular launcher system that uses common first and second stages. The biggest rocket (v1.7) can get you out into VERY deep space.

Versions: There are pics now stop yelling at me ok

v1.1: Can get a Mk. 1-3 Capsule to LKO


v1.3: Can get a Capsule + Service Module to LKO or maybe higher.


v1.5: Can get a satellite or very small lander to Mun or Minmus orbit.


v1.7: Can get a big lander to Mun/Minmus or a smaller ship to interplanetary space (From Moho to Duna) or maybe an ion ship to Jool


The numbers after the dot identify how many cores are on the first stage.

The secret is using Fuel Crossfeed. You can get to LKO with just cores on the v1.7 without using the second stage!

Here is the download link to the save file. DOWNLOAD

I had to manually create a save game from scratch because mediafire won't let me upload files. This took about 2 hours. It all works!

Edited by MikeFox1
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Edited by manni01
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