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"To the mun, part 1" - Thrusters stop working, and I know I am missing something obvious

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Hi guys, just got this game last night and I love it so far. I am doing the training mission "To the mun, Part 1" but I am unable to complete as my thrusters stop working once I am in Mun orbit and I can't obtain a circular orbit. I assume I have not run out of fuel (still says there is fuel on the top right drop-down menu, in the cornor). Am I missing something here? This was really frustrating me last night, as the training text wasn't helping me at all :(. Any help would be greatly appreciated, so I can touch down on the moon >_<

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Do you have fuel the engine can reach? What the resource tab is showing you is the TOTAL on board your craft. If you are out of fuel in that stage, then your outa gas buddy. Its entirely possible your trans-munar stage has run out of fuel. My advice then is tap the lander fuel a bit and do a direct de-orbit at apoapsis. Be careful though that your orbit isn't too eliptical, otherwise you'll have to burn so much fuel on landing you may not have enough for a return.

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I can ditto that. Got into Mun orbit with slightly too much V and the retrograde burn refused to change my velocity. Set up a maneuver point and it showed my burn time as rapidly fluctuating multi-day values. Bye-bye Mun..

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"Multi-day values" usually mean that your engine shutdown out of fuel... Do you have fuel left in the tank it is connected to? If that rocket have several stages, it is probably time to jettison this stage and pass on the next one : assuming staging is done correctly, you can activate next stage by pressing "space" while in the staging (vehicle) view.

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  • 2 months later...
  wibou said:
"Multi-day values" usually mean that your engine shutdown out of fuel... Do you have fuel left in the tank it is connected to? If that rocket have several stages, it is probably time to jettison this stage and pass on the next one : assuming staging is done correctly, you can activate next stage by pressing "space" while in the staging (vehicle) view.

I've been dancing on the space bar trying to get to the next stage and nothing ever happens. I've made sure I wasn't time warped and looking at the ship with the list of stages running down the left. This happened in the previous training mission too when I tried to land. Is there some voodoo required to prime the decouplers?

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