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Voice comms?


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So i am a new member has some of you know. just started playing within the week. So i noticed the KSP community seems pretty big on the forums, so i was wondering if anyone runs a voice comm server on like teamspeak,raidcall, or mumble or something where KSP enthusiasts can get on and hangout and talk and play the game and ask questions?

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There is an official KSP teamspeak, but nobody ever goes on it anymore.

Yeah, it's almost empty most of the time. That's assuming that you mean the the ksp.nabaal.net server made back in 2012 (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/21641-Community-TeamSpeak3-Server-In-space-WE-can-hear-you-scream!).

Would be nice to raise awareness of that, even if it just gets a few more people trickling in every so often.

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