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Oxidiser Problem

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I have a rocket that goes to the Mun and minmus. The problem is on the 3rd stage the engine doesn't fire and it comes up with 'oxidiser deprived' when there is a full tank of oxidiser. I've tried reinstalling KSP but the same thing happens! Plz Help! I don't know what else to do to make it work. It does it with default parts and modded parts too so no part will work!


Edited by MattQ012
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I have a rocket that goes to the Mun and minmus. The problem is on the 3rd stage the engine doesn't fire and it comes up with 'oxidiser deprived' when there is a full tank of oxidiser. I've tried reinstalling KSP but the same thing happens! Plz Help! I don't know what else to do to make it work. It does it with default parts and modded parts too so no part will work!:(

screenshot8.png Right click and open image in new tab to see the problem!

Edited by sal_vager
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Hmm.. did you enable part clipping when you built this? I ask because that interstages top attach node is a decoupling node - if part clipping is activated, you might be attaching it to the node already being used by the engine and fuel tank (so when you decouple, it breaks the link between them). KWR engines ship with an extra attach node on top so you shouldn't need to enable clipping anyway..

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It does it with default parts and modded parts too so no part will work!

When you say it does it with default parts and modded parts too, do you mean that you can build a completely stock KSP rocket that behaves this way? Either way, can you post your craft file (with a list of the mods, if any, that it uses) so someone can take a close look at exactly how it is put together?

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