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How to calculate angle of separation between two satellites.

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I have a satellite orbiting in a 1400 km of AP and PE 80 km. I'm launching a second satellite (is in LKO - 80 km). I want this second satellite has a separation in the AP 72 ° in relation to the first AP. How to find the AP coordinates of the first satellite? How to calculate the point of burn for the second has the separation of 72 °? I have KER and MJ installed, do not know if these tools have this information.

Thank you for your attention!

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I do know KER has a phase angles option under the redevouz tab. That's basically the angle of seperation you're looking for. As for tools to help you find them.. Lemme do a quick looksie.


Ok I found this. Not sure if it's exactly what you're looking for but it might help: http://ryohpops.github.io/kspRemoteTechPlanner/

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Dr-Drunk, thanks for the link! I have a spreadsheet with information on the coverage of satellites, but this link you can view the cover. It helps a lot ... I saw the KER> Rendevouz: Phase Angle. But I do not know what he means. It seems to me that it is against the current position of my ship to the target, it still does not know how to project the burn point for the AP achieve the desired angle (72 °).

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I believe you want the longitude of perigee. You can compute this value by adding the longitude of ascending node to the argument of perigee. Both of these are available in KER. Then, compare the two values for the two satellites to compute the angle you're looking for. However, it will be very difficult to burn directly into that orbit without lots of really hard math. If you can manage it, I would suggest putting the second satellite in a circular 1400km orbit and then lowering its perigee when it's current longitude is 180 degrees away from the desired longitude of perigee. You should be able to get within a degree or two using this method. Then, you can burn radial/anti-radial at apogee to adjust the longitude of perigee precisely. This will change your apogee, but you can change it back at perigee without significantly affecting the longitude of perigee if it's not a major change.

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Jimbimbibble, thank you for your interest! I tried your suggestion but due to not understand exactly your explanation (do not speak English and translators does not always make a good translation), I had no success. It would be possible to give an example (even hypothetical)? Maybe then it would be easier for my understanding. Thank you in advance ...

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Read this. You should be able to select your language on this website.


This is what you want to calculate. I don't think there is a mod which tells you directly but you can calculate the longitude of perigee from other data.

Launch your ship into a circular orbit at the desired altitude. Wait until you are where you want your apogee to be. Slow down to get the correct perigee.

I don't think I can explain it any simpler than this. Sorry if the tranlator doesn't work right.

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Jimbimbibble, you have no guilt about the translator ... I'm reading about it. For now I'm using the strategy in a circular orbit, set the distance to my target when both the AP and then reduce the PE.

What I want is to create a communication network with satellites orbits elliptical. How are 5 satellites, they would be separated in 72 °.

*Aqua*, there is a subforum in English, I'll post the question there. We have experienced people there and always willing to help with the noobs.

Thanks, guys, for the available of always help!

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