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Structural Docking Port Mod


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Does anyone know of a mod that adds docking ports that simply create a structural linkage between two crafts, instead of docking them and creating one craft? I haven't been able to find one so far, and I would like one so that, as I am in the process of setting up a DMP server, I would like a space station that can be "manned" by several players at once separated into orbital sections(kinda like the ISS but ignoring the fact that they are connected passageways). In my mind, this seems like the logical thing to do to allow my group of friends, who will be playing, to be able to use the space station at all times and, because they have each their own segment, can use it while others are. Any information anyone has is appreciated. Thanks :)

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The nearest thing I have seen to that is KAS, with its magnets and hooks. It would attach and grapple on other things, but not connecting with them. Remember, however, because they would be different crafts, and can collide to each others, krakens may happen.

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I don't think it's possible without custom plugin. Even if you use KAS and set connectors in "undocked" mode, timewarp or putting them on rails will destroy it. Two connected vessels will simply drift away from or through each other.

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