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Mass Driver Railway

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You have created the most awesome aircraft-spaceplane ever but it happens that it hasnt got enough speed to take off.

And it happens that it starts to turn to one side of the railway.

How to stop these two things atsame time?

Navy did it for nearly 60 years.

Its called catapult and its used on carriers to give extra speed to the aircrafts.

Why not an extra upgradeable building on the runway to give extra speed to the space planes and lock the front wheel?

It will be extra expensive and only upgreadable when the runway is at maximum develop.

What do you think?

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I know the problem. I build an SR 71 replica with FAR and b9... It's great once it's in the air :P

Have you tried to break right away and let your turbines spin for a while? Also, the rapier's rocket mode is not limited to use in space ;) Those two helped me with my heavyer designs. Some people also use the flat grass plain around ksc, but that's not my cup of tea

on topic: I don't think that this is rly needed and it's also kinda weired tbh. Oh and as far as I know big planes can't be accelerated that way because the load on theire structure is already high

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