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[AAR/FANFIC]The Second Space Race: The Sands of Duna Chapter 3 Extra (More goodies coming soon)


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  1. 1. What do you want more of the story to be focused on?

    • More of Kerbin, Same amount of Duna-Ike misadventures
    • More of Duna/Ike, less Politics n' stuff

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:)Hi! this is my first fanwork, and my first KSP story. It will contain both space action in the Dunar system, as well as political/military action on Kerbin. Enjoy!

But first, some KSP History Lessons(the last paragraph is the important part.)

First, kerbin was made of various city-states scattered across the continents of Niasa and the island chain of Aklani (present day Searachioa).Two dominant ones were the Kesopotamian civilization that covered most of Northern Niasa, and the Empire of Aklani. The Aklainians, hungry for land, used its large naval fleet and took over tribal lands of Kindenia, Sealandia, and West Niasa (present day Kina). At the same time, the Kesopotamians conquered the northern parts of Niasa and Western Ekraine. But then, a war broke out when the Kesopotamians first went into south Niasa and tried to conquer the Aklainian land. Aklania had a larger army, but the Aklani had more advanced and heavily armed forces, and both signed a peace treaty dividing the land after a decade of war and half a million deaths.

The two nations were in chaos, and after a major earthquake in Kindena and a tsunami in the main island of Aklania caused the downfall of the empire. The new nations fought for land, and eventually, the Niasan nations of Kina and Kerushia became. A series of bad rulers and heavy taxation on the civilians in Kesopotamia caused the downfall of the empire, and the new nations of Feranence, Keomaneteonis, and Kausland formed. Kausland was the largest, and formed a empire spanning north Ekraine into northern Kolus. They sent expeditions two the southwestern tribal territories of Asteralia and Sealandia, and took them over as colonies. This was a more peaceful time, and technology flourished. Then a problem arose- the new nation of the Reihk. The Reihk was a political movement that engulfed Keomaneteonis, and the government became a Sosxialist government, governed by infamous dictator Adly Fuher. They turned the army into a military machine, and created the first jet-powered planes (Kausland had already invented propellor planes). Feranence, which was mostly a agriculture, mining, and food product manufacturing nation, quickly surrendered, and the Reihk became a. Dominant powerhouse. Kausland, which had split and then retake Keoland and Reiland, knew they would have to be cunning to beat them-so they experimented with the reaction between propellium, oxium, and a few matched-which ended in the spontaneous combustion of the lab and a small metal rocket. They then started Project Hamsterdam, where in collaboration with captured Feranian scientists, they created the Urlumium-Blutonium superweapon (also known as the nuke). They dropped a few on major Reihk cities and military stations, and caused the downfall of the Reihk. But just when the people thought they could rest-disaster.

Major supervolcanoes erupted, along with a period of geological activity, and the the nations collapsed while people tried to survive. When the period was over, things had changed. The Aklanian islands had mostly sunk, Kindenia had a huge crater, Anarchy had overthrown most of the world's governments while a few others struggled to survive. Out of the Ashes rose the United Ekranian Patriots, a fascist Superpower, and the Kerbal's Democratic Republic of Kerushia. The two nations had an idealogical battle, where borders of nations became borders of worlds and space exploration was seen as a opportunity of exploitation, resulting in a space race. The two Nations eventually collapsed under their own weight, and Kerbin was split into smaller countries. The most important of the new nations was the Union of City-states of Konastra Kolus, or the UCKK. The growing nations of Kina and Kerushia recovered, while the the Greater Kauslanic Union, or GKU, along with the second republic of Keomaneteonis, New Feranence, and the UCKK, started a space program called the Kerbal Nations' Space Agnecy, and launched various communication satellites into orbit, allowing for the first pictures from space of Kerbin and the birth of telecommunication, GPS, and the Kerbin Wide International network, or just the internet. Kina and the KNSA both sent kerbals into orbit, and the KNSA sent kerbals to the Mun while Kina built space stations. The KNSA agreed to let Kina use their heavy-lift Goliath V lifters and their Kapollis manned space craft for crew rotations at the cost of letting their crews on board, causing the first international collaboration. Then, Kerushia happened. Kerushia converted to Kommunism, and Kina experienced a revolution that Replaced the current Kapitolist government to a Kommunist, and the Kapitolists fled into Haiquan (that's why to this day, Kina and Haiquan hate each other). The two kommie nations joined together to form the Koviet Kerushian and Kinese provinces (KKKP) and hacked the system of a shuttle docking to the station. The shuttle crashed into the station, and 5 crewmembers were able to evacuate with a Kinese Space Program Feichuan Spacecraft while the one remaining UCKK crewmember that was in the shuttle likely perished when it hit the atmosphere. This was the infamous "KIR Station Incident" and is often used in UCKK propaganda.

The KNSA dissolved, and the UCKK formed it's own space agency, known as the Konastrian Space Program (KSP). A (Second) Cold War of political oppression began. Both nations immediately got funding for Duna missions, directed by Wernher Von Kerman in the UCKK and Sherjay Kerolevi in the KKKP. After two decades of development, the two nations prepared to each send four of their most experienced kerbals screaming into the Kosmos, towards the distant red wonder of Duna.

A map of the current countries:

(Crap map replaced soon)


(Crap flags to be replaced soon)

The two Duna transfer vehicles:

The Braun Duna Transfer Vehicle


The Tsiolkerbsky Dunnily Orbitalny Kerabyl:


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Dear Dairy,

Today, is the big day. I've said goodbye to my kids, my parents, my friends, my wonderful husband Rayford, my colleagues, and saddest of all, my pet kirbil Furry, as i'm not going to see them in at least two years, maybe never again- no, shut up, you'll survive. Great, all your crewmembers are looking at you oddly Corbrett. Okay, I'll write again in orbit. toodles!


"Hey, Fabien, ready for the big ascent?"

"Shut up Obfen. I'm going to barf on the way up if I eat anything."

"Want some of my Bagel Kabbit Sandwich?"


I looked around at my fellow crewmembers and sighed.

"Hey guys, act more like heroic Kerbonauts and less like little kerblings."

"Mwaph-wha? This Bagel Kabbit Sandwich is too good."

[sighing intensifies]

"Hey, Tanmund, we're all going to spend a lot of time together... We should learn to talk."

"And when not to. Just being honest."

"Too honest."

"Sorry, Corbrett. I'm Aolian. I'm honest by nature."

The Limo Driver, Orgas, looked back and shouted, "Hey, Sandwichnauts, we're picking up admin Jeb at MC KSC. Be polite. We have a suprise for you."

Fabien spilled his Koffee and said, "I love suprises, yippee!"

Corbrett's scrapbook


Picking up KSP administrator Jebediah Kerman Sr. at the admin facility. He’s cool.


We had a party at Mission Control KSC before we left. It was fun, but Fabien ate all the cookies. I have several barf bags i will forcefully give him. Keep note in mind.


The KSLS I launch vehicle, on the pad, with a Kerion II capsule. Second ride on one, first tiime to the IKIRS

Obfen "Ob" Kerman (Konastra): Mission commander and pilot, black haired guy without beard(UCKK)

Corbrett "Brett" Kerumani (Aolus): Mission Engineer, the blond female (UCKK)

Tanmund "Koffee" Smits (Basia): Mission "tech support" and Geologist

Fabien "Fabulous" Larikarman (Esico): Astrobiologist, blond guy



T-one day to launch for Koviet Provinces, crew taking propanganda shot in front of the Kapitol building at Beiskowji...


(Left to right)Corsey "Cranky" Kem-Sang(West Serachioa): Mission Pilot

Rofrey "Roaring" Lagraniv (Kerushian): Mission commander, also Koviet Vice-Premier

Shervey "Smarty" Teresnova (Kerushian): Mission Biologist and physicist

(NOT SHOWN) Samski "Scared" Keryi (Kinese): Mission engineer, computer genius

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Good pictures of the Space Centre and the Kapitol building - they help set the mood nicely. I also like the different style of spacecraft used by the two factions.

Using a few more paragraphs and not writing everything in bold would make your introduction more readable. Personally, I'm not a big fan of overusing 'K' country names, but that's not such a big deal here since it looks like most of the action is going to be in space rather than between the different countries back on Kerbin.

Difficult to say much more until the story starts, but I'll definitely be reading Chapter 1 when you post it. Good luck!

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Mission control Communications

Gene Kerman: T-1 hour to launch, all systems are GO, weather looks great. Preflight check 2 complete.

Orgas: Mr. Jeb, should I drive you to mission control?

Jeb: No. Park us over there. I want to watch the launch directly.

Orgas: K'

Hoverdrone and camera photos, cortesy of LYNX news station (also, some videos Jeb recorded)


"Great view. Great day for such an important launch, huh, Jeb?"

"Yup, Orgas."




Mission Control CAPCOM officer Bobak Kerman: "Obfen, this is mission control, it is T- 5 minutes to launch. Pre-flight check complete, we are standing by at mission control for launch. What is your status? Over."

Obfen:Mission control, I read you, all systems are nominal, the crew is all buckled in. Over.


Flight director Gene Kerman:T-30 seconds. All systems read nominal. Capcom?


Gene: "TELCOM?"








Gene: "Okay, all flight controllers are GO, All flight controllers are GO, Mission Kolonation Duna is GO!T-5 seconds, engine ignition, firing change is armed, and LIFTOFF, of the KSLS launcher with the Korion MPCV, carrying the crew of Kolonation Duna and all the hopes and dreams of Kerbalkind, to the first Kerballed landing on the red planet!"




"Liftoff! Wow."


Orgas: "Good job Jeb. The press will love the pictures."


Jeb: I'm amazed every time, every launch, at how far we've come as not just a nation, but as a species. If we could just all cooperate... but no, damn politics...


Orgas: Go science!


MC Gene: Bye, Obfen. See you real person in two years.

Tanmund: T+40 seconds, ascent is nominal, velocity at 126 meters per second, boosters at 75%, gravity is 4-gees. T+1 minute, we are at 5 kilometers and rising fast, velocity is 202 meters per second, over. Preparing for booster separation.â€Â

Obfen: T+1 minute 20 seconds, pitch program is at 15 degrees, booster separation is successful. Velocity is 458 meters a second. We are clearing the upper Kratosphere, entering the Kesosphere, velocity is 682 meters a second. Engines still as loud as hell. Over.


"Clean booster separation confrimed, all systems nominal."

Fabien Kerman: Ack… why did you give me that sandwich, Obfen… BLEUGH *koff koff* remind me to kill you when we get into orbit…"

Corbrett rolled her eyes and handed Fabein a throw-up bag.


Bobak: Congrats, you are now in a stable orbit.

Vj7tu2h.pngFabien: "Much in the space. Cool. I wonder if Keoland can go to space."

Obfen laughed and joked, "NO! Keoland cannot into space!"


Tanmund: "Go UCKK! Go KSP!"


Obfen: "Everything separation confirmed. That is supposed to separate, that is."


Tanmund: "Whoo, engine ignition!"




Tanmund: Final approach.

Obfen: T+8 minutes, we are now in a stable orbit averaging 120 kilometers, in a parking orbit 400 meters away from the Braun Interplanetary Transfer Vehicle.


Tanmund:â€ÂWhoa… She’s a beauty, isn’t she, biggest thing we’ve built since the Kerbin International Space Research Station, and even more expensive… well, it’s the biggest now, since Kina force deorbited the KIR when it and Kerushia joined The KKKP to together and formed the Koviet Kerushian and Kinese Provinces, which was to be surpassed by the IKORS. In fact, this mission was largely because of that.â€Â

Fabien (clear of throw-up):†Yeah. But still, the Braun is still the most advanced spacecraft there is, with a large inflatable hab, a high-gain solar array truss, a KWR Vesta propulsion module. You need the Vesta, to take something THAT big to Duna. Really. I MEAN IT.

Obfen: "Focus on helping me dock, Tanmund. Fabein, shut up."

"You meani! I don't liek yuo!"

"Why in the name of SQUAD were you chosen to go on this mission?"

"No one else was brave enough."

"Shika. That's a suprise, after all, ignorancy is power."

Obfen: 6 meters... 3 meters... retrothrusters fire... .1 m/s... 1 meter out... CLAMPS ENGAGED, and we're docked up, folks! lets not get killed by airlock depressurization. that movie is scaring me. 1

1: Interstellar reference


Tanmund: "Lets transfer over. i hear there is a greenhouse on those. and sleeping bunks. and centrifugal force support."

Fabien: "And Hot Kheetos!"


"Fabien, you clearly enjoys staring at the ceiling."

"FINALLY, Brett! You talked!"

"It's 'spoke', dumb455. oh, whoops, I was being a bit mean there, Fab. Sorry. Hope I dodn't offend you much."

"Apology accepted."


Tanmund, in his head: A table with a Koffee cup painted on. I'm killing you when i get back, Barfurt*. You get Koffee and i don't andnow you're taunting me about it.

*Barfurt Kmits, Lead Braun Hab engineer and Tanmund's Sister. Gave him coffee beans on his first trip to the IKORF, ut they turned out to be fake. Had grudge ever since.


Tanmund: Oooo, a window.


Tanmund: I think I can see my house from here. And some Koffee shops. ;.;


Fabien: "Ladders up to the snack cupboards? Ermahgerd. I can smell the Hot Keetoes from here..."

Obfen: "Corbrett, let's cut the live feed. This is turning into a reality TV show, like Catching up with the Kerdashians. Lets cut. This is embarrassing."

When the TV ratings came out for The Duna report, it was 10/10 would watch again. Funding got a huge boost. . Mortimer, the lead of Finances at the KSC, said they should keep up the humor.

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Koviet Central TeleVision Channel 1 News:


This is Lei-Jian Kan, lead news reporter of KCTV channel 1 news, reporting from the KKTV channel 1 news studio, and we sure have some hot new stories, correct, Kerskosmos Vice-Administrator Ested?


Kerskosmos Vice-Admin Ested Keonov: Yes, thank you, Lei. Today is the big day of the launch of the Antimatter M rocket, which will carry the habitat and crew of the Dunnily Orbitalny Kerabyl, which will become the first Kerbaled landing on Duna, which obviously will beat those Kapitolist pigs. Here is some live feed from the camera towers in the grand Capitol...

Nice weather, perfect for launch... all the systems are stll nominal. the launch will be in a hour. Some more live feed, from one of our vans on the site.

Weatherman Gilban Kalinsko:Yeah, great weather in the Ktalin Kosmodrome area, we'll touch you up on that in a while, as well as the incoming hurricane that will hit the western area of Haiquan. Everyone's excited about the launch, huh?

Ested: yesterday the crew went on the last location on their cross-country tour before the launch, the Capitol Transport section of the grand city of Beikowsji, heres some pictures from yesterday. Here's the crew arriving at Kermlin Military airport, along with their new crewmember, mission engineer Samski Keryi.


Ested: Here is the crew's tour van, photographed by hoverdrone, while they were on their way to The central Capitol district, to visit the Capitol building and the Kermlin, where the Premier resides.


Lei: Here is the driver picking up the KNSA's main manager, Caleny Ko-jin, at the administration Capitol building.


And in this image, the Kosmonauts are visiting Supreme President Pultinus Kerdenko and being given a honorary flag.


And now, mission commander Rofrey is planting the flag of the Space Agency outside the military airport.


Special guest former Mun expedition 2 Kerbal Lansa Ke: Very patriotic of him. I remember doing the flag planting duty on the old space center grounds, and then planting it on the Mun. It's a tradition since the first orbital flight on Karlon Gagaris.


Lei: Oh, and there's Shervey saluting the flag!


Lei: Very good. There's a pic of the crew driving by the Kapitol building grand flagpole of the KKKP, outside of the Kermlin. Of course.


Ested: And there is the intrepid crew entering the financial district, three hours ago. Our design is much better than that terrible UCKK architecture. Ours is more modern.

Lei: fascinating. I love science and space. Anyways, up next, Gil will give us a quick touch up on the weather, and after a quick break, we will return to the status of the launch, and then later, a story on a heartbreaking charity story, a cat video that has obtained millions of views on Komtube, and live feed from the launch, on your top KKKP news provider, KCTV channel 1 news. Now, Gilban, the screen is yours.


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Fixing mistakes
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I like the news room. :)

I will update thenews room, as the current one is sideways and shows the stock KSC. just downloaded a mod called Kerbinside and KSC++, so that the UCKK will use KSC, and the KKKP will use a different one. I might download the Kosmodrome, as it fits the job description.

EDIT: all the pics are done. Just need to write it. Don't have time for that though. Probably coming on Monday

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  • 2 weeks later...


Lei-Jian Kan: Welcome back, to the KCTV channel one 6 o'clock news, this is Lei-Jian Kan, with Harsen and Gilban, as well as special guests Kersmonaut Lansa Ke and Kerskosmos vice-admin Ested Keonov, here to talk with us about the launch of the first crewed interplanetary mission to Duna, the not-so-distant Red wonder. Ested, the camera is yours.


Ested: Good Evening, everyone. The launch preparations are going flawlessly, as everything in the KKKP. We have intercepted transmissions to Feranence about the UCKK's plans to perform their transfer burn tonight, but we will rendezvous with the Tsiolkerbsky and perform the transfer burn before those fools get to do so!

Harsen: Eek! We certainly hope so!

Gilban: He means, we are certain. The weather is fantastic at the Kosmodrome, still looks good for the big day. People are watching from inside the safety of the launch complex bunkers, though we have absolutely no idea why, as all KKKP launches have been absolutely totally flawless with no catastrophic failures whatsoever- basically, flawless so far. Here is a picture of the Antimatter-M rocket on the launchpad, standing by for launch.

Harsen: very beautiful day outside. I've been to the Kosmodrome once, it was fantastic, and the people there REALLY know what they're doing... T-10 minutes to launch, we will touch back on the mission after this short 6-minute commercial break.


Harsen: Welcome back, we are continuing on with the nation's top story, the launch of the KKKP Dunnily Kolliny Programme. Admin Ested?

Ested: we are 3 minutes out to launch, that was a picture of the DOK on the Antimatter M, let's turn to live feed. Launch is still GO.

Lei: it looks like the engines are starting the initial ignition sequence, yes?

Ested: Yes, it starts it two minutes before launch. we should see the flames at T-6 seconds, which is coming soon. The moment of truth!

Every single kerbal watching TV in the KKKP: IGNITION!!!!!!!


Ested: And liftoff, of the KKKP's first manned mission to Dunnily Kolliny Program, which will put a KKKP kerbal on the surface of both Duna and Ike, catapulting our hopes and dreams, and science, to the red planet! Poyekhali!!!!!!!!!!



Rofrey: Booster sep in T- 3,2,1, Separation confirmed, altitude is 25Km and rising fast.

Samski: Okay. That was tense. Less scary now. Phew.

Mission Control: Switch to the engine cam. Prepping for stage three sep.

Rofrey: Phew. Shervey, get some footage. I will talk to you two troublemakers in orbit.

Mission control: We're getting there...


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Yes, you may notice the launch vehicle and facility look different. I will get back to changing those pictures soon' after I finish the KKKP launch broadcast.

oh, and want to know the REAL reason why Harsen is screaming? For the fake launch, I accidentally screwed up the staging, and well, it was a large-scale RUD (Rapid Unplanned Dissasembly).

i already have the screenies for the UCKK and KKKP in orbit around Duna, and the transfer, I just didn't get to the fake launch, so it was delayed. Sorry!

EDIT:what Samski says in the end is "No. I will kill you if you don't shut up."

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*☭KKKPIr1vJzg.pngRofrey: Booster sep in T- 3,2,1, Separation confirmed, altitude is 25Km and rising fast.7JeGrsh.pngSamski: Okay. That was tense. Less scary now. phew.

Mission Control: Switch to the engine cam. prepping for stage three sep.

Rofrey: Phew. Shervey, get some footage. I will talk to you two troublemakers in orbit.eCx7AgN.pngMission control: We're getting there...


Obfen: Koviets are launching, we need to go, pronto. Corbrett, activate the engines. Tanmund, you watch the engine status. I'll keep it in control.

Fabien: Me?

Corbrett:You go freaking look out the window, Fab.

Fabien: *Sniff sniff*

Fabien: I think i can see the KKKP launch from here...



Rofrey: Get over there, baby...

Corsey: My SQUAD, the UCKK is preparing or transfer burn!


Samski: We are in orbit! Planning the manuever...


Corsey: The idiots are starting they're burn! We're doomed!

Rofrey: not on my watch.


i1GkZ8C.pngObfen: Let's go...


Shervey: Eeek, the UCKK are still going!


Sam: we're docked! open the hatch, and lets get this machine going! extend the Hab!SYwXhbf.pngRofrey: ACTIVATETHE ENGINES, FULL THROTTLE!

Samski: Maybe we should de some precooling and calibration?


Sam: Bad idea...

Rofrey:ACTIVATION!!! YAH!!SDDo58v.pngSam: They're overheating...


Obfen: T-39 seconds to burn finish...i1GkZ8C.pngObfen: Yes...5Jkuhx0.pngMission Control, KSC:YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!


Rofrey:Yes-NYEEEEET!!!bAAZtRh.pngSam: Commander? Are you okay? At least there's a great view!VWDCXYw.pngSamski:Bye, bye, sweet Firma tekka...

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Next week, i'm on break. I'll probably do frequent uploads, but i will make no promises, as i am doing a science project/powerpoint presentation on wormhole travel to impress my science teacher (and friends).

I have the screenies ready. Both craft are in orbit, prepping for rendesvous with their respective duna landing crafts.

Oh, and the seals of the missions:



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Obfen was getting anxious. There were only two days left to Ike intercept. The Koviets were also coming in at the same time. From the transmissions the tech whiz, Tanmund, intercepted, the KKKP were going for a direct-Ike gravity assist and would land using the on board lander. he was getting more worried. If the Koviets beat them to any landing, they would be screwed. The Braun didn't have an on board lander, and the Ike lander was in orbit around Duna. They have to get to Duna first, so they can rendezvous with the duna DAV. Kosh... the stress...


Fabien: Hey, boss! you're muttering in your sleep again. we're all so excited. is there something wrong?

Obfen: -whu- WHA? oh, it's nothing... Just typical me, stressing about random things...


Obfen: we're almost there. Any new messages from mission control?

Corbrett: Yes. they have planned the maneuver. We will take advantage of the gravity of Ike to slow us down, and we will do a direct rendezvous with the Duna lander. mission control will give us another heads up in an hour, and we will start burn preparations.

Obfen: yes, good.



Samski: I think i can see it...

Shervey: What?


Sam: There. Snapshot. I hope the propaganda officers at home are happy.


Corsey: That is a pretty good pic. If i can just get this comms. link up- crud.

Sam: what?

Corsey: I broke the comms link.

Sam: EVA count: 9. This is ranked fifth in most ridiculous, after the solar panel demolition and the leaky toilet maneuver. Sheesh...



Obfen: almost there...



Corsey: wy are you and Sam suiting up?

Rofrey: we have recieved commands from mission control to do a direct flyby-to-landing. we will detach the lander after the Duna capture burn, and while we go towards duna, we will perform a maneuver to set us on a sub-orbital trajectory over Ike.

Shervey: Ah, that got to beat the Konastrians. Screw them.


Mission Control: DOK, you are GO for retroburn maneuver.

Rofrey: Roger that.



Tanmund: Retroburn in T-10 seconds. We are GO.

Obfen: ENGAGE-



Rofrey: -BURN!!!!!!


Shervey: All systems nominal and functional, fuel levels decreasing nominally, t-4 minutes to burn finish, 6 minutes left...



Sam:Not this tantrum again...



Corbrett: we're in orbit, commander, 10km out from the DAV.

Obfen: Good. we are going smooth.

Obfen knew it was not. Mission control was pressuring him to land quickly, as they have intercepted KKKP commands to the Tsiolkerbsky that their Ike lander was go for detachment.

Rofrey: Detach in two minutes.

Samski: Wish us luck!

Corsey: Here, here, have some luck.

Sam: Uh...

*Corsey gives Sam a better camera*

*Shervey gives a hug*

Sam: uh... Thanks?


Obfen: DETACH!


Shervey and Corsey: We'll be waiting! good luck!


Sam: Bye...

Rofrey: we have recieved the command from mission control...




Obfen: the lander is in sight. Looks like solar panel is broken... Prepare for final approach, T-3,2,1, and firing forward thrusters We are at .1 m/s relative to target, 5 meters out, and...


Obfen: And...




Obfen: We have contact, engaging elctromagnets, clamps deploy...


Obfen: we're docked up! Corbrett, open the hatch, i need to get in there, quick, Corbrett, you get in too, and close, hatch, undock in T-

Tanmund & Fabien: Bye! Good luck!

Obfen: Notimebye *spshhhhhh* (Lame imitation of undocking noise)


Bobak Yakerba (CAPCOM at mc): DAV prime vulture, you are go for deorbital burn.


Obfen *silently prays to SQAUD*: Corbrett, burn, now.

Corbrett: roger that.



Mission control KKKP: Rofrey, you are GO for landing.

Samski: Let's get this show on the road...


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Obfen: Stop retroburn. We are on the proper trajectory.


Corbrett: K'. I'll monitor the KKKP transmissions. We may need to make desperate manuevers...


Samski: adapter separation confirmed, initiate retroburn.


Corsey (transmission): We have confirmed that the Konastrians will hit the upper atmosphere of Duna in just an hour. We might have to go to a different, more challenging landing site...

Rofrey: No. We have the time. We need to pick up data from the old Ikecommsni probe.

Sam: Sure, boss.


Obfen: The Koviets have initiated retroburn. That's not good. Analyze our current orbit relative to the surface base's location.

Vulture DAV autopilot: Affirmative. We will be making two more passes untill we hit the base.

Obfen: No! I don't want that! Vulture, retroburn. we need to hit the landing zone within the 30-minute period.

Vulture: affirmative. initiate.



Ested (Mission control): Umm... Rofrey?

Rofrey: Ya?


Ested: The Konastrians are chaning their landing trajectory. Theyare landing in 50 minutes.

Rofrey: Oh, bloody kell, you told us that the Konastrians would land in 2 hours!

Ested: yes, but the- oh no- signal weak- out of comms ra-nge-lan-d-----ne-r-the-survey-pr-**********************

Rofrey: Oh, I don't even care anymore. Sam, burn towards the surface.

sam: That's it. You're nuts.

Rofrey: zzzzzzzzz

Sam: You little irresponsible ass...

Rofrey: What are you calling me?

Sam: I've had enough. I've had enough of your madness. I did all the chores during the transfer. I was the one who got the bunk near the restroom. in the morning routine, i had to Go monitor systems while you idiots eat breakfast. I'm done.

rofrey: You... You...

Sam: I havethe tapes in my shelf here, in case of a situation like this, of all your yelling at me. If you don't stop and bend down to me NOW, i'll release the recordigs to the public.

Rofrey: Hgrr...


Sam: That's right. I'm the commander now, rofrey.

Rofrey: That's it... HRGGAFAHVAAGBSSSBABBAAB *Makes attempt to grab the tapes*

Sam: Oh, we're on!


Corbrett: *Giggle*

Obfen: What?

Corbrett: LOL, those koviet lächerlich Failures are fighting... Teehee!

Obfen: Focus, Brett.

Corbrett: Brett?

Obfen: I gave everyone nicknames. Brett, Tammy, and of course, Fab.

Corbrett: Umm... Okay?

Obfen: but seriously, focus.

Corbrett: K'. chute deployment in t-5 minutes.


Rofrey: -YAHHHHH


Autopilot: landing in t-10 minutes. UCKK landing in T-10 minutes.

Rofrey: Wait. let's settle our differences when we're on the ground. We need to land. Did you not hear the autopilot?

Sam: Fine. I'm still the commander. but-

Autopilot: landing in 10 minutes. UCKK landing in 9 minutes.

Rofrey: Oh, bloody kell...

Sam: Don't go crazy. Pilot the craft down to the surface. Corsey and I have a little suprise for the Kapitolist kigs...

Rofrey: Calm down, myself... cool down... have some snikerbs...

Sam: don't eat my Snikerbs.

Rofrey: Ughhhhhh...

Sam: Autopilot retrograde virus, let's go...




Corbrett: chute deplyme-

Autopilot: Recieving command #10-error. null. message //Good luk Kptlists hav fun plnqng to ze grnd// error- pointing retrograde to side cupola command error;(noref) Firewall.sfs has stoped working

Obfen: Oh, mother of SQUAD...



Obfen: KSC, we have a problem...

EDIT: Part two out now!



Sam: we are 7 minutes out from the suicide burn.

Rofrey: Good job Sam. The UCKK idiots are probably tangling their parachutes around the craft. They're doomed, for sure.



*alarms blaring, parachutes tangling around craft*

Corbrett: We're not going to make it! The parachutes are tangling around the craft! We're doomed.

Obfen: i don't want to hear you say that, ever again! (Stares Corbrett in the face) You, and I, are both going to live. You hear me!

Corbrett: How? 2 o fthe 6 drogue parachutes are tangled up in the ship, and even though we got rid of the virus, the aerodynamic forces are causing us to go in a trajectory that will crash us into vallis Kunaesis!

Obfen: Corbrett, calm down. Vulture, analyze the spin of the DAV, and the status of the RCS thrusters. cut the parachutes.

Vulture: Affirmative. The prime vulture DAV has a spin of 42,43 RPM, two of the six descent RCS thrusters are functional, all the ascent RCS thrusters are nominal, and all the descent engines other that the starboard aft are nominal.

Obfen: Good. orient the vulture in an upwards direction. Use Ike as a guide.

Corbrett: We'll all die! the parachutes will break off!

Obfen: Possibly, but it's no time for caution.

Vulture: The ship is experiencing critical G-forces. the KKKP is 5 minutes out from landing.

Corbrett: Struts are flying off! The structural integrity is at 70%!

Obfen: Come on...

Vulture: 30 degrees.

Corbrett: (Faints from intense G-forces)

Obfen: Come on, VULTURE...

Vulture: 10 degrees.. cut parachute command in 3, 2, 1,

Obfen: And we're upright! Parachutes are cut, descent speed is- oh, no, vulture, deploy the landing legs! We're coming in hot! Keep burnin' untill we're out of the critical trajectory!




Rofrey: Come on, boy! 1 kilometer above the surface!

Sam: Umm... Rofrey... on the UCKK landing...



Rofrey: We're almost down... 700 km up, descent speed is 20 m/s...


Sam: I can see the Ikecomsni!

Rofrey: good... 800 m up, we'll beat the Konastrians, for sure...



Obfen: Vulture, suicide burn, NOW!


Obfen: 140 m up- Oh, we overburnt, cut the chutes, or they'll get tangled!

Corbrett: ughh...

Obfen: good, you're up. look out your window.




Rofrey: 80m up... descent is at 6 m/s..

Sam: The Konastrians... They're back in position, according to the data transmissions to their dunacomms network i've intercepted...

Rofrey: They WHAT!?!?!?!



obfen: easy and slow, no need to rush...

Corbrett: The Koviets are 30 seconds to touchdown, according to Tanmund's Data.

Obfen: cut the engines. we're beating them, even if it means damaged landing legs... And, we have you...

Corbrett: Trust me, i'm an engineer.

Obfen: That shirt.

Vulture: 15 meters above the surface, descent at 8 m/s. Initiating suicide burn.


Obfen: 10m...


Obfen: 5 m... .5 m/s...


Corbrett: Oh, bloody kraken, the Koviets are 10 seconds to landing!

Obfen: WHA-



Sam: Yippee! SCIENCE!

Rofrey: You're an engineer.

autopilot: 2 meters up, prepping for first contact in t-3, 2-


Corbrett: I can see the pebbles from here.


Obfen: T-2, 1,


Rofrey: .2 seconds- we have first contact with the soil... small bounce... and...TOUCHDOWN!



Obfen: Engine shutdown, gravity scan complete. KSC, this is Kunaesis Base. The Vulture has landed.


EDIT: Part 3 is out now! now with more malfunctions!



Rofrey: Yeah! Whoo! All hail KKKP! All hail Kommunism!

Samski: Let's get prepared for the historic walk. You go first.


Sam: get the flag. I have all the life support units on, fuel cells 1, 2, on, Lets get out. airlock depressurize, hatch open.

Rofrey: Awesome! let-Whoa! these ladder grips are broken!

Sam: I'll keep that in mind.


Rofrey: I have set foot on the moon of a whole nother world, in the name of Kommunism. ßрøòõтÑÂтòую KKKà! ßрøòõтÑÂтòую KKKà!

Sam: yes. We all love the motherland. Plant the flag. This place is creeping me out.


Rofrey: You come out too. good for propanganda.

Sam: Fine...




Rofrey: You should plant the with me. After all, I'm a Koviet premier and you're a working class engineer. Good for more propanganda.

Sam: No.

Rofrey: Fienk!



Sam: bad exposure here. Let's take a photo at a different angle. I'll plant a camprobe over there to take a pic.


Sam: Kheetos!


Sam: I'll get back in. Let's go. we are approaching the launch window to rendezvous with the DOK.


Rofrey: I'm going to go get the comProbe. It has 4 years worth of data of the surface mineral content.




Corbrett: This place is so beautiful... I wish that i could just take off myhelmet and feel the cool breeze...

Obfen: If you happen to like Karbon Dioxide air and -32 degree winds, go ahead.

Corbrett: ...Let's plant the flag already.

Obfen: Sure. Get the camera up.


Obfen: oh, no.

Brett: What?

Obfen: it's the KSP flag, not the UCKK flag. The UCKK flag is on the other landers.

Brett: Whatever. Make it look intentional, and then sellit off to the public.Maybe it'll even get us a boost in funding.


Obfen: Let's get back in. The stupid damn KKKP hacking caused us to land off course. Of course, we have lots of fuel left... so, lets land NEAR the base.


Obfen: get in your seat. 3, 2, 1, INITIATE ENGINES!

Vulture: affirmative.


Corbrett: there's the base!


Rofrey: closing in for landing... INITIATE RETROTHRUSTERS!

Vulture: affirmative.

Corbrett: Obfen... The Oxium is leaking, and the KO2 is seeping in...

Obfen: WHAT! Get your helmet on. We need to conserve all the life support possible. Depressurize command module.

Vulture: We are 100 meters out, descent is 19 m/s. Initiating retrothrusters.


Obfen: Annnd... We're landed! quick, get out, and use your thruster pack. Corbrett: You have a large cut on your face...

Corbrett: Yep. I need some medical attention. I need to go to the base.

Obfen: sure-

Corbrett: Open hat-




Obfen: Ack... the DAV is knocked over... Corbrett! You idiot! I told you not t- Oh SQUAD.

Corbrett: ughh...

Obfen: You're bleeding! heavily!

Cobrett: need... to... get.. to.. base... hab... medkit...

Obfen: I'm going! Activte thrusterpack!


Corbrett: agh...



Corbrett: ugh... I can barely walk...

Obfen: GET IN! NOW!

Corbrett: I'm in, climbing up the ladder... *collapses on the floor of the hab*

Obfen: There's the first aid kit... Pressurize compartment, take off your spacesuit! Lie down in the lower aft bunk! I'll stitch it up!

Corbrett: How could this go so wrong...

Obfne: I swear to SQUAD, you will suffer for this, Koviet demons...

Edited by Rolanvorxariat
Added Part 3/3
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
For my own part, I apologize; I've only had time to skim this lately, and I didn't want to comment until I'd had some time to actually give it my full attention.

That said, hope Corbrett gets out of this alive. That was a nasty accident.

Thanks, Specialist. I really apreciate it.

And how do you put a picture as a link? I made a new signature, but I want to link it to the story.

EDIT: It's too big...

EDIT2: Made it smaller!

Here it is (The second edit):


Edited by Rolanvorxariat
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