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[AAR/FANFIC]The Second Space Race: The Sands of Duna Chapter 3 Extra (More goodies coming soon)


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  1. 1. What do you want more of the story to be focused on?

    • More of Kerbin, Same amount of Duna-Ike misadventures
    • More of Duna/Ike, less Politics n' stuff

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  • 2 weeks later...
This is great! Did they land at the same time?

Yes, they did. But now it is a race to see who can claim more accomplishments. (KKKP landing on Duna, UCKK landing on Ike)

Oh, and i finally have a bit of spare time. I've been working on a large scale school project, and i'm almost finished. I'm hoping to getback to the regular posting schedule, with a post almost every Sunday night. School is busy.

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-Samski (KKKP),Ikeeya Korabyl, Endeavor Mare, Ike-


Samski looked at the computer screen. Rofrey was off fetching the Old Ike surface probe, meant more as a monitoring station than a science probe. He wish he wasn't chosen for the Ike landing, since he not only hated dark things, Ike felt mysterious and gloomy. He hated that too. The computer displayed a whole bunch of command panels and simple binary pings from mission control, as that was all they could send when they were out of comsat range. it was quite eerily lonely, on the surface of Ike. Due to the emergency landing, they landed on the darker side of Ike, where Duna wasn't visible. All he could hear was the sound of his breath and the fans in the background, replenishing the oxium and filtering out the Karbon Dioxide he exhaled, and wondered about all that could Kill him in a millisecond-he wasn't particularly brave, famous, or sympathetic to the Kommunist Party- the only reason he came was because of his genius engineering and computer hacking skills, plus representation of the middle working class. He decided to start reading the book he brought along, The Sands of Duna, Shervey had lent him during the transfer.

-Rofrey (KKKP), Endeavor Mare sector 3b, Ike-



Rofrey activated his small thrusters on his arms, and propelled himself into the air. There was 90 minutes until the launch window, and he wanted to analyze the probe on Ike first. He was coming up on the probe, and fast. He needed to prepare for retrobraking. Ike was quite a strange world. Duna had been photographed countless times and visited by rovers, landers, and orbiters. All Ike had were two low tech surface probes and a single comsat. Ike was quite a mystery. He could see the tiny probe now.

He quickly fired his thrusters, and experienced high G-forces, paralyzing him for a few moments.


He forgot to do another braking, and crashed onto the ground

"Gahhhhh! Dammit! Oh well, good thing my spacesuit isn't damaged...

He walked over to the probe. "Samski, do you read me?"

Samski was jolted up by the sudden transmission and bumped his head on the lander roof. "What!? You frightened me!"

"Heh... I had a little crash, nothing big. How much time until the launch window?"

"60 minutes! How are you doing? At the probe yet?


"Yep. This is a heap of data! Over. You can go back to doing what ever you were doing."

"I was getting to the good part..."

"Time to access the data... Oh, the probe still works!"


"Looks like the probe's instruments broke within the hour... wonder why. Anomaly?"

Rofrey looked at the data, decoding the binary data pings that remained. He found a video file, containing footage of the last 5 minutes of the probe's active service.

"Disappointing... Hoped there was decades of dat- wait, this makes no sense! It shut off for no reason! Huh? What is that?"

Rofreey looked closly at the screen. The camera was ridiculously low resolution, but he could make out a odd dark patch moving closer, and then a blackout, followed by static.

"Okay, I do not know what that just was, but that was strange. Better not let that out to the public."

Suddenly, Rofrey heard a noise in his head.



"ACK! Who are you, voice?"


"I'm going back. I con't survive here." He looked towards the west, and Kerbol was setting.



"Heat up the engines! I'm 400 meter out from the lander-we cannot survive here after Kerbolset!"


"Damn, just warm'em up!"

"I don't know why, but sure- Oh SQUAD! 4 minutes till the transfer! This book is too good!"

"I'm coming up on the craft- 100 meters out-"


Samski suddenly thought he would nearly get a heart attack.

"Get your ass back here, now! The autopilot is activating! Get back, NOW!"

Rofrey landed on the ground and frantically looked over to the west.


"Those aren't mountain..."

"It's activating in 20 seconds! I've depressurized the pod and tried to shut down the fuel flow, but nothing works! This is a supervirus!"

"They're dust clouds..."

Sam looked out the window and quickly shouted, "GO,GO,GO! GET IN! THE ENGINE IS ACTIVATING!"


"yep.. open ha-



Sam was suddenly pulled into his seat by the G-force caused by the engine. "Rofrey! No!"

Rofrey just stared for a moment, suprised.

"Activate thrusters!"

"Rofrey! what are you doing!"

"saving my ass."

Sam: It's not possible!

But it's only kerbal.

(Start playing NTFC)


Rofrey: What is the ascent velocity?

Sam: 32, 33 m/s.

Rofrey: Good. Can you try to decrease that with the retro-thrusters?

Sam: Overide RCS? Yes. slowing down to 25 m/s

Rofrey: Time to do this!


Sam: I need you to increase your ascent velocity! The dust waves are coming up!"

"Roger that. Activate Vernor thrusters!"

Sam: I'm losing control, i'm trying to shut down the engines!

"Keep trying! My manuevering propellant is running low!"

" I've shut down the fuel flow, but the valves keep trying to open up! I won't be able to keep the firewalls up forever!

"I've flown past you! Slowing down relative velocity... coming in for rendezvous...


"Closing in..."

"This virus is far more powerful than the best Kauslandish hackers could code!It's like.. it's own sentient being! I can't hold it back for much longer! expecially whenmy brain is being supressed by G-force!

"You won't have to, for long..."


"Yes... Almost there... a bit l-ACKKK-GAH-WHAT THE KRAK"

"The virus.. it's too strong! Even the RCS pods have been shut down by it!"


"The virus... It's gone!I've shut the engine down, but it's falling now!"

Rofrey quickly reacted and thrusted downwards. "Coming, slick! Don't worry!"


"Actually, no, now that i've looked down. Give it a bit of thrust. I'm almost there."


" The cloud is rising! I'll have to throttle up! if one of us can live!"

"And i have the last bits of my RCS fuel. You are go."

"You won't make it!"

"trust me. I have the deltaV. I can do it.



If you haven't noticed, i just got on the ladder as you throttled up. Open the airlock! I'll fall off any second!

"Get in!"


"Throttle to full!"

"Almost there... pushing into orbit..."


"Annnd- We're in orbit!"

Edited by Rolanvorxariat
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Watched Intserstellar didn't you?

i thought this part up while thinking about interstellar. I wanted to add some excitement in, so I just decided to do my version of the spinning docking maneuver.

however, after the UCKK Ike landing, the story will be mostly just exploration of the Dunar surface. Yeah, mostly boring roving after this part. Mostly. mostly.mostly.

(Evil cackle)

Oh, and more about the anomalies and the "mysterious voice" will be revealed in later chapters.

And by the way, the jetpack rendezvous took 5 quickloads to get right.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"... and, as leaked West Serachioa Data shows, The KKKP landing effort on Ike has been hijacked by some unknown superhacker, the Koviet Space Program officials deny all such events, but the data shows that the engines were remotely turned on by a anomaly, stranding the commander on the surface...

"Ase intezepted Tranzmizzions shiow, zere were some of ze complicasionz on ze Ieke Landingz of ze Kommunista Union, some unknown softzware glitchz, dezcribed az ze sentient, ja..."

"Terror struck the Kommunist nations' space program when a large-scale malfunction occurred in their autopilot software, causing a early ascent to orit and stranding a crewmember, though there are reports that the stranded crewmember rescued himself in unknown forms, and the stranded crewmember reported mysterious video of a shadow, along with a message.."

"This, my fellow Kolusians, this all points to something."

"Keomanetoneons and other Ekranian Union viewers, we are in ze most uber political tension ever, ja, but that does not explain the breach in systems, as da Kolusians are ze only capable of infiltrating messages with their best programmers..."

"As noble Kauslandish people, we all disprove of extraterrestrials within our Solar System, we probably would all agree that this us certainly a strange anomaly unexplainable by our current knowledge. This may just be first contact with an alien, in a virtual form. This is Tasla Churfill of KBC news, channel 4. Now, go to Kausland Broadcasting Corporation Channel 1 for the long anticipated season finale of Professor Why"

Obfen was still gasping in disbelief. Corbrett got her coffee from the Ikeeya home appliances & Rocket Company brand Koffee machine on the kitchen segment of the Duna habitat, and walked over to the meetng area. "What's going, Alligakoring?"

"Kommies experienced an anomaly. While exploring the Ikeeyan surface. Unexplainable. Virus. Possibly stranded their commander."

"The KKKP is our enemy. They tried to kill us while we were landing. The only reason we haven't told mission control yet is because we don't want another world war. The last time that happened, nearly a twelfth of the planet's Kerbal population died out. If their mission fails, it will be political victory for us."

Corbrett sat down and turned on the channel to KBC (Kausland Broadcasting Corporation)channel 1. "Now, stop worrying about the opposition and start enjoying the fact that you are the first kerbal on Duna. Oh, and it's 5:23 Kerbin time. Professor Why starts....NOW! Signal delay, Squaddammit.

Obfen thought about it for a while, and decided to enjoy himself. Watch some Professor Why. But then, he realized that they were still in danger.

*gasp "Corbrett!"

"Gah! You made me spill me Koffee! Now my Dunightgown is covered in the stuff! The washing machine is coming in a cargo module, next month!"

"There is still danger. We need to warn Tanmund and Fabien. Open up the transmissions link."


"Awww, don''t go all Aolian on me! Lives are at stake!"

"No conspiracies. "

Obfen quickly dashed downladder and opened up the communications link. "Tanmund! Tanmund! Do you hear me?"


"Oh no... they're nearing Ike..."

"Why are you so scared?"

"Not just because of the anomalies. I just remembered. Mun base Omega has been evacuated, the IKIRS crew has returned, and the KKKP Minmus Mining operations have halted. We lost contact with mission control a few days ago. An X-15 class solar flare is hitting us in one Kerbin day, and we are in the path of it."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the absence. Finals are killing me. Will continue writingthe long "Parts" in one/two weeks. In the mean time, I'll be uploading short stories that make up "Beware of the Flare", which is going to be chapter 3. It describes the UCKK Ike ventures, the return to Duna for the KKKP, and a new arrival.


Ikeeya Korabyl ascent vehicle, Ike orbit:

"So... For our next trick... "

"Damn, that was badassery. I underestimated you... commander."

"Yeah, i did go a bit "Jerk" during the descent. Autopilot, what is the status of our trajectory?"

"The engines overburnt. RCS fuel is at critical, 20%, propellium, oxium levels nominal, however, we do not have enough for rendezvous. We are going towards Duna."

"Oh, nooooo...."

"Rofrey! What do we do?! We don't have the fuel to brake!"

"Autopilot, open the comns link."


"Corsey, this is Rofrey."

"Hello, Rofrey. How'd the landing go?"

"Weird Krap went on. Rather not talk about it. "

"Oh, bloody Hadekes, all the Kapitolist Pigs are talking about it! The North Serachioans leaked the data, and LYNX, KW, and KBC all have coverage of it! The media is going insane, and the government officials are up the wall! What in the name of Squad happened down there!"

"I'll talk about it later. Can you spare some dV?"

"Da, komrade. 300 m/s of it."

"Good. I need you to boost your orbit a few 100 kerlometers."

"Da, K'. I'll wake up Shervey."

"That was weird though... I still don't get what happened. I'm thirsty. Give me some of that Vodkerb."

"No drunk driving, or, well, piloting a rocket, Samski!"


"No! That's for Kapitolists!"

"Fine then. I need to go watch some TV. You can monitor the systems."

Samski unbuckled his seatbelt and went to the backup third seat (After all, the mk2 lander can looks big enough for 4 kerbals) and booted up the Linuks computer. He browsed the internet for funny cat videos. Then he hacked into KBC.

"Oooo, it's 5:15, time for Professor Why!"

"More like Professor Sigh, Kapitolist propanganda..."

"Will you stop?"


"Oh, *!@#"

"Oh, now what? Corsey, now what? I'm trying to watch the 50th anniversary of Professor Why here!"

"This is not Corsey, this is Shervey. I guess in the intercom, all voices sound the same. You are in the extreme danger, you and Rofrey."

"What? You swear? I thought you were a good girl!"

"Oh, shut up Samski. You should be glad that someone on this mission cares if you live."

"So... What's trending?"

"There is a X-15 class solar flare coming towards us. It already hit mission control, and every satellite orbiting above Basia, Esico, Eastern Kolus, Kina, and Feranence, at least 100-km from the surface, was fried by the flare. The Ekranian Union has become even more unstable, and the Neo-Kaszis are gaining wide support. The UGU is on the brink of collapse, and also, Attack on Goliath fanboys are freaking out because the East Serachioan sats were wiped out too. The people are nicknaming it "The Flare of Disaster". And it will hit Duna in one day."


"Hey, Samski, can I have some of that Vodkerb?"

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New map is up! Editing the later posts, will edit the earlier posts soon...

And by the way, Corsey snuck aboard some Vodkerb on the DOK command/return capsule, and Samski snuck a bottle on the Ikeeya Korabyl.

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"We are 8 minutes to orbital insertion Fabien, stop yelling."


"Gosh, maybe its just a connection error. It's not the end of the world if you don't watch Top Wheel, Fabien."

"Says the Interstellar Quest fanboy."


"See! You're such a hypocrite. Let me try to reconnect... Not working. No internet. Maybe the Duna Comsat is down?"


"szzzz**-s--FABIEN! FA-***-EN-**************OBFEN! TURN B-***! Can y-*** hear me? Fa-***n, Tanmund, You are in extreme d-**ijs*jh*t*szzzzzzz-"

"What? Talk slower. We are in extreme DAN's JAR?

"I-re-re-re-re-re-peat, you are-are-are-are in extre-re-reme Da-**g*-! There is a s-***- aire- appro-***ing!"

"Wha? We are in extreme Dad jerk? Share approving?"

"Fabien!There is a solar flare approaCHING-*Load static*"

"Fabien, that just burst my ears! What was that? A WHAT is approaching us? A shareholder?"

"Oh, mother of Jeb, we're ****.Oh Krap. Oh Krap. Oh Krap."

"It is never a good time for vulgar language."


"Oh, no, no no no, OVERRIDE! OVERRIDE! OVERRIDE!""



"Fabien, what's happening?"

"We'll be stranded on Ike to die! OVERRIDE! PLEASE!"

-T-20, 19, 18, engine calibration sequence start...-

"Huh? How? WHO?"

"There's only one way..."


-Lander engine activation in 6, 5, 4...-


-2, 1...-


-Service propulsion module stabilization critical. Engine automatic shutdown, fuel cells turning back on, stage separa...-


In space no one can hear you scream

Good men at end know light is right

life and all has been a dream.

The darkest hour rises at night

All else is at its end is can seem

Rage, rage into the secrets of the flight

Squadspeed, Kerbals. Bye.

The Autopilot shut down, the solar panels retracted, the life support cut off, and the fuel cell on the transfer stage, spontaneously, combusted. The Flare hadn't hit, but something else had. Something grey and glowing green, and Faben could make out a black-tower-like object on it, which was the part that hit the service stage. The last transmission recorded in the blackbox was: KSC, we've had a problem. An anomaly has appeared."

Edited by Rolanvorxariat
New ending to fit timeline.
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I have just figured out that the Lords of Mars is and actual book, and I do not like what it looks like on Google images. sorry for the title Changes all the time. But still, the Story will be similar to the Sands of Mars, and the title is misleading. There will be NOTHING of the "The Lords of Mars"-type sort. Thanks, Brotoro, for featuring the book in your story, so I know what it's actually about.

Damn you, myself! Why, why did you accidentially choose such a misleading title! Why!

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Changed the ending in Chapter 3 part 3: T-60 seconds to fit the timeline of events. Sorry for constant storyline changes. Don't expect many of these in the future. and if any of you viewers have suggestions on how you would like the story, let me know.

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Samski's Private Blog entry 8

Well, we're krakened.

That's how I assessed the situation.

A X-15 solar flare is hitting us in a few hours.

Mission Control is unable to contact us.

Our attitude thrusters are out, and main fuel is at 5% now, from the Vernor thrusters.

Well, krak.

Rofrey is still trying get a comm link with Mission Control Nova City, and swearing like a Konastrian. If I told him that he had anything in common with a Konastrian, he would murder me, but this is secret. Maybe I'll publish it someday. In the EGU, yeah, the Ekranian government is nicer. But that's under the condition that we even survive this. So, hi future space colonist or someting that has somehow obtained this little USB.

I'm trying to contact Shervey, but the comms link is kraked up. The Tsiolkerbsky will flyby us in 3 hours, but will be moving 102 m/s relatvie to us, and we don't have any way of slowing down. The fuel will get us to 60m/s, but we don't have the fuel for pointing us even in the right direction. Oh, wait, YES! YES! The link is up again! Thank SQUAD!

Shervey: -ES! Samski, do you read me?

Ikeeya Korabyl: Copy. We're krakened. have any ideas?

Shervey: Don't say that. Look, I devised a crazy plan from the numbers you gave us. It might work.

IK: In the name of Val, I bet 50% it won't work.

Shervey: True. Better than 0% chance of seeing a kerbal other than "Roaring" for the rest of your short lives. Look, Your lander doesn't have enough shielding from solar flares. The problem wasn't foreseen. You will have to rendezvous and get aboard the Tsiolkerbsky, fast.

IK: Roaring?"

Shervey: Rofrey.

IK: LOL. What's the plan, Ainsteen?

Shervey: Look, it's ridiculously risky and absurd, but it might just work. Airlock depressurization.

IK:Sorry, what?Shervey: it's like Kerushian Roulette. You put in a bullet, load the cylinder, put it to your head, and BAM. Life or death.

IK: I don't get it.

Shervey: Put on your spacesuits, pressurize the docking port airlock to 1.5 Kerbin Atmospheres, and pull an Dr. Kermann. Hope you don't die.

IK: Basically, Explosive depressurization. that immediately kills.

Shervey: There's more happiness and sunshine. You will need to reinforce the docking port. Take your samples and kPad, and as the depressurization is happening, you have to jump out, Rofrey too, and catch onto our tethers. Corsey is on a EVA retracting the solar panels, and He is using some struts to create a tether.


Shervey: ETA 1 hour to closest approach. Pack your bags. You believe in SQUAD?

IK: Yes, U...

Shervey: Pray to Harv. Now.

IK: Wut.

Shervey: Oh, and by the way, when you get back, you get a free hug for being a badass.

IK: That's what she said.

Shervey: Really...

Great. I get to be like Karlon Gagaris. The only one who needed to used air to deorbit. Except he broke one of his arms and damaged permanent head damage, along with an 40% chance of dying.

I have 50.

Time to hear Rofrey rant about the precariousity of the situation. Then, time to save all my photos and video game progress to IKloud. So my cousins can continue my legacy in Squad of Legends.

Oh wait.

No wifi.

Only Tsiolkerbsky.



"So, Samski, we're doomed, right?"

"By Logic, yes. By Shervey's insanity, no."

"What is zis "Insane plan?"

"She calls it "Kerushian Roulette", as the chances of dying from it is the same chance from dying from attempting Kerushian Roulette. We need to reinforce the airlock."


"Basically, we're reinforcing the airlock. That will buy us time to escape by jumping out of the Korabyl while it is matching relative velocities, by a rapid planned depressurization. Corsey will catch us with tethers. We need to get in before the Flare hits, which is roughly about five minutes apart.


"Reinforce the craft like the Chunk, Jump out of the craft like Green Spider, target the DOK like Falkoneye, fly to the Tsiolkerbsky DOK like Steel Kerman, grab hold with the force of Ssor, and all as patriotic as brave as Kaptain Kommunism."

"Basically- the Superhero Alliance."

"Hey, isn't Time of Supertron coming out?"

"Friggin satcom is down, no way they can transmit to us."

"Krak. So, are you joking?"

"Take Shervey's word for it, no."

"I still don't get it."


"This is Samski Keryi, over. Shervey, now what?"

"Another situation. No time for caution. We have detected a large debris field in an inclined orbit around Ike, near the last known location of the UCKK Ike Lander. We need to rendezvous and escape Ike, quickly. Orbital debris hitting in an hour. Load your EVA suits with all the propellant you've got."


"Rofrey, do you read?"

Rofrey rotated his seat and said "Copy!"

"I need you to go on EVA. Samski should reinforce the hatch. If Samski's explaining skills were terrible, then I'll sum it up."

"Oh, Shervey, shut up."

"I'll just say what you need to do. You have to reinforce the docking port airlock, and then fill both of your EVA suits with propelldrazine. Decompress the capsule and enter your spacesuit. When you see the DOK, jump, and use your EVA suit to match velocities. Grab hold to a tether, and Corsey will pull you in."

"I see why Samski calls you crazy."

"Call me that, maybe. Anyways, ETA 30 minutes to closest approach. Suit up. Hope it works, Vice-Premier. 50% chance of success."

Samski shouted, "Allow me to interrupt. There is a 50% chance of failure."

"Don't see the glass as half empty."

"The physicist says "Duck"."

"You read too much XKCD."

"Wastin' oxygen!"Rofrey silently suited up, as Samski watched the flickering screen display.

"20 Minutes! 12 km out from the DOK. We'll be coming in fast, aren't we?"

"No other option, it seems. Samski, Done reinforcing the airlock?"

"Yes. I'm writing the depresurrization program for the autopilot, which fortunately, I not trying to murder us."

"Physics is."

"I'm trying to focus. Play some nice music."

"Katyusha it is.Suiting up."

Samski Was still staring at the screen, while preparing his EVA suit. Rofrey was going out the airlock. Samski gave a thumbs up for GO, and Rofrey exited the side airlock, holding onto the short ladder.

"Rofrey, this is Samski. ETA 13 minutes, 5 Km out. See the Tsiolkerbsky yet?"

"I can see it as little dot. My wrist computer display is showing me that we are going 83 m/s relative to the DOV."

"I'm inished with the program. Today, if we die, we die with one leg and crappy lungs. Going on EVA in 5 minutes. Make some room."



Shervey looked outside the starboard window of the DOV habitat. Corsey had finished setting up the tethers. This manuever was risky. Very Risky. The space program's fate could depend on the success of this manuever. She looked at her computer, and saw that there were 6 minutes left.

Corsey gave her the thumbs up. He used his thruster suit to manuever to near the airlock of the DOV. He could see the Ikeeya Korabyl as a little dot on his radar screen. His heartrate was higher than it had been during the launch.

Rofrey backed down on the ladder, as Sam came out of the airlock. He sent some final testament emails to Sherrvey to show his parents in the 1/2 chance situation where he dies.

The DOV was getting larger. He looked at the timer on is wrist display, and the airlock would explode in 4 minutes. 3 km out from the DOV. 2km. 1. 2 minutes. the shape of the DOV was getting larger and larger. Detonaton in 30 seconds. Shervey stared at the computer display, sweating a river. Corsey held tight onto the main tether. Rofrey held on to Samski's leg in fear. Samski's eyes glinted with terror. 20 seconds. 500 meters out. 10 seconds. 200 meters out. 3. 120 meters. 2. 50 meters. 1.


Edited by Rolanvorxariat
Part 2
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the long hiatus, I've been playing 1.0.2 a lot, so I haven't been doing my 0.90 save as much as I wanted. I'll probably put up another part today.


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When typing without checking what you type...
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Sorry for the hiatus, again. The graduation ceremonies and things like that got in the way of writing, but now, that doesn't matter, because SCHOOL IS OVER. So, expect more frequent updates, and (Hopefully) higher quality content.:)


Beikowsji, Kerbals' Republic of Kina,

DKP Mission Director Anastasia Korolevski's office

Anastasia sighed as she turned her eyes to the countless papers on her desk. This was largest solar flare since the 1652 Central Ages catastrophe, and even though it was the EGU that got the full hit, the Kenjian, Bailongjian, and Gennsoo Provinces are in despair. The Neo-Kaszi Soscialismo party was and still is gaining support in Feranian and the Keoman area, and violent protests were commonplace. She was afraid that there would be a huge increase in military funding, and the only way they could get support to continue the Duna efforts were the people and media, but the info about the incidents were being suppressed, probably for the better. Funding had already been heavily cut from the victory on Duna for the Kapitolist Pigs, though now the government is putting all their funding towards the satellite replacement and orbital debris "removal" (Tractor beams, heavily still in testing). But what worried her the most was the loss of contact with the crew. The propaganda ministry has denied all such events, along with the Ike ascent "anomaly", which has caused a large surge in mindless conspiracy theories, though at least the "Fake Duna/Ike landings" conspiracy was growing unpopular. The crew was probably panicking about what to do, but they were probably safe. She sat down, thinking about what might have actually happened. The Best minds in the Agency are currently trying to brainstorm ways to re-establish contact with the crew, with the only plan being for the crew to salvage on of the old Firestar probes, which were scattered around Duna, though only 2, the Mapk rover and Apec 3penNmwe Lander are still operational. Of course, they could try to salvage one of the older probes, and there were two probes-one lost contact during landing, and the other's solar panels were destroyed in a storm- were within 20 kilometers of the Dunnily Kolliniy's base site. She took out a pencil and turned on the television to KCTV News, where the reporters were covering the recovery events occurring in the Ekranian continent.

She walked up and went over to his cabinet to pour herself some Vodkerb. Vodkerb was the solution to every problem. Vodkerb is holy and should be worshipped by everyone. She took a sip, and then went on to have all the mission directors report their progress. All the reports for the other missions. However, the report from the Kermlincom Spy Satellite network have detected that the UCKK's Ike landing efforts have been aborted, and the UCKK is panicking about an unknown cause- the KKGB spies are still on their perilous return to the motherland- But the higher Kerskosmos Officials believe that there might have been an incident, possibly a collision or explosion- that destroyed their craft. She was still pondering around when he heard a knock on the door.

"Identify yourself."

"Vice Administrator Ested Keonov. Testimony 1332."

"Come on in."

The Mission Director walked in, and the vice-admin shook her hand.

"What brings you here, Ested?"

"We are in a time of great crisis. The EGU, one of our komrades, is falling apart, West Serachioa is demanding independence from the Kommunist Kemi Regime, but those are matters the officials and the Premier handle. But, komrade Anastasia, I am seeing you to discuss the situation... about the Dunnily Kolliny Programme. I have bad news and worse news."

"Please don't tell me Kerkenko has cancelled Dunnily 2 and 3. Please. Have mercy, for science..."

"Unfortunately, that is the bad news. The current situation means that we cannot allocate ze so many fundings into ze Space Programme, as that money needs to go to mantaining the EGU and building up our military to defend our glorious Koviet Nation, and public opinion thinks Kerbin is more important than Duna. However, the oligarchs, especially Ikora Sergen, the CEO of Kosneft, have been suggesting a manned mining expedition to exploit Eve, but that is a discussion for another day."

"Drop the bomb, Admin. What's the worse news?"

"The crew have lost contact, as you know, but after analysis of the data you gave the science officers, they had determined that the Ktalin IAV is on a close encounter with the DOK. It will likely collide, and the whole crew is at risk of dying. And remember that message we sent past Duna to interstellar space? The binary one? It may have been answered, from within the Duna system. Why do we think this? Well, the UCKK Ike lander has been most likely destroyed, but we analyzed its orbit, and it was on collision course with an anomaly. We used the Yanglee-Wheii Space Telescope and the whole Kirke Network to take some of the toughest to take pictures ever, and- here look."

The Admin opened up his Linuks Laptop and showed her the images.

"áòÑÂтþõ ôõрьüþ..."

"A distortion in space-time. And it appears to be that there is an object at the center of it."

The Mission Director zoomed in on the picture as much as she could, and noticed a small, blackish-green object a few pixels across in the center. But what caused her nearly to faint was that there was a 6 pixel tall object, pitch black, except for one pixel- a unnaturally high resolution 1-pixel wide spot with the resolution of a 720-sized spot, that said, in clear, white words, "SQUAD".

Edited by Rolanvorxariat
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  • 3 weeks later...


Sorry for the long absence, I wasn't able to go on my computer for long periods (Trips and stuff), And today I finally got to sit down.. and write... and be notified that the token has expired, and the auto-restore content button restored the first two lines.;.; Yeah. So today's will be shorter than planned.

Finally getting to the UCKK side of politics... they're also not doing well... Dem Kauslandics

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700 Panspeerasilla Court, New Yokropolis, UCKK

The 38th President of the Konastrian Districts, Riley Nicson, was being put under more pressure than what he was expecting. It was his sixth year in office of his 10 year term, and it was so far his worst. The people were starting to lose faith in him, and so the Commander-in-Chief of the UCKK, Aurora Neero. The Koviets were doing better than them in terms of space exploration, and have even sabotaged their spacecraft, and now, the only thing holding them back from nuclear war was the Kausland and EGU situation and the Warfshaw Pact. He stood up and poured himself some koffee before reading some reports on the situation. His approval rating was in a dive, and Congress was considering a public vote of no confidence. He picked up his Greenberry and answered some missed calls from various government officials. Mostly bad news. In fact, some of their satellites had been destroyed, the most logical explanation being Kersler Syndrome. Once the Space Program is up and running again, the techies would replace them. But the news from the General shocked him.


“This is your Captain speaking; Virjin Aolus Flight VA911 is now undergoing landing procedures. We will be arriving in Aklansca Run International Airport in 25 minutes, please return to your seats, the seatbelt sign is now on, and flight attendants will be coming to collect drink cups. Make sure that your trays are stowed and armrests are down. Thank you for flying with Virjin Aolus, and we hope you will fly with us again.â€Â

While the Captain made the announcements, the Co-pilot’s eyes were curiously glued on the radar screen. A series of small, blinking lights in a tight V formation, disappearing for a few seconds and then reappearing again, having moved tens of kilometers in a few moments, was showing on the screen. He motioned the Captain, and the Captain’s eyes grew wide. He quickly opened up the link to flight control.

“Umm, flight control, do you happen to see a V-shaped group of unidentified aircraft on your radar screens?â€Â

“No, do you?â€Â

“Uh, Yeah. Roughly kilometers from us, at closest approach, the aircraft will be a few hundred meters above us and to our left.

“Holy Kr*k, try to open up a link to them.â€Â

The Co-pilot tried to send a link to the lead aircraft, but it didn't go through. Just static. He kept trying.â€Â

“Hello? This is the Co-pilot of Flight VA911 speaking, please respond your flight number, destination, and purpose.â€Â


The Captain re-opened the communication link to flight control ARA and said, â€ÂIt didn't work. Didn't go through.â€Â

“Oh, keep trying- Oh wait! I saw a slight flicker on my screen.â€Â

“Probably stealth planes, but what purpose? The Air Force never holdstraining exercises without warning, and it can’t possibly be the Kommies.â€Â

“Try to steer clear, and keep trying to communicate. Can you see the planes? No nation as of now has invisibility cloaking tech.â€Â

As they continued to worry and try to solve the mystery, a little 5-year-old kerbling by the name of Jennifrey looked out of her window. All the others passengers were either sleeping or glued at their kPad/kPhone screens, but little Jenni was looking out at the cloudy void of whiteness, when she saw something. She tugged on her mommy’s shirt and said, “Look! Iwtz a bwunch of Aiwpwanes! Look Mwommy, Look!â€Â

Her mom ignored her, but Jenni kept screaming into her ear, and eventually, she mumbled, “What do you want, sweetie, mommy’s trying to sleep here.â€Â


Now, Jenni’s mom was married to a high ranked UCKK air force officer, and she was a plane engineer by vocation, so she knew planes. But these... abominations had technology so advanced that she thought she was looking at HUMAN spacecrafts, and she didn't even believe in Humans!

It was another originally supposed to just be another routine weekend run for the famous Aolian ranger, Matbin Wilinus. At about 2:00 Kerbin time zone C he got out of bed, poured himself some Horton’s Koffee, ate some pancakes, and drove off to Coastline Peaks National Park. Then he would check in and hiked over to the shoreline peaks, which in total, takes almost a day. He would check on the remote monitoring stations and take some pictures, and then he would set up camp and then trek back at dawn, but this time, he was disturbed in the middle of his sleep. Normally, the chirp of rcickets, roaring of the wind, and howling of Woolevs (Big scary looking but harmless herbivore kanines) wouldn’t stir him a bit, as he was quite used to them, but he was startle by the sound of - machinery. He looked around and saw nothing but the regular old tree-filled landscape, and walked into a sprint towards the the direction the noises were coming from. It was very faint to even him, in fact, a regular Kerbal wouldn’t have been able to hear them, but he could. He quickly halted at the Cliffside, and what he saw immediately made him take out his Communotron 5c.

“Hey, Rodbrie, can you please contact the head of the military, or just any high ranked government official? No time to explain.â€Â

“I don’t know what’s going on over there, but okay.â€Â

“Hello. This is Ranger Wilinus of the Coastlines National Park. We've got an emergency. Prepare all the troops, and get all the forces you get to the Coastlines as fast as possible.â€Â

“Uh, this is THE HEAD OF THE UCKK ARMY, if this is a prank call, you’re doing a bad job.â€Â

“Focus all your satellites here. I can’t believe you missed it.

“Okay… Wait, We have no satellite coverge of that area… Oh, and I just got a phone call, we lost contact with them ten minutes ago, all in roughly similar times, space debris probably, though it’s quite a coincidence…â€Â

“Wait. Open up your uplink in the direction of Coastline Peaks National Park. I’m sending you an image.

“Fine. Show me.â€Â

The Ranger sent the pictures to the general.

“Holy Harv, deploy all troops, now! Coastline Peaks! Open the missile launch silos, launch the carriers, everything we’ve got!â€Â

The President of the Konastrian Districts put down the phone in a fit of anger and picked up the phone labeled “Beikowsjiâ€Â.

“Hello, this Premier Kerdenko speaking. How is it going, Mr. Kapitolist pig? No offense, no offense.â€Â


“I do not understand. Vwat is happening? Please calm down and explain, da?â€Â

“Oh, don’t act so innocent, WHY ARE YOU INVADING US?â€Â

“VWAT? Nyet nyet nyet! Don’t be so precarious, da!? We are not in ze position to invade you! We have enough problems on our hands, plus the Ekranian crisis!â€Â

“Huh? If it’s not you Kommie scum –No offense, I assure you. Then who?â€Â

The head of the Ekranian Council, Arcturis Marckel, was standing in the Military monitoring room. The EGU Peacekeeping force has been monitoring the riots throughout the nations and the movements of the "Kerbal's Liberation Army of Keomani", but he noticed a few suddenly appearing and disappearing groups of unindentified aircraft in Kindenia, Skandalona, and the Aolian Border. The Council Head walked over to the chief of International- Ekranian Security and asked, “Hey, um, is that normal, over there, up north?†The chief of Security closed the activity map and opened up the radar map on his computer. “What do you mean? Just regular commercial flights.â€Â

“Huh. Odd. It was there a second ago- Oh wait- Here they are again! The flights near Keoland- and some near Aolus!â€Â

“And they’re gone! Hey, Tansen, Obrey, come look at this.â€Â

“Let me see… Focus our last remaining spysat on that area. Theorie, try to send a transmission to them.â€Â

The spy satellite was passing right over Aolus. They focused in on the area hwere the stealth jets were, and couldn’t see anything other than a regular ol’ Flybus K480 Superliner (Flight VA 911) flying over the Sakson Bay . But suddenly, They saw some beasts of fighter jets come into view, for a quick second. The Security officers gasped and quickly tried to contact the K480, while the council Head and Obrey (A high-ranked satellite tracker) kept watching. But suddenly, the satellite sensed a atmospheric disturbance, and Obrey quickly turned the satellite to the direction of the anomaly- to see a Suborbital missile burning towards it.

Ivan Kermanov, an ex-Kerushian UCKK Navy officer, was relaxing with his family at their private ski resort in Basia. He poured himself some hot chokolatte and went outside the lounge to marvel at the beauty of the splendid peaks. His tranquility was interrupted by a strange noise. To quickly ran to the rooftop helicopter, as the noises were growing louder. As he got in, he saw some faint shapes to the north in the sky, and wondered what they were. As he waited for the tanks to fill, his daughter ran over to him, and said,â€ÂDaddy, what’s that noise? It’s scary?â€Â

“I don’t know, kiddo. I’m trying to figure that out right now. Go get mommy.â€Â

70% full. He could hear a slight rumbling now, and it what getting a bit unnerving. 90%. He thought he could hear marching, but he dismissed it as him being crazy. 100% full. His wife and daughter were here. His wife asked, “What’s that noise? It sounds like an army.â€Â

“I don’t know, still… Quick, get in. We’re leaving, now.â€Â


“No. It’s not safe here. No more questions.â€Â

They put on their helmets and prepared for takeoff. The marching and rumbling was getting louder. Ivan turned on the engine of the heli and warmed it up, as the snow would make it hard to takeoff. The trees were rumbling. Suddenly, the engine shut down. He went outside and checked it. A loose bolt in Hull panel 18, which the engine was attached to. It would take a few minutes to fix.

“I’m scared, daddy!â€Â

“Everything will be fine. I just have to give it a quick kick, that’s all.â€Â

He took out his handy “Sonic†Wrench and fixed some bolts. Then, he saw them. At the very bottom of the mountain, There was a path of crushed trees, and thousands of soldiers, tanks, and indescribable multi-terrain war machines on it. They crushed through the last layer of trees, and marched onwards. The tanks in the front, after crossing the path, switched to a "snowspeeder" mode and rushed up the mountain at enormous speed.

“Oh bloody **** **** ***** *** **** ******* ***, TURN ON THE ENGINES ANYWAYS! I’LL FIX IT WHEN WE’RE SOMEWHERE SAFE!â€Â

His wife moved to the pilot’s seat and turned on the engine (She flies as a hobby) as Kermanov hurried inside. As the copter lifted off the ground, he saw anti-aircraft guns lifting up, and took control of the Helicopter, as he was a speedier pilot. Just as his daughter closed the doors, he saw a symbol on the tank. A unexpected symbol. And as they flew away, they saw the missiles come flying towards the copter, and he remote-activated the sentries surrounding the resort. His wife opened the communications antennae and desperately tried to get a secure connection with the closest military base. But when she opened up the radio, she could only hear static- before a voice suddenly said, "UCKK Officer, Surrender now or we will be authorized for the firing of lethal weapons towards the population center. Hand over all your forces and resources to the Kauslandic Empire, and you will be taken into custody."


"Basically- all your bases belong to US."

Edited by Rolanvorxariat
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Poll time! Do you want more politics and wars and panicking mission control guys or more ranting and explosions and Hurrica- Oh, wait, that was a secret. So what?

EDIT: What I mean is that if you choose Duna/Ike, There will be about a chapter full of Duna-Ike + ONE extra chapter. If you choose kerbin, It will be two extra Chapters, not just one, like in the current chapter, 3.

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In Japan right now, I just realized the poll is closed. Can you reopen or delete the poll? I wanted to get more voters for a more "useful" poll. Oh, and before I went to Japan, I made a more detailed map and WAY better flags(I admit, my current flags are bad).

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