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What is it impossible to do in KSP?


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I'm gessing we're talking about stock. And things that could be possible with a little parameter tweaking.. like an eve ssto. Maybe landing on and collecting surface samples from all bodies in one launch? Uhh achieving a 50x50km circular kerbol orbit and return in one launch. Stuff like that?

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I'm gessing we're talking about stock. And things that could be possible with a little parameter tweaking.. like an eve ssto. Maybe landing on and collecting surface samples from all bodies in one launch? Uhh achieving a 50x50km circular kerbol orbit and return in one launch. Stuff like that?

Yup, stock.

Those are a couple of the kind of things I was thinking of. Not necessarily things you can't do because of the way they are (like landing on a sun) but where, say, there just isn't an engine that is capable, or you couldn't pack enough dv into one ship.

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Somewhat sadly, and much to the frustration to those who've tried, you can't de-orbit a moon.

You can alter its orbit with hyperedit, however. It's pretty impressive when you have it deorbit the Mun (or Minmus) and then timewarp from the KSC and watching it fall out of the sky. Of course, the game glitches out as the two SOI's intersect unfortunately.

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An Eve SSTO *is*, in fact, possible. You just have to exploit the glitches in the physics engine.


This one uses "infinigliding" and "kraken drive". There are also plenty of examples of SSTO capable "ladder lifters".

Maneuvers requiring n-body physics are impossible.

Landing on the sun is impossible.



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can anyone get a stock craft to go opposite the rotation of the planets? I'd love to see the reentry at kerbin for that.

It's not particularly difficult, if you're willing to spend a lot of time doing it. I wound up doing it back in 0.20. You just need to spend a lot of time doing it. Did a Hohmann Transfer out to about 130 million kilometers from the sun, dropped off the payload then reversed the orbit and timed my return to hit Kerbin's atmosphere.




Since I had about ten minutes of fuel left on return, I spent it all in the last ten minutes or so before I hit the atmosphere.


I hit the atmosphere at over 26 km/s relative. The re-entry flames for the pod never were much more impressive than this.


Haven't redone the flight since, but I imagine it would be even easier, currently.

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I believe that a jet-only interplanetary mission is impossible. You can't get enough speed to escape Kerbin's SOI.

I also believe it's impossible to get fast enough for special relativity to matter without cheating or glitching, meaning putting it in the game would be pointless. You'd need about 30 million m/s of delta-V and I just can't see that being possible in a part count the game can handle.

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Waiting less than 5 minutes in maximum time warp for a interplanetary transfer window.

Perfectly possible. On average, you're 17 days from a transfer window to Moho. If your game is truly warpin at 100,000x, that's about 0.24 minutes away. Heck, from a completely new game, the first transfer window to Moho is about 5 earth-days away. If you're setting your destinations by the next available winodow, instead of looking for windows to the destination you've decided to go to, you'll easily wind up waiting less than five minutes on maximum warp.

Now if you've decided to go to Duna, well, yeah, those windows are about 230 days apart, Though there's one on about Day 60, which is about 1 minute from the start of a new game at true 100000x.

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