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Does anybody have their own names for certain parts?


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Does anybody have their own little names for certain parts? I have a a habit of calling the KR-2L the "Kerlin" in reference to the SpaceX Merlin. Just because the name with the "R" and "L" stuck, even though the engine really has nothing to do with the Merlin.

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  NecroBones said:
I really think all of the engines should have nicknames, not just the 2.5m variants. So if Squad won't provide them, we should make our own. ;)

That'd make a good mod, actually. I'm not an expert, but might it be possible through Module Manager?

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I have an unflattering name for the RT-10... the text implies it's a trash can.. I call it something uh, unprintable, when it's overheating or otherwise being an ass.

Many people call the LV-1 an "Ant", but that's not it's official name. It just says, "What is this, an engine for ants?" in the text...

  Norpo said:
That'd make a good mod, actually. I'm not an expert, but might it be possible through Module Manager?

You couldn't add a new field to the UI, but you could rename 'em. Parts have a "name" field, which is the internal name (Ex, the RT-10's internal name is 'solidBooster'), and should not be changed as craft files and save games refer to it (plus it's invisible to players normally). They also have a "title" field, which is the name you see (in the example here, "RT-10 Solid Fuel Booster"). This can be changed without causing any problems...AFAIK.

// RT-10 Solid Fuel Booster :: Squad/Parts/Engine/solidBoosterRT-10/solidBoosterRT-10.cfg
@title = Trashcan

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I like calling the 48-7S and the 24-77 the "tiny Rockomax engine" or "tiny radial Rockomax engine", respectively. And like everyone, Launch Stability Enhancers are just called clamps.

Edited by Rthsom
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LVT30 - "Starter engine with no gimbal"

LVT45 - "Starter engine with gimbal"

LV909 - "Old mun lander engine"

LV-N - "Nuclear engine"

Rockomax "Poodle" Liquid Engine - "Poodle"

"Skipper" - "The Medium engine"

"Mainsail" - "The big engine"

KR-TL - "The huge engine"

KS-25x4 - "The SLS engine"

RT-10 - "Old SRBs"

BACC Solid Fuel Booser - "New SRBs"



Pegasus 1 - "Rungs"

Telus-LV Bay - "Ladder"

Gigantor XL Solar Array - "Station Panels"

OX-4W - "Square panels"

OX-4L - "Solar panels" (For whatever reason, these are the only proper basic solar panels in my book. probably because of how I'm used to seeing them on Soyuz/Dragon)


Illuminator MK1 - "Landing Lights"

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  NecroBones said:
I really think all of the engines should have nicknames, not just the 2.5m variants. So if Squad won't provide them, we should make our own. ;)
  Norpo said:
That'd make a good mod, actually. I'm not an expert, but might it be possible through Module Manager?

Actually yes, that would be a very simple thing to do in MM (renaming the parts).

  SkyRender said:
Count me in the "names are overrated" department as well. Unless I need to refer to a part when explaining something, I'll generally just remember what the part's purpose is and not worry about what it's called.

Normally I wouldn't worry about it either. Except I spend way too much time talking to people about designs, and we're always saying things like "You know the one that looks like a micro-sized poodle?" (talking about the 48-7S). Model numbers are a pain to remember when trying to explain things to people.

  stibbons said:

Awesome. ;)

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