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The Western Kerbal Space Administration. The story of a space program fro beginning to...


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Now before I go all role-playing on everyone I would like to explain this. I like playing Kerbal Space Program, with realistic limitations imposed. I like career mode however I have completed it three times and want to be more free. Free to create my own rules and limitations. And I want to share my partially realistic adventures with the community. So I am creating this historical-ish space program story thing ( like there aren't enough already.) It will follow a progression of a Space Agency from its start to...

It is the year 1943 on Kerbin. The Kerbals have populated and conquered the world and have started growing fairly advanced. Kerbals take to the sky in flying machines, always becoming better, faster, more efficient, flying higher into the blue skies that they have looked up at for thousands of years. There are no wars, no conflicts. But they are getting closer and closer. You see the Kerbal world was split into two distinct countries and cultures. The United Provinces of Western Kerbin, controlling the continent of Afrikerb and the continent to the west. And the Union of Eastern Kerbal Republics. They have their many differences. And with recent events heating up the two countries, such as UPWK detonating a nuclear bomb for "scientific research", they loom ever closer to war. UEKR has begun it own atomic program, and at the same time in the west, Theocan Kerman has created the first efficient liquid fueled rocket powered by Kerosene and liquid oxygen. The UPWK government has decided that the use of this technology could be used to launch weapons and anti-weapon systems for defense of the country. The scientific community realizing that this could be a great time to find out more about their Universe, back the government who also realize that this could be used as a political statement. It is decided that the WKSA, the Western Kerbal Space Adminisrtation, is to be formed on October 12 1944. The agency is to both have military and scientific purposes, these two facets will feed into one another allowing for quicker developments. So this is where we start, February 19 1945 and the beginning of the WKSA sub-orbital rocket program, titled Spear.

- - - Updated - - -

Really, I messed up the title?!

Anyways this is saved for the current state of affairs at the WKSA.

Suborbital Project

Project Spear: Active

Launches: 1

Research Project

Project Thunder: Active

Research on high energy solid rocket propellants, headed by Genebus Kerman, engine tests to begin October 3 1945.

Edited by SubzeroSpartan7
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The first launch of the Spear Program:

So the spear project begins with Theocan Kerman being hired by the WKSA. He was asked to create a Kerolox engine capable of lifting the carrier rocket and a 100 kilogram payload to at least 70 km. On May 13 1945, the first rocket engine designed by the KWSA is delivered by aerospace partner Volt Aviation, which previously produced rocket engines for military field rockets. This was the first ever liquid rocket engine manufactured by a company for the specific purpose of launching objects beyond the grip of Kerbin. Now the other engineers at KWSA were tasked with creating an aerodynamic and strong rocket body while still allowing the fuel tanks to be unaffected and easily fillable. Finally, on August 28 1945, the first Spear vehicle was rolled to the pad after extensive wind tunnel and engine tests.


Spear 1 on the pad 2 minutes prior to launch

At 17:35 UTC Spear 1 ignited it engine and lifted off after a few seconds the fins used for control pitched the rocket over to the east to avoid coming down on any civilian centers. It reached an Apoapsis of 77.3 km and crashed in the sea just 5 minutes after being launched. It was the first kerbal made object that crossed the Karman Line, thus becoming the first kerbal made object to reach space. The WKSA has reached it's first goal in the long journey ahead.


Spear 1 in flight approximately 5 km downrange and 15 km in altitude.


The first scientific instruments opened to the partial vacuum of space.

The launch was almost a complete success except one of the two fairing halves had a structural failure and detached early, however this had no adverse effects on the rocket's flight or the payload. Research into what caused this anomaly will help us with safety on futures flights. The next flight will carry the payload up to a higher altitude in order to collect radiation data as it is believed that space may contain extremely high levels of radiation as proposed by Vanallen Kerman.

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