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NAD5's Replica Military Aircraft - 17 Aircraft 24 Variations - Now with 100% more HL-10 and M-4


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I have been making a few military aircraft and figured I should share them here, I have used N.E.A.R to create all these aircraft, but they should* work fine with default KSP.

I will try to keep updating this thread as I build more aircraft, even if people show little interest as I enjoy making realistic military aircraft.

*they may not work fine at all

I have currently made:

F-111 (thirteen versions)

SEPECAT Jaguar (two versions)

B-52 (two versions)

F-14 Tomcat (three versions)

SU-27 (two versions)

SU-33 (two versions)

SU-34 (two versions)

MIG 15 (two versions)

MIG 19

MIG 21

MIG 25 (three versions)

IL 102 (two versions)

M-4 Bison



HL-10 (two versions)

plus a KA 52 inspired helicopter



There is a backup folder inside the main download folder containing all previous versions of any updated craft


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These craft are not quite complete and will require some work to be flying properly, they can be downloaded in the indev folder


I have used a small variety of mods to create these aircraft, but for most of them all that is required for the most basic version are:

B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts

B9 Aerospace



My most recent creation, this beauty flies amazingly and comes in many different versions

G = No Adjustable Landing Gear

C = Swing wings (Infernal Robotics)

X = Inline cockpit for those who want to use IVA

SWING WINGS! they operated with the 5 and 6 keys, though the one drawback is when the wings are straight the tend to be a bit floppy when pulling tight maneuvers

gep0n.gifvia Imgflip GIF Maker

gepab.gifvia Imgflip GIF Maker

But for those of you who don't want swing wings just use the versions without a C in the name, and pick either swept or straight

Mods required:

B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts

B9 Aerospace

Adjustable Landing Gear

Infernal Robotics



Flies brilliantly for a non-supermaneuverable fighter

Comes in two versions, the Jaguar X comes with realistic landing gears, the Jaguar does not

Mods required:

B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts

B9 Aerospace

Adjustable Landing Gear (for X version)



Slow, large, flies like a boat, truly earns its nickname of BUFF, it can also carry more than than its historical 31.5 tons worth of ordance.

Comes in two versions, the B-52 and the B-52 G (no Adjustable Landing Gear)

Mods required:

B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts

B9 Aerospace

Adjustable Landing Gear (for G version)

F-14 Tomcat


This craft doesn't need an introduction, and it is bloody fast too.

Comes in three versions, F-14 C has swing wings (Infernal Robotics), the rest are in fixed positions and do not require Infernal Robotics

Mods required:

B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts

B9 Aerospace

Infernal Robotics (for C version)



The SU-27 handles amazing, like the rest of the SU aircraft, but this is my favorite to fly

It comes in two versions, the SU 27 and the SU 27 X which is the more realistic looking one, both require the same mods

Mods required:

B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts

B9 Aerospace



Essentially the SU 27 with canards and a different tail, handles better and comes in two versions just like the SU 27

Mods required:

B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts

B9 Aerospace



Definitely the most agile of all the SU series so far, has a remade body to look more realistic, also comes in two versions just like the previous planes

Mods required:

B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts

B9 Aerospace

IL 102


Flies like a boat, but can carry its historic 7 tons of ordnance (if you use the BD armory mod), comes in two versions, one scale version (IL 102 Final) and my original and much larger one

Mods required:

B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts

B9 Aerospace

Infernal Robotics

MIG 15


Flies surprisingly well, comes in two versions, the default one, and a more historically correct one (MIG 15bis) which in my opinion looks worse

Mods required default:

B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts

B9 Aerospace

KW Rocketry (for bis version)

Tweakscale (for C version)

MIG 19


Flies better than the MIG 15

Mods required:

B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts

B9 Aerospace

MIG 21


This thing is a bit difficult to fly, due to the shape of the wings they will constantly stall if you turn to hard

Mods required:

B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts

B9 Aerospace

MIG 25


This updated version is smaller but surprisingly fast and agile, also due to it being mainly constructed out of wings it makes for some awesome collisions and crashes!

There are 3 different versions, each requiring different mods and varying amounts of realism for those who don't want unnecessary mods

MIG 25 X is the most realistic but also requires the most mods

MIG 25 is like above but without MK4 Space plane intakes

MIG 25BM is the least realistic but requires the least mods

Mods required MIG 25 X:

B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts

B9 Aerospace

Adjustable Landing Gear

Mark IV Space Plane System

Mods required MIG 25:

B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts

B9 Aerospace

Adjustable Landing Gear

Mods required MIG 25BM:

B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts

B9 Aerospace

M-4 Bison


Another Russian bomber, flies just like the B-52, also comes with a bomb bay

Mods required:

B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts

B9 Aerospace

Adjustable Landing Gear



Fast as hell

Mods required:

B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts

B9 Aerospace



Basically a slower Eurofighter, more maneuverable

Mods required:

B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts

B9 Aerospace



The Northrop HL-10 lifting body as requested by Sampa

Mods required:

B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts

B9 Aerospace

KA 52 UA


An unarmed version of my KA 52 inspired helicopter, pretty easy to fly for a helicopter (and its size) though ti does require a few mods

Mods required:






Thanks for checking out my aircraft, I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed creating them!

I will keep adding aircraft as long as I keep making them.

Feedback is greatly appreciated.

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Sorry about that, when you're a new user I think you need somewhere between 3-5 posts to get post status without being in the moderation queue where we have to manually check the posts. When you edited the post, I had to find it in the queue and reapprove it. I hope you weren't waiting too long.

On the topic of your work, I must say, it's very clear you put a lot of time and thought into them and it shows!

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  shadowsutekh said:
Sorry about that, when you're a new user I think you need somewhere between 3-5 posts to get post status without being in the moderation queue where we have to manually check the posts. When you edited the post, I had to find it in the queue and reapprove it. I hope you weren't waiting too long.

On the topic of your work, I must say, it's very clear you put a lot of time and thought into them and it shows!

Thanks for the feedback shadowsutekh, and a very big thanks for fixing the main post problem as well!

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I have just finished making a MIG 25

The download can be found in the main download page on mediafire

MIG 25

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There are 3 different versions, each requiring different mods and varying amounts of realism for those who don't want unnecessary mods

MIG 25BM II is the most realistic but also requires the most mods

MIG 25BM III is like above but with a b9 cockpit

MIG 25 is the least realistic but requires the least mods

Mods required MIG 25 BM II:






Mods required MIG 25BM III





Mods required MIG 25



Hopefully the embedding works on this post, if not you can view it in the main gallery, I will try to embed the rest of the pictures at a later date

I will also be making more aircraft, I'm thinking of making a SU 25 Frogfoot next

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I have added the Eurofighter and the J-10A, I will most likely make some aircraft with similar bodies next, so the frogfoot shall wait.

I'm also happy to take requests so if you want a specific aircraft with some specific mods just leave a comment!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the feedback everyone!

  dimovski said:
Looking good! However, I think you're missing some Myasishchev epicness in your collection

Thanks, I do plan on adding an M-4 or M-50, so I'll probably start working on them soon

  Sampa said:
Cool, if you have time, could you work on some of the wing mounted lifting bodies like the HL-10? I would like to use them in an STS recreation series episode.

I couldn't resist creating the HL-10, it looks hilarious, I added an attachable version and and a standalone version, but I am yet to test the attachable one.

I made the craft as accurate as possible so it uses a closed cycle engine, but if you just add some intakes to it you can still fly in air-breathing mode, the craft flies surprisingly well for its size, though it has a tendency to tilt to the side when below 1/2 fuel, but it is easily correctable.

I hope you enjoy the using the craft!

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  NAD5 said:
Thanks for the feedback everyone!

Thanks, I do plan on adding an M-4 or M-50, so I'll probably start working on them soon

I couldn't resist creating the HL-10, it looks hilarious, I added an attachable version and and a standalone version, but I am yet to test the attachable one.

I made the craft as accurate as possible so it uses a closed cycle engine, but if you just add some intakes to it you can still fly in air-breathing mode, the craft flies surprisingly well for its size, though it has a tendency to tilt to the side when below 1/2 fuel, but it is easily correctable.

I hope you enjoy the using the craft!


Thanks! I can't wait to try it out...B9 parts?

- - - Updated - - -

lol, apparently, I can't read...

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  Sampa said:
Thanks! I can't wait to try it out...B9 parts?

- - - Updated - - -

lol, apparently, I can't read...

No problem, just let me know if you want any other aircraft or some tweaks made to the HL-10

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possibly, I don't really use B9 very often so I have no real frame of reference. I just thought getting that picture working, someone else would have seen the same problem before and knew how to fix it (cross your fingers that this comes to pass)

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  callumrooney98 said:

Ahh, I've come across this glitch once, it happens to me when I crash craft mid flight and the game tries to switch craft then suddenly load, I'll see if I can replicate the glitch, but chances are it is caused by too much being loaded or different versions of B9 Procedural wings, I used the 0.13 release for 0.90 which can be found here https://bitbucket.org/bac9/b9_aerospace_plugins/downloads/B9_Aerospace_PP-013.zip

I'm gonna go through and test my craft with the latest release of B9 Procedural wings to see if any errors occur

[update] Tested with the updated B9 Procedural Wings and encountered no issues, I would recommend using http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55657-0-90-Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement-v3-1-1-1-15-15 as it might help, but that is just a guess, as for the F-15 and F-16 I'll probably start work on them as soon as possible

[update 2] Turns out I somehow didn't properly update it, the issue is caused by the latest B9 PW update, but can be fixed by using the 0.13 version until I have fixed my craft

[update 3] Yup, every aircraft is broken, I am currently creating 2 KSP installs so I can manually copy over all the wing data to the new versions, it will mean a few of the aircraft variations will have to be redone (But that doesn't take long, though some may be slightly different)

I was working on a small promo video and an almost complete SU-25 but they will have to wait for me to fix this current issue, though hopefully upgrading to the new version means the indev craft will actually fly without spinning heaps

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So I begun fixing the craft, starting with the SU-27, luckily it was surprisingly easy once I got used to the new PWings, all updated craft can be found in the 0.34 folder as I add them there

The process simply involves running two versions KSP at once, each one with a different version of PWings, I then make the wings again but with the assistance of the wing data from 0.13

[update] The B-52 has been updated and can also be found in the 0.34 folder


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  callumrooney98 said:
ye 0.13 has fixed the problem with the wings

aircraft unfit for flying

0.34 b-52 flaps are messed up,

su-27x flys beautifully

Yeh the flaps on the B-52 are a bit odd, I find I have to press raise flaps multiple times for it to actually work

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