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[v0.19] Damned Robotics Version 1.3


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i have a question related to the plugin used for DR.

as of now,stock ksp doesn't allow to animate attachments(putting thins on the animated part and than animate it,lets the parts float in air).

Can i use the plugin to make this happen?

for example,i have an animated wing,i want it to retract with a control surface attached to it,would the plugin let me do that?

seeing that the servo's basically do the same that i want my wings to do.

if you could help me with it,that would be great.

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Is it possible to edit groups after the ship is in space already ?

My issue is that I have on ship two Rotatrons, that in the beggining are inone group, so when I rotate one it rotate the other as well, I kind of need to separate them so I can controll each one separatelly, without relunching the whole mission again..

Any idea how to do that ? I was looking in save file for the group but couldn't find it there :(

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  zcaalock said:
make new group and move one of rotators to it, just click "\/" icon

Read the question again please. He asked if he could edit groups "after the ship is in space already"

Back to the question: No you can not. I expect it is possible to edit your persistent file to fix it but I am not sure. I have edited my files in the past but nothing related to DR.

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By the way, I figured out that precise use of struts (connecting them from the part in question to the part of the joint that will move with the part) can fix the wobble.

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It's strange, I can load Mechjeb 1.9.8 and also load the parts in the SPH/VAB (need to add "PART{" to the top and "}" to the bottom of the .cfg) and set up servo's. Once I launch though I can't move them. Hopefully someone will get this going again.

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  ahappydude said:
It loads my files good? Are you sure you added Part

} before the name in cfg file

Yep, just when I launch the ship there's no box that controls the servo's and the keys I assigned don't move them.

Edit - I didn't see r4m0n's post, I'll wait until it's fixed. Thanks r4mon.

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  r4m0n said:
The 0.20 changes were a bit hard on Damned Robotics, so it will take some time to get it back into operation.

Good to know. Makes it hard to launch all of my ComSats though :(

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  r4m0n said:
The 0.20 changes were a bit hard on Damned Robotics, so it will take some time to get it back into operation.

looks like all the best mods got hobbled by 0.20! looking forward to DR's recovery, cos tbh, 0.20 is not out until DR works right! Good luck with the fixes.

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I made some CFG edits to create a temporary workaround while the devs update the mod. While the parts do not function, they do appear in the VAB and more importantly, on any active flight vehicles preserving your persistent saves (assuming that you made backups before losing anything).

Damned Robotics 0.20 Temporary Workaround

Unzip and place the main folder in the GameData subfolder.

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yeah this is the last mod im waiting to be fixed, then i can play.20 Did squad give the modders a heads up before release, i mean what they will need to do to correct any issues. if not, i believe that would be a good idea next time.

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  IlludiumQ36 said:
I made some CFG edits to create a temporary workaround while the devs update the mod. While the parts do not function, they do appear in the VAB and more importantly, on any active flight vehicles preserving your persistent saves (assuming that you made backups before losing anything).

Damned Robotics 0.20 Temporary Workaround

Unzip and place the main folder in the GameData subfolder.

EDIT: RTFP failure ;)

I am hoping this does get fixed as I have an idea on the cards that might be cool that needs DR to work.

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  viperwolf said:
yeah this is the last mod im waiting to be fixed, then i can play.20 Did squad give the modders a heads up before release, i mean what they will need to do to correct any issues. if not, i believe that would be a good idea next time.

Good idea, I hope they give the modders(maybe the most popular, trusted, ones only) a little bit of development help so they could update the mods to go along with the new patch!

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  viperwolf said:
yeah i really depend on the bearings and hinges in this mod

I know what you mean, a lot of my craft have the landing legs on hinged extensions for perfect docking port height on uneven ground (for the surface refuel vehicles)

Now I can`t connect to any land service vehicles until either this is fixed or I`m not sure what.

Sending the mod developer big support wishes for this excellent mod.

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