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Starting a Company Questions

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There you go. Build/select some of you crafts, upload them, take some screenshots, you're good to go.

After that, start recruiting forum members to help out, if you want. Plenty of new people join every day, and there are still some who aren't involved in a company yet. Keep building ships. Make old ones better. Make better screenshots. If you're lucky, and your ships are good enough the company might get off the ground, but it takes a lot of time.

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The most important thing is you have to carry on with doing things. Lots of people start their company, post 3-4 craft and then don´t do anymore.

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Yes kerdinands right and i used to do that.

As with my nce its best to join a company to get an idea of what its like to post craft. This is the way started out.

The first company i joined was voyager labs one of the biggest s on the forums at the time and i applied as a tester.

I was one of the last to join and i gave direct advice to the CO as i was his only tester.

In may i opened GLPCS but stopped after 2 releases and went back to testing with VL.

Then in October i opened KODI and kerdinand joined within a week and he releases most craft.

Unless your hiring and doing it yourself your generarly organising your main page.

Oh and ive no got a partnerzhip with ZS another of the big companies but i do miss my days as just a tester.

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Or you know, you can call it a "company" and have a hiring policy like mine, which is basically "we don't hire". I just did the company to share ships and advice, but if you keep at it, even one person can build up quite the catalogue, and after a time, with all the feedback, your engineering skills get polished to extreme levels.

Rune. I'm not that antisocial, really! ^^'

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I'm looking to start my own company and would like some tips on how to create a successful one.

Build things. Test fly them. Make sure that they do what they're intended to do, and do it well.

Take screenshots demonstrating how to use them while you're test flying. Convert the screenshots into a low-bandwidth format (e.g. hi-res JPEG) and edit them down to no more than thirty or so per ship (and often much less; no more than is necessary to tell the story). Either put them in your own thread with spoiler tags for tidyness, or just give one or two pics and a link to the full story at an image site.

Caption the pics to explain what you're doing and why. Throw in some F2 arty shots as well (leave these as .png's). Listen to feedback and act on it. If you want, invite others to join you in submitting to the thread, or to help you out with design difficulties.

And, most importantly, have fun.

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