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Kerbal CCTV 1.1 now with WiFi camera


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Tuareg and Ximrm the 2 lunatics are here to release the:

Dynamic CCTV system compatible with KAS (isn't required). Now with WiFi camera

Camera functions:

  • Switch on/off
  • Sweeping movement on/off
  • Set FoV (only on controllable craft so set it before you attach it to a building or wreck or whatever)

Planned movement detection and zoom

Monitor functions:

  • Switch on/off
  • Detect cameras
  • Remote control of camera movement
  • Cycle through attached cameras

Best with First Person Eva and KAS Thanks for the guys for the great mods.

My remote control station:


source included in download

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Awesome!! Planning on supporting WiFi? Ie. view cameras on the monitor for any craft within physics range?

its part of the gameplay as it works already, you just need to dock the 2 vessels (either docking port, claw or KAS does the trick), detect the cameras with the monitor and after undocking you can still see the image of the remote camera. You can collect any amount of cameraID-s.

im thinking of making it possible so if the vessels has communotrons, they will be able to detect the remote cameras too

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OMG YES! The ability to have picture in picture is an absolute GODSEND to the videos I wanted to make!

I don't have much to say right now but I will probably be back here with a million questions/suggestions for you in the future.

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Wait, is there a 0.90 version of persistent trails?

Not sure if it's the .90 version but the latest version works for me in 0.90.

Back to the CCTV.

Build surveillance stations or Cinemas. There are too many things you can do with it.

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OMG YES! The ability to have picture in picture is an absolute GODSEND to the videos I wanted to make!

I don't have much to say right now but I will probably be back here with a million questions/suggestions for you in the future.

suggestions are always welcome :) questions? less liked but what can i do? :):):):) :cool:

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This Patch will add this mod to Hull-Cam-VDS mod https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/%20Kerbal%20CCTV_Hullcam%20VDS_patch.cfg.zip

EDIT- This should add This mod to ASET cam and the JSI cam https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/ASET%26JSI_Patch.cfg.zip

EDIT- This will add this mod to FASA Probe Cam https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/FASA_Patch.cfg.zip

EDIT- Here is a TweakScale Patch https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/lunatics_TweakScale_Patch.cfg.zip

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Release version's picking up /clicking works fine in VAB as well as in flight with KAS.

edit: tested again to make sure and still works fine. both cam and tvs.


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The other 2 monitor there's no problems and looking at the CFG there the same but that 1, I can place it and that it can move it, I can't even highlight it again and out of VAB on pad can't hightlight so can't use it kerbal can't pick it up will take out my cfg and check it.

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The other 2 monitor there's no problems and looking at the CFG there the same but that 1, I can place it and that it can move it, I can't even highlight it again and out of VAB on pad can't hightlight so can't use it kerbal can't pick it up will take out my cfg and check it.

u are right, one of the colliders is wrong. thanks for warning :) fixed

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So I am not sure if I get this right,but this mod is like Hullcam VDS, but it has an EVA viewable screen, with automated camera, and capable of seeing cameras on another craft?

Now if someone has a way to send simple commands to other craft without switching active vessel, we would have ourselves a full fledged drone control mod.

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So I am not sure if I get this right,but this mod is like Hullcam VDS, but it has an EVA viewable screen, with automated camera, and capable of seeing cameras on another craft?

Now if someone has a way to send simple commands to other craft without switching active vessel, we would have ourselves a full fledged drone control mod.

im actually working on that :)

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suggestions are always welcome :) questions? less liked but what can i do? :):):):) :cool:

My first question/suggestion is thus: Would it be possible to get the camera image to show up up in a configurable sized window on the GUI layer, rather than on an in game model?

My end goal is to do launch videos using cameras from this and Hullcam. Hulllcam doesn't let me do PIP like this does. This gets me close, but I need them on the UI layer not as in world elements.

Does that make any sense?

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My first question/suggestion is thus: Would it be possible to get the camera image to show up up in a configurable sized window on the GUI layer, rather than on an in game model?

My end goal is to do launch videos using cameras from this and Hullcam. Hulllcam doesn't let me do PIP like this does. This gets me close, but I need them on the UI layer not as in world elements.

Does that make any sense?

Romfarer mod does that, I think not sure if you can resize the window.

EDIT- Like this did http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70557-APOLLO-%28SATURN-V-with-F1-J2-APOLLO-CSM-LEM-LLRV%29-by-OLDD-%28v-1-4-09-05-14%29?p=1423574&viewfull=1#post1423574 if so his using Romfarer mod.


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Romfarer mod does that, I think not sure if you can resize the window.

EDIT- Like this did http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70557-APOLLO-%28SATURN-V-with-F1-J2-APOLLO-CSM-LEM-LLRV%29-by-OLDD-%28v-1-4-09-05-14%29?p=1423574&viewfull=1#post1423574 if so his using Romfarer mod.

Not really the kind of camera i'm looking for though.

EDIT because you edit! :P

Ok that might be what I am looking for. Lazor's description didn't make it look like that.

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LOve it! I just sat in a my central and watch the monitor as my rocket fly away, then the screen on the monitor got bluer and bluer and i guess thats the cams max distance?

For suggestions, a nice thing would be to have a sender and transmitter. So you can place a sender or transmitter on a vessel, and have a transmitter then you use and detect before taking of with another vessel. Is it possible? If not, increase the distance?

Also, a 360 pov would be nice, and (dont know if its possible) to actually transmit from a cam on a vessel in space or ex near a planet, back to kerbin an get science for it?

really neat plugin!

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