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[Movie WIP] Homeworld-based "Kadeshi" Mothership (1000+ parts, welded)


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It's late (for me). I'm off to bed. But first, this is what I've been working on for the last few days:

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Currently it's called "the ULTRA-PANCAKE" in my VAB. It's loosely based off of both of these:

(You can't copyright a jellyfish shaped craft. It's what makes the most sense!)

Sketchfab - "Naige" by Snowfall


NOTE: I'm not anywhere near completion on this bad boy. I just got the engine hinges working (still debatable where on the craft they will go), and I have yet to add the huge hinged solar array, the second smaller hab ring, the landing/science equipment, and fuel tanks. The engines are also mainly for look as they can't run over around 10% power without bending off and breaking. They fold down so that the craft can aerobrake with them behind the frontal dome.

Please give me input!


Edited by Avera9eJoe
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