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Best way to disable a part with modulemanager?


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So, I'm currently using modulemanager to change the required tech for some of the stock parts to make a more sensible progression with the 3 modded parts (yes, a grand total of 3 parts lol) I have added in.

I currently use the following syntax:

@TechRequired = precisionEngineering

I now have some plans that involve disabling a couple of the stock parts completely.

My original plan was to just set the TechRequired for the parts I want to disable to require the "Advanced Motors", which I never bother with, and move those wheels into a different tech.

Then I realized there might be a better way.

Anyone have advice on a more "clean" way to disable a stock part entirely using modulemanager?

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  • 3 years later...

Hmm my parts refuse to die:

    @name = MacLuky.TAC.HexCan.Small
    @title = Small Switchable Hex Can for Tac
    @manufacturer = MacLuky Space Solutions

		name = FStextureSwitch2
		nextButtonText = Next resource
		prevButtonText = Previous resource
		statusText = Current resource
		switchableInFlight = true
		repaintableEVA = false
		textureRootFolder = MacLuky/SmallTAC/
		textureNames = hexempty;hexfood;hexwater;hexlifesupport;hexoxygen;hexwaste
		objectNames = Canister
		textureDisplayNames = Empty;Food;Water;LifeSupport;Oxygen;Waste
		useFuelSwitchModule = true
		fuelTankSetups = 0;1;2;3;4;5

		name = FSfuelSwitch
		resourceNames = Structural;Food;Water;Water,Food,Oxygen;Oxygen;Waste,WasteWater,CarbonDioxide
		resourceAmounts = 0;16.2;16.2;7.6,5,776.4;3593.4;1.3,12.2,1272.9
		initialResourceAmounts = 0;16.2;16.2;7.6,5,776.4;3593.4;0,0,0
		hasGUI = false
		switchableInFlight = true

!PART[HexCanFoodSmall]:AFTER[TacLifeSupport] {}
!PART[HexCanDrinkingWaterSmall]:AFTER[TacLifeSupport] {}
!PART[HexCanLifeSupportSmall]:AFTER[TacLifeSupport] {}
!PART[HexCanOxygenSmall]:AFTER[TacLifeSupport] {}
!PART[HexCanLifeSupportWasteSmall]:AFTER[TacLifeSupport] {}

    @name = MacLuky.TAC.HexCan.Medium
    @title = Medium Switchable Hex Can for Tac
    @cost *= 4
    @mass *= 5
    	resourceAmounts = 0;130;130;61.3,40.5,6211.2;28747.5;10.5,98,10183.4
    	initialResourceAmounts = 0;130;130;61.3,40.5,6211.2;28747.5;0,0,0

!PART[HexCanFoodNormal]:AFTER[TacLifeSupport] {}
!PART[HexCanDrinkingWaterNormal]:AFTER[TacLifeSupport] {}
!PART[HexCanLifeSupportNormal]:AFTER[TacLifeSupport] {}
!PART[HexCanOxygenNormal]:AFTER[TacLifeSupport] {}
!PART[HexCanLifeSupportWasteNormal]:AFTER[TacLifeSupport] {}

    @name = MacLuky.TAC.HexCan.Large
    @title = Large Switchable Hex Can for Tac
    @cost *= 4
    @mass *= 5
    	resourceAmounts = 0;1040;1040;490.8,324.4,49689.9;229980.1;84.7,784.2,81467.2
    	initialResourceAmounts = 0;1040;1040;490.8,324.4,49689.9;229980.1;0,0,0
!PART[HexCanFoodLarge]:AFTER[TacLifeSupport] {}
!PART[HexCanDrinkingWaterLarge]:AFTER[TacLifeSupport] {}
!PART[HexCanLifeSupportLarge]:AFTER[TacLifeSupport] {}
!PART[HexCanOxygenLarge]:AFTER[TacLifeSupport] {}
!PART[HexCanLifeSupportWasteLarge]:AFTER[TacLifeSupport] {}

Now why would that be?

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Thanks, I'll try that. I had a feeling that something was re-enabling the parts. I'm testing in sandbox mode, I presume that shouldn't effect the outcome?

Update: is still around.

-PART[HexCanLifeSupportWasteLarge]:FINAL {}

I even tried nuking the part, it is if as if they re-emerge ;-(

    @module = PartDisabled

Edited by MacLuky
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  On 3/28/2018 at 6:53 AM, MaximumThrust said:

This prevents the part from being loaded, or is just a soft disable?


The part is gone from the config so it will not be present. it does not prevent the loading of the model and texture however. It s just that the part will not show up in the part list

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