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Just brought the KSP from the Steam, few very confusing question

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1. Yes. KSP on Steam is very forgiving about extra copies and such.

2. It overwrites. Before it overwrites you can literally copy the entire KSP folder and paste it somewhere else, forever preserving a functioning copy of that version.

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So here is the question

1.If i change my computer can I install other KSP on that computer use my steam account?

2.When ksp update does it overwrite or give you a new install? If it overwrite what do I do with the old mod?

KSP itself is pretty much DRM free. You need a valid steam key or store account to use the updater but you can copy the game as many times as you like. At this moment in time, I have 5 installs across 3 computers. My laptop and desktop each have a stock version and a modded 64 bit. Another desktop my sister uses has a stock copy I'm trying to teach her on.

To be fair I did this with a non-steam copy but you can just copy/rip the KSP_Win directory out of where Steam puts it and paste it down wherever the heck you want, as many times as you want.

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