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Sudden Poor SSTO Performance

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So ever since I started building spaceplanes in KSP I have been *OBSESSED*. So much more fun than rockets, for me. I think it's the frustrated Air Force pilot in me. Anyway, I've got quite a selection of craft I've been tweaking and refining since .22 and had lately been flying them with a quickness to orbit in .90 x64 on Windows. Then I repaired an old high-performance desktop of mine and switched over to 32-bit KSP, .90. And suddenly none of my previously-exemplary (I mean seriously, 200km AP without touching the rocket engines) can even get above 1200m/s.

What changed, please? I'm completely confused that a starting TWR of 3.8 and a GLOW of 14 tons doesn't result in a plane that can burn itself up in the upper atmosphere! I'm a MechJeb-only player. I can fly in atmo, but space completely tangles my reflexes. So when I can't even trigger anti-flameout, I wonder what's gone wrong...

Edited by Snowwy
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I had a similar experience with my aerospace planes not making it to orbit.

As it turns out, I'd installed some parts from B9 Aerospace, and B9 Aerospace comes with a modulemanager configuration that reduces the performance of the stock jet engines significantly. Is it possible that something similar has happened in your case?

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Same craft working okay in x64 but not in x32? Hmm...can't say I've ever come across that particular problem before. My first suggestion is an "is it plugged in" question - have you tried getting out of the game and getting back into it (in both versions), and has the problem persisted?

Pics would make diagnosing any problems with the craft themselves easier (better still, the craft files themselves). I don't know what else to suggest; I have no experience with x64 KSP - though I've heard it's buggy.

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Thank you for the quick reply! Here, let me attach a bunch of my craft and you can tell me if they're behaving the same way for you.





- - - Updated - - -

Jovus, Aqua,

So far as I know I have NOT installed FAR, but I note that the install I have has some mods in it that I don't recall installing. I will go looking. Thank you both, yes this sounds like my issue- above 20km altitude now seems bloody impossible. If I manage to find it I will disable it and report back!

- - - Updated - - -

I had a similar experience with my aerospace planes not making it to orbit.

As it turns out, I'd installed some parts from B9 Aerospace, and B9 Aerospace comes with a modulemanager configuration that reduces the performance of the stock jet engines significantly. Is it possible that something similar has happened in your case?

I *DO* have B9 Aerospace installed! And Yes, another new thing I'm seeing is module manager messages when the game is starting!

So now I have two possible problems on hand. Got a link for instructions to fix that? I'm no purist for realism.

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The file's called "B9_Aerospace-Squad_Jet_Balance.cfg", and by the looks of the zip files I still have lying around, it winds up in /Gamedata/B9_Aerospace/ Remove it, and you should get your Stock Jet Performance back.

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The file's called "B9_Aerospace-Squad_Jet_Balance.cfg", and by the looks of the zip files I still have lying around, it winds up in /Gamedata/B9_Aerospace/ Remove it, and you should get your Stock Jet Performance back.

Excellent! Done, will test in four hours...

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The file's called "B9_Aerospace-Squad_Jet_Balance.cfg", and by the looks of the zip files I still have lying around, it winds up in /Gamedata/B9_Aerospace/ Remove it, and you should get your Stock Jet Performance back.

Main Power Restored! Thank you kindly!

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