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Strategic Bacon Lifters - Obsolete Planes of Pure Pork and Utter Crap

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I am this lazy person who never updated the game for months because of lame excuses like "real life" and "sheep" but really I got the KSP and a smattering of mods setup just right for v0.24.2 so I decided to be a virtual hermit and enjoy primitive isolationism in the universe while I tend to the flock.

For months on end I have fruitlessly toiled for dozens of odd hours to work on a concept that proved ambitious but rubbish - we don't really need walk in or drive in cargo aircraft do we? What's there to haul about? Just like the previous century, hundreds of prototype planes were sent to the boneyards because they were obsolete even before they were built! Mine are no exception.


Setting inspired by this scene

Now that I actually updated to 0.90, maybe I'll revisit the pork planes once I get my favorite mods running in .90 and OMG procedural wings, B9 Aerospace parts OMG! Is there an actual demand for full-sized, realistic strategic pork lifters? We'll see if transporting enough premium pork to feed an entire continent of starving Kerbals is a necessity in our Bacon Space Program.

But for now, revel in the monument of utter stupidity that are the Planes of Pure Pork : More Rubbish Screenshots Here :)

For clarification, these huge aircraft are built with internal frames covered by Procedural Fairings mounted horizontally. They are flown with F.A.R.



I could also create working doors for the back end but out of laziness I test flew the pork planes with the back end open. The "small" one, about the relative size/capability of a C-27J Spartan, simply kneels on a quartet of lander legs and retracts the aft landing gear so you could drive little rovers or walk into it.

Edited by pandoras kitten
moar pigtures!!!11
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