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[0.90] Clockwork's Prudent Strategies (v1.01 18th Jan 2015)


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This mod adds four new strategies to the administration building and updates some of the existing ones.

Private Sponsorship: I know some people don't like making SSTO's and this strategy is for them. It adds a percentage increase in funds to all contracts. Each launch costs rep but the biggest cost is from recovered spaceships. At the maximum level all returned parts are only worth 20% of their initial cost even if landed right on the landing strip. If you launch a 40,000 mission and only expect to recover 500 then 8,000 extra profit far outweighs the 400 lost in the returned parts.

Rapid prototyping: This one only comes into use if you have to pay to research parts after the tech tree unlock. For a initial cost and some science this reduces the cost to unlock parts.

Environmental Agreement: Do you think you are a good pilot, well you better be with this one. This strategy adds a percentage to your reputation awarded for missions but the downside is that cost for recovering craft not landed on the landing areas is greatly increased. It's sort of the opposite of recovery transponders.

Safety Guaranty: Build big craft and want more rep (you can always turn it into funds or sci) then this one is for you. It cost a flat fee of funds per craft launched but multiplies your rep earned from missions.

Aggressive Negotiations now also has reduced recovered amounts to launch discounts.

Change Log:

Version 1.02

Removed the change to default strategies as the funds to science strategy has been correctly reduced.
Private Sponsorship: Twenty times the funds cost but much lower starting reputation cost.
Rapid prototyping: Twenty times the funds cost, lower starting science cost.
Environmental Agreement: Reputation cost cut to 25%
Safety Guaranty: Set up cost doubled

Version 1.01

Initial release

Other Mods:

Fuel it all http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/99625-0-25-Fuel-it-all-%28v1-02-6th-Dec-2014%29

Spare Parts http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107407-0-90-Clockwork-s-Spare-Parts-%28v1-00-15th-Jan-2015%29

Edited by Clockwork_werewolf
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