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Using maneuver nodes while docked?

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First day on the forums and I'm already having troubles.

I'm building a munar outpost for my hard career mode save and I just made my first two ship mission. First ship is the base and it's landing engines (dual LV-909s with enough fuel to land the thing and nothing else) Second ship is the command ship, built with a hefty amount of fuel and a single LV-N to push the thing and it's payload to the Mun, undock it, and head back to reunite with Mission Control. I docked the two successfully in low orbit but for some reason I can't access my maneuver nodes! I mouse over the orbit, click, target and untarget the moon but they don't pop up!

2 things, I am controlling from my command ship pod, and I do have maneuver nodes unlocked :cool:

Here are a couple pictures...



Edited by Claw
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It's a common glitch, I just had it happen yesterday. Give it a bang! Kick it! By which I mean, go back to the space center, switch to another ship, focus on another planet, quicksave then quickload, might even have to exit KSP and restart it. If timing isn't an issue, sometimes just warping around can help. I've had it happen on solar orbits where I couldn't make a node until I passed an An/Dn, or Ap/Pe.

Keep jiggling it!

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