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Jool or Eve ascent + FAR = ?

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Hello! Quick question for any people who play with NEAR or FAR:

I've heard that an eve ascent takes something like 8.5-12 kilometers per second of delta V, and a jool ascent takes something like 40 kilometers. That is, in the current Denser-than-water souposphere. But what if you attempt these feats with NEAR or FAR installed? What are the delta V requirements then?

THANKS! :cool:

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My Eve ascent test, from the ocean to orbit used ~7.5 km/s. Thing was, this was running at nearly terminal velocity the whole way and being very careful to not break the rocket in two, so you may want to bring a little bit more and go a little slower for your first launch. This also included a fair bit of dV for breaking burns to keep the heating and disassembly during entry from occurring.

On Jool, no idea, never tried it.

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