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Orbit "Incomplete" while orbiting to test TT-70

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First I'd like to say this game is awesome! I just tried it and it is the reason I haven't slept in a few days! :D

I'm trying to conduct this mission "Test TT-70 Radial Decoupler orbiting Kerbin" and I can't seem to complete it. Or rather the game won't let me complete it. The three perimeters are Kerbin, Orbit, Alt:89200m to 93500m. So far Kerbin: Check, Orbit: Incomplete, Alt: Check. I've even tried circling Kerbin completely and it still wont acknowledge the orbit.

Can anyone help me out? Sorry if this has already been answered, I tried searching here and google and can't find the answer.

Edited by Socalrider
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Hmm, those contracts usually state that you need to either stage the TT-70 or right click it and "Run test", though it's usually the former.

Can you show us screenshots of the contract and of your craft in space please?

I recommend you use Imgur.com for the pics, take them with F1.

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For future reference, 70 is probably the lowest stable orbit you're ever gonna get, any lower and drag slowly works it way on your orbit until you eventually crash or you correct it to above 70 thousand. If your periapsis is 68k for example you're technically on a sub-orbital trajectory since you'll eventually (albeit slowly) crash back down onto Kerbin.

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...I believe everything was above 70km...

OP, "Alt:89200m to 93500m". That means you have to have an orbit (periapsis in space) AND your altitude when you do the test has to be between 89.2km and 93.5km. 70km periapsis alone isn't gong to cut it.

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