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Kishmas bids you a Hello!


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Howdy! My name is Kishmas. I am the type of gamer who likes intense strategic thinking, building, and executing perfection in "simulators" such as Kerbal Space Program. EX(I came, I saw, I Conquered.)

Boy, did i ever come, i certainly saw, but can not seem to conquer. This game is quite fits the intense theme of strategic building. I have only been playing Kerbal for about a week or so.

I hope a lot of you can deem some of your KSP Knowledge to me so i can conquer!

PS: Which forum should i post questions about mods and general gameplay aspects with mods enabled?

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Hello fellow kerbonaut, welcome to the fold! :D

there's a ton of helpful people on the forums, if you have general questions or discussions you can always post them on the general KSP discussion forum. For specific game-related questions you can always refer to the gameplay questions and tutorials section that starhawk mentioned.

See you in space!


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Hi Kishmas,

Glad to have you aboard!

A key bit of advice- get familiar with the KPS Wiki. It's chock FULL of useful information, tutorials, and advice. A few hours with it was how I taught myself to play KSP, and got to orbit on my first launch. :)

Also, I *highly* recommend installing the MechJeb2 or Kerbal Engineer Redux (KER) mods, and Ferram Aerospace Research (often referred to here on the forums as "FAR"). The former will provide you with rich informational readouts on factors like your Delta-V (how far your rocket can carry you, essentially- although I suggest checking the KSP Wiki for a more complete/complex definition), your Thrust Weight Ratio (TWR) on the launchpad, and your orbital parameters (orbital period, apoapsis/periapsis etc.) without having to switch to the Tracking Station or Map View...

Interestingly enough you'll hear MANY, probably MOST players here on the forums throw around the terms TWR and Delta-V, yet strangely some players refuse to play with MechJeb2 or KER, which are the only methods I know of to actually obtain this information in-game without having to sit down with a pencil-and-paper and calculate them by some very convoluted methods (you need to figure out the exact fuel mass of your rocket to do it that way, for instance...)

MechJeb2 also comes with some nifty autopilot and flight-assist functions that can make the learning curve for KSP much less steep, when you can rely on the autopilot to do some of the flying for you (trust me, it can't do it all- and some thing you'll quickly discover you can do much better yourself) so you can focus on learning how to build successful rockets and spaceplanes in the first place before tackling trying to become a skilled pilot as well as rocket scientist...

As for Ferram Aerospace Research, I *highly* suggest starting off with that mod *As Soon As Possible* because the devs have announced stock KSP is due for an Aerodynamics Overhaul in the next update. FAR is without any contest the BEST (and in fact, to my knowledge, the ONLY) mod that accurately and realistically simulates aerodynamics in KSP at the moment. Installing it will get you in the habit of building realistic rockets now, so that when the stock Aerodynamics Overhaul arrives, you'll be fully-prepared for the more realistic aerodynamics (right now, we have a stock aerodynamics model where you can literally drop a lead ball and a feather *inside the atmosphere* and as long as neither is a wing part, they will fall at the *exact* same rate...)

Yes, FAR comes with a lot of informational readouts and displays- but you can effectively ignore those. They just provide you with useful information/statistics on your plane/rocket's design so you can build your rocket/plane to be it's stable BEFORE you launch it. But when you're first starting at KSP, crashing regularly is a ritual of the learning-process every rookie goes through (yes, even me, who made it to orbit on my first launch through a bit of beginner's luck- my 2nd launch crashed and burned miserably, as did my 3rd and 5th...) and half the !FUN!

And if you think KSP isn't hard enough, you should really try Dwarf Fortress some time. It's the only game I know of where the unofficial community-motto is "Losing is !FUN!". The extra difficulty in KSP just adds up to extra reward when you finally get it right. :)



Edited by Northstar1989
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