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STS-7/E Space Shuttle (Stock NASA Replica) Still Flies in KSP 1.4.3 - Re-enters Like the Real Thing!


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I've managed to install the Universal Docking Module on Mir 2 with Enterprise, here's a few screenshots.


SRBs clear, Enterprise is negative return!


Enterprise's payload bay open in orbit, with the UDM and a slightly modified Service Module. Mir 2 is barely visible to the left of the orbiter's cockpit.


A photograph taken from the flight deck of the orbiter of Mir 2. Docked to it is Soyuz TM-1, which carried the first crew to the station a few days prior.


Close to the station now. The Mission Specialist uses the manipulator arm to grapple the UDM to prepare it for docking.


Moving the UDM out of the Payload Bay. It was very difficult to keep the orbiter close enough to the station while trying to run the arm at the same time.


Once the payload is in position, the station takes over control and uses its own RCS to maneuver in for the docking.


UDM-1 docked to Mir 2 while Space Shuttle Enterprise holds on with its arm. UDM-1 will have to be reoriented before the truss segments can be installed, but that can be done without Enterprise's help.


The shuttle moves away from Mir 2 briefly to stow its arm and come in for docking.


To be honest, there was no suitable place for Enterprise to dock, since the only APAS ports on the station are the 1.25 meter truss mounting points. The Service Module carries a 0.9375 meter APAS port, so the docking shouldn't have worked, but somehow it did. Please don't hurt me, I didn't realize that the ports were different sizes until after I had docked.

The only challenge that remains now is to land the orbiter safely. I doubt I will be able to hit KSC since the mission launched into an inclined orbit. I'm considering aiming for the desert. Lots of flat land, clear weather, and an enormous runway from KerbinSide. Best of all, no KSC collision bug. :D

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This thing is impossible to fly. It just shifts around in the atmosphere gets off course and is uncontrollable.


Mind expanding on your report? We'd be happy to help :) What direction is it shifting to? What control forces are stiff to maneuver? Did you follow the instructions?

Note to SHiftER; We can try sorting this out :)

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This thing is impossible to fly. It just shifts around in the atmosphere gets off course and is uncontrollable.

Which version you flying 6 or 6E? I'm recording a flight profile vid as I speak. Check out the raw video here: http://www.twitch.tv/inigmatus/v/6196197

Use SAS Radial to keep the ship on course when doing your initial rolling of your tail toward the ocean after launch. Only change from SAS Radial to SAS Stability Assist when you are at full throttle on the SSMEs, and only after you clear about 4000m.

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In all honesty, I merely applaud inigma for finding such a technique. I have to agree, the current boosters are pretty much obsolete IMHO, and besides, it's just a shuttle. :wink:

Also, good luck with the video! It will be helpful :)

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In all honesty, I merely applaud inigma for finding such a technique. I have to agree, the current boosters are pretty much obsolete IMHO, and besides, it's just a shuttle. :wink:

Also, good luck with the video! It will be helpful :)

Raw video. Take 2. Much better STS-6E flight profile, and landing. Time to cut it up, and make a vid.


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STS Astrovan is borked on the front and backend. Apparently 1.0 got rid of the nice black intakes so now the Astrovan looks like a Qbert descendent. You can replace the intakes with heatshields, but I'm working on an STS Astrovan II to replace the current model.

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I tried 6E with my usual FAR install in 1.02, and it works great! It flies better than ever, during every part of the mission, launch, ascent, orbital insertion, re entry.

Great job as ever inigma!!!

Very glad to hear it! I've not had a moment yet to test it in FAR, so this is good news! Thank you for testing and sharing!

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Completion of Enterprise's mission to Mir 2.


Enterprise undocks from Mir after a short stay to transfer consumables and take on excess waste for return to kerbin. Our scientists like to study the stuff, it's very strange...


two hours after undocking, the deorbit burn is performed.


Closing up the payload bay.


Atmospheric interface. Approaching southern tip of KSC landmass. Hitting KSC was a challenge beacuse of the station's 65 degree inclined orbit, and the fact that Mechjeb wouldn't factor in lift from the wings when I checked it to ensure I was on target. Don't worry, I didn't use any autopilot features, just the statistics readouts.


Reentry and a feeble attempt at S turns. I can't believe how not a single part came anywhere near to overheating.


Approaching KSC. I was aiming for the large plain south of the space center, beacuse I didn't want to deal with the possibility of the collision bug, nor did I want to try and turn to hit either the KSC or Island Runways. I'm sorry, I just don't have that much faith in this machine. Not yet.


Gear down, airbrakes deployed. Stay on target, stay on target...


Final approach, drag chute deployed...


My game crashed, and when I restarted, It was gone. No debris, nothing. So I can't really shouldn't call this a successful mission, but I'm going to anyway.

They landed safe, alright? nothing to see here, go home.

Edited by pTrevTrevs
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Lol pTrevs. Nice mission summary!

I've found an approch hole that if approach KSC from the NW, you will avoid the collision bug.

KSC Island has no such bug.

Hit F5 before your deorbit burn so you can redo the landings until you can perfect them.

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Lol pTrevs. Nice mission summary!

I've found an approch hole that if approach KSC from the NW, you will avoid the collision bug.

KSC Island has no such bug.

Hit F5 before your deorbit burn so you can redo the landings until you can perfect them.

Of course, I quicksaved before deorbit burn, but the game crashed when the shuttle touched down. I still claim a successful landing.

Eh, I at least I managed to hit KSC from a 65 degree orbit. Also, other than the fact that the result of the landing is unknown, I believe I have fulfilled the requirements for a Commander badge. Let me double check that though...

EDIT: No, not Commander, but Pilot. I'll get to work on making a successful landing.

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I have a question regarding the STS Service Module (Or whichever one has the Kanadarm):

So when I put the .craft file into my KSP "Ships" folder, and loaded up KSP to save it as a Subassembly, it came up with this message:

"Craft STS Service Module could not be loaded because it had the following parts missing: IRHingeTallScaleable"

I have all 4 mods installed (KIS, KAS, MagicSmokeIndustries, Tweakscale), but it won't load for me. Has this happened to anyone else, and how to I fix it?

P.S: I'm on a MacBook Pro.

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Why dont you upgrade to the new landing gear? It seems kinda stumpy

The new landing gear add ugly buldges to to wings and raise the landing height to a ridiculous level. In short, the new gear are unrealistically too big and too tall.

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Redownload Craft. If not, redownload mods. let me know if that works.

So I tried both methods, and neither one works. Unfortunately, not all the mods come with install instructions, so I just assume that they all go in the same place.

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Mods generally go in GameData folder, are the mod parts actually appearing in game?

What I have done for all 4 mods is just take out the GameData folder and put it in the KSP GameData folder.

And yes, all the mod parts show up in-game

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What I have done for all 4 mods is just take out the GameData folder and put it in the KSP GameData folder.

And yes, all the mod parts show up in-game

Do you have any other mods installed?

Also did you download the latest versions of the mods?

In my GameData folder I see the following folders:


KAS (this is 0.5.1 but I think 0.5.2 is out)

KIS (this is 1.1.4 but I think 1.1.5 is out)

MagicSmokeIndustries (this is 0.21.2)

Tweakscale (this is 2.1)

these are all required for the STS Service Module to load.

I will download the newer versions and test the STS Service Module now...

Edited by inigma
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Do you have any other mods installed?

Also did you download the latest versions of the mods?

In my GameData folder I see the following folders:


KAS (this is 0.5.1 but I think 0.5.2 is out)

KIS (this is 1.1.4 but I think 1.1.5 is out)

MagicSmokeIndustries (this is 0.21.2)

Tweakscale (this is 2.1)

these are all required for the STS Service Module to load.

I will download the newer versions and test the STS Service Module now...

I have a lot of other mods installed. I will copy what your GameData folder looks like, and see if it works for me

OK everybody can stop being concerned about me because I now have the STS service Module! Thanks for the help everybody!

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