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Observations of KSP that rhyme


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Kerbals, report for assembly now,

And let me share a tale

Of the long lost legend;

A kerbal of which to hail.

He was the founder of the space center,

Reihel was his name.

A child he had obtained one day,

Who's name was his to claim.

The child of a nameless one,

Who's whereabouts have no tracks.

But nonetheless he was here

To be treated with only fair acts.

He raised his son alone,

And they were inseparable.

His love for the unexpected

Was immeasurable.

The son grew steadily,

And worked to be like his dad.

His life was full joy and learning,

His father couldn't be more glad.

A special day was upcoming;

The first mission to Eve.

Reihels' son was quick to sign

And the youngest of his age to achieve.

The day has rolled around at last,

The rocket ready for launch.

The mystery child at the controls,

With a gift from his dad for space; a conch.

The missions launches at last,

And things look okay.

Reihel waiting patiently

For his son to return someday.

The news report rolls in one day:

"Eve challenger not going well."

The article does not predict good,

And brings details to tell.

Reihel becomes distressed,

His sons' life in jeopardy.

He fears the worst to come soon,

But he must be ready.

The articles roll in again,

Eve challenger destroyed.

No survivors found yet,

Within the vast void.

Reihel was despondent,

His son taken from him.

He had aged since his son arrived,

And his time was growing slim.

He quit working at the space center,

Too old he was getting.

The rest of his days quiet,

And these ones forgetting.

He was visited one day

By his closest colleague, Floyd.

Reihel invited him in politely,

But personal converse he would avoid.

But he couldn't stay away,

His heart pouring to the Messiah.

When asked his sons' name,

He replied: "Jebediah..."

Well that was depressing. Imma go play more Super C. I've become addicted to it.

Edited by Xannari Ferrows
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