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Duna, Rendezvous, and Orbital Emergency (storyboard/comic style)


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Outbound leg of my first manned Duna mission :) Previously ran through the mechanics in a Kerbal Construction Time simulation, but it was nice to see it all come together 'live'. Three kerbals, no nukes, no rockets over 2.5m, FAR and TAC LS, just to make things hard.

Took about a week of real-time due to my play style, so the final approach was pretty nerve jangling xD

*edit* my web hosting is out of bandwidth so I'm swapping the image links for an imgur album. Apologies for the compaction this has created; please view on Imgur for full size.

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Conspicuous mods:

- TAC life support (the reason this mission was dangerous)

- KW Rocketry (Longboat's engines)

- DMagic's Orbital Science (many of the instruments)

- Sounding Rockets (the colourful experiments)

- 6S Service Compartments (hollow space for supplies)

- Orbital Material Science (deployable orbital experiments)

- Active Struts (re-connect struts on the fly)

- SXT (cargo bay and lander engine)

...I imagine they'll be home by the end of next week. Maybe. If my delta-v and supply numbers are correct :)

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Second instalment... didn't expect to be doing this particular mission, but sometimes opportunity comes knocking! EVA shenanigans performed using Kerbal Attachment System :)

*edit* Due to bandwidth constraints, all images from this post are now part of the Imgur album in the first post.

Edited by eddiew
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I blame the designer! :huh:

*edit* Due to bandwidth constraints, all images from this post are now part of the Imgur album in the first post.

(See 4 posts down for conclusion.)

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Thanks all :) I must admit, I was genuinely worried about getting this crew home, so I let time pass quicker than I usually would and... well, this happened.

*edit* Due to bandwidth constraints, all images from this post are now part of the Imgur album in the first post.

In short, never give up just because something went wrong :D

And just for completeness... I'm down around 30-40% science return, so these are pretty big numbers, not to mention the huge chunk of cash that just came back into my budget!

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Heh, thank you. Not sure it was well executed though; it honestly wasn't my intent to dock the two ships and come back as a unit... But when I realised MechJeb and the KER module were on the wrong half of the Longboat, my inner-RPer took over from there :)

I'm rather surprised it came out well, and I'm pretty sure that KAS and Active Struts between them absolutely saved the mission ^^;

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  • 1 month later...
Hear hear, this is a great way to present a mission--just enough RP elements, and it puts the pictures in better context than vanilla Imgur. +1
I love this..

Thanks guys, glad you enjoyed it :)

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